Who is reborn? Who is in love?

138. 138 The Linchuan Forum is a bit panicked

Chapter 138 The Linchuan Forum is a bit panic

“Boss, why are you like this? They just made the yin and yang strange just now that they were disgusting us. Do you even participate in their activities?”

“Don’t say something on the road, go back and discuss.”

Jiang Qin stopped everyone’s vomiting, waved his hand, and returned from the college supermarket to the entrepreneurial base from the college supermarket.

These days, the autumn is strong, and the windows are opened in 208. The body feels a little colder than the corridor.

Everyone returned to their respective stations and intends to listen to the boss’s next counterattack.

Damn, copy the activities we have worked hard, pick our labor fruit, and be so arrogant. Who can tolerate this?

You know, when the school flower contest was held for the first time, many people in the team worked overtime late at night.

Especially Dong Wenhao, Pang Hai, and Lu Xuemei, such as East School, are inconvenient to go back and forth. Sometimes they sleep directly in the office in order to change the manuscript.

The Linchuan Forum is good, use it, and there is no king.

Su Nai’s anger has not yet disappeared, and even the action of sitting on a stool was a little fierce, making the whole office creak.

The naive and bloody college students have to control the nosy, not to mention that others are bullied at the door. No one except Jiang Qin has no way to restore calm in a short time.

“Boss, smashed the shop or splash paint, I first went up!” Luffy yelled just when he sat down.

After hearing it, Yang Shuai denied his proposal: “It is easy for the shop to smash the shop. So, I will burn boiling water now and pour their fortune trees for a while!”

Jiang Qin’s eyebrows picked: “Okay, just send you two of them to go to Bobo Er and Borg Blong, rest assured, the pressure on the rear will be held by me.”

After listening to Luffy, Luffy’s face stiffened: “Boss, I just said, there are more components of bragging.”

“The boss is too, I’m all bragging just now.” Yang Shuai sat back and sat back on the chair.

“So, don’t make themselves like the young and confused. Their activities are mostly unable to do it, so don’t care too much.”


“There is a essential difference between choosing school flowers and school tyrants. Which girl is beautiful is a problem that college students pay attention to in their daily lives. It has a strong entertainment, just like a boys’ dormitory discussion every night, it is a kind of Active behavior, but will the boys’ dormitory discuss learning every night? ”

Hearing Jiang Qin’s words, Lu Feiyu and Yang Shuai fell into thought.

Discussion in the dormitory every night?

The XXX in our class, the problem of solving the problem is too hanging.

There are no birds to solve the problem, and it must be XX. The learning habits are too strong. I do n’t leave my hands. I am envious.

Do you know XXX? That little girl went to the library every morning, and the dormitory closed at night.

Everyