Who is reborn? Who is in love?

136. 136 is also a friend with holding hands

Chapter 136 is also a friend with holding hands

Ye Ziqing froze after hearing Jiang Qin’s answer.

To be honest, her praise just now is actually casual polite.

In a strict sense, it is pretty good. These three words are more like a school sister’s encouragement to a student, as if people who go to the society often tell the younger brothers and sisters at home, you must study hard, in the future, in the future, in the future, in the future Like me, I took the air conditioner in the office, and then there was a house in the urban area and drove out when I went out.

Ordinary college students are grateful after hearing this sentence, but I have to say it. Thank you.

But what Ye Ziqing didn’t expect was that Jiang Qin didn’t have the kind of excitement praised by his predecessors at all, but he kept crying.

“You are still in the development stage. Premature considering that monetization may limit the direction of the future, adjust the development strategy midway for interests. This is not a wise choice.”

Jiang Qin laughed: “How can I have any development strategies, just blindly, I don’t know what the forum will do later.”

Ye Ziqing froze for a moment: “You … just want to fish?”

“Of course, I want to be bigger, and I want to be bigger. I am not stupid.

“Then you can’t focus on monetization, and promoting outward is the right way.”

“I have no money, sister, I have four teams under my hand plus two market groups that need to be supported.

Jiang Qin’s meaning is simple. If I didn’t consider monetization from the beginning, the 100 million hundred million in my hand could not support the end of the year.

Not everyone has the background of the rich second generation. Like him, he dares to start a business with a few changes. Every step is to go trembling, and he pays attention to a sustainable development.

“Everyone has everyone’s thoughts, so I wish you good luck.”

“Thank you sister, wait for me to make bigger and stronger, I hope to have the opportunity to invite you to have a meal.”

Ye Ziqing didn’t speak, and left the bathroom with a smile.

She felt that Jiang Qin’s gaze was a little short, similar to many speculators, and just wanted to occupy the land to realize it.

Such a person must be fine in a short period of time, but if he wants to become bigger and stronger, he may not even have the qualification to enter the venue.

Jiang Qin wiped his hands, threw the paper ball into the trash can, and looked at the mirror silently, why not eat meat.

Damn, I have to have money to buy meat.

When I returned to the box, the five people in the house had been packing things. Lao Cao and Ding Xue were still tired of being together, holding their arms with their arms, shoulders on their shoulders, and showing Feng Nanshu a little stupid. Back to God.

“Have you been full? Should I leave?”

“I am full.”

Feng Nan Shu followed the past, walking behind Jiang Qin, from the room to the outdoor.

In the middle and late stages of Linchuan in 2008, it led to a sense of patchwork in the entire city. In some unbroken areas, small merchants along the street like to use the red, blue and white signboard, but but After arriving at the pedestrian street, all kinds of neon lights of all kinds of light and ten colors were dazzling.

The crowd in the center of the city is bustling, and the tower cranes standing in the distance in the distance stands high, and the illusion and reality are stitched together.

“Brother, cold.”

Hearing this greasy voice, Ren Ziqiang and Zhou Chao were all shocked by the tiger’s body, and then saw that Cao Guangyu took off his jacket and put on Ding Xue’s body.

But this is not over.

After Cao Guangyu did these, he looked back at Jiang Qin, his eyes were quite provocative.

He is a bit floating now, and the self -improvement and Zhou Chao of Light are not very satisfied, and they are always eager to try to suppress Jiang Qin.

In addition, Jiang Qin was wearing a black sweater today. It is impossible to take off. This is why Lao Cao aimed at this.


Jiang Qin sneered, reached out and pulled out the key, opened the trunk, and then took a coat in the eyes of Lao Cao’s shocking eyes, and handed it to the thin little woman wearing a thin woman.

Feng Nanshu glanced at Jiang Qin: “Please help me put it on.”

“Don’t help, you wear it yourself.” Jiang Qin refused decisively.

Feng Nanshu pursed his mouth: “Brother, cold.”

Jiang Qin surrendered and had to wear her on her body. She said that she couldn’t go out with Cao Guangyu in the future. This meal, good guy, Feng Nanshu Xue’s skills than learned more than the previous eighteen years.

Also, did I have never been in love with Lao Cao? Why do you know that he is unable to do with himself?

Ren Ziqiang was full of sourness, saying that I had no cars or girlfriends, and how difficult my life was.

Looking at Zhou Chao again, although he was also envious on his face, he was full of happiness.

This is where people cannot compare.

Although Lao Zhou also wanted to find an object, his wish was not so strong, so that even if someone was in front of him, he could still feel the endless pleasure because of the two thousand meals.

But Ren Ziqiang was different. He saw Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue, saw Jiang Qin and Feng Nanshu, and then thought about the friendship between himself and Pan Xiu’s brothers and siblings.

As a result, it is now out of the field. He found that he should have no object, but he didn’t even have a happy happiness like Zhou Chao.

People are like this, pursuing higher, forgetting to be in front of them, but when they missed it, they found that they could neither pursue higher, nor kept in front of them.

“It’s only nine o’clock now, where are we going?”

“Go to the opposite park to go around, just go to eat, and eat too full to go back to sleep.” Jiang Qin pointed to the opposite Ruancheng Park.

Cao Guangyu agreed, who would like to go back to the dormitory to sleep just: “OK, Ding Xue and I still want to walk around.”

“Go, set off.”

Ren Ziqiang was a bit stunned: “How good to go back to the dormitory to sleep.”

Zhou Chao patted his shoulder later: “If Pan Xiu comes with you, would you not think so?”

“Lao Zhou, don’t talk about me outside, your swallows don’t know where to fly!”

“I gave up when I ran away, and there was another one, who was like you, entangled Pan Xiu.”

Six people have the front and rear, and they cross the road one after another, and then pierce into the opposite park. Walking on the path embedded with pebbles, the soles of the feet are a bit comfortable. Essence

Cao Guangyu and Ding Xue walked at the front, thinking in their mouths, recalling the time when the two had just met.

do you remember? For the first time, you left a message under my post, and his mouth was fucking, so fucking cute.

Ding Xue said that I saw such an exaggerated post at that time, and the scolding heart was about to move, but then I saw that you helped the old lady write posts, and I felt that you were not nothing.

“Laojiang, how did you and Feng Nanshu know?”

Jiang Qinxin said that I can go to you. If you are willing to show off, why do you have to let us enter the role of couple?

Feng Nanshu said softly next to him: “I read a book in the library, he kicked me.”

“My grass, Jiang Qin, your talked about the toss is so clever!”

After a meal, Ding Xue and them were more familiar, and her mouth closed her mouth.

Like Jiang Qianxue Xiao Fu’s wife, he put on an expression that had no expression: “I was too fascinated when reading books at that time, but I didn’t pay attention, but I later bought a drink and apologized.”

“Then what?”

“Then we became friends.”

“Then the water is complete?”

After listening to the eyebrows, Jiang Qin stood up: “A chicken, and later we became a good friend of a lifetime!”

“It’s weird …”

Ding Xue murmured in Cao Guangyu’s ear: “Did the two of them fall in love?”

Cao Guangyu shook his head: “Jiang Qin didn’t know what was the disease. When he first started, he opened his mouth and closed his mouth.

“Okay, don’t force it. Ren Ziqiang was smashed by dog food. He was honestly scattered. Have you ever considered the feeling of single dogs?” Jiang Qin interrupted the two of them.

Ren Ziqiang was a little grateful: “Brother Jiang still distressed me.”

But if you do n’t speak, you do n’t speak. Some of the couples of Lao Cao show their face.

For example, when they walked halfway, they suddenly found a small pond on the east side. The flat water surface reflected the bright moon wheels in the sky. It was appropriate to describe the four words of the lotus pond.

Ding Xue suddenly came with interest. She had to walk around the edge of the pond, but because she was darker around, she was afraid that she would accidentally step on the empty, so she asked Cao Guangyu to pull her hand below.

“Damn, this is OK?”

“I think I made an idol drama? I haven’t considered our feelings!”

Zhou Chao and Ren Ziqiang were not sour, but it was Cao Guangyu’s extremely provocative eyes.

However, the two people’s strolls at the pond below the moon are indeed romantic, and it is no wonder that the two of them howlled the two.

Even Feng Nanshu couldn’t help raising his face and glanced at Jiang Qin quietly.

However, Jiang Qin was also talking to Zhou Ren. If no one was despised by the side of Lao Cao, he was at all on her.

Xiao Fu’s wife was silent, and she walked over by her own, carefully stepped on the pond, and followed the back of Ding Xue lightly.

The evening wind of the autumn night was very cold, and the lake was wrinkled slightly.

Xiao Fu’s mother -in -law stared at her toes and stepped forward in a way. As a result, Ding Xue in front of her walked and suddenly shook, it was frightened, and she was not stable with herself.

Just under this panic, Feng Nanshu suddenly felt that his hand was holding, and then he was tightly held, and a feeling of warmth and warmth came, which made people feel at ease.

She turned her head and found that Jiang Qin had come to herself, holding herself with one hand, and the other hand, and she was protecting behind herself.

“It’s finished after falling, it’s deep, hurry up.”

“I want to play for a while.” Feng Nanshu’s eyes were bright.

Jiang Qin didn’t speak, but did not let go, holding the delicate little hand of Xiao Fu’s wife slowly.

Cao Guangyu glanced back and satirized: “What about a good friend? Dog thief!”

“We don’t have ten fingers, and the Buddha is also a friend!”

Jiang Qin hugged, and he walked forward with his rich woman stepped forward. The tight hand was smooth and soft, and the girl who was held was full of pleasure.

Ren Ziqiang watched this scene like a lightning attack, and said that Brother Jiang, your fucking enemy is too fast!

Beauty plan, proper beauty plan!

Come some monthly tickets, see what the child is hungry! Intersection

(This chapter is finished)

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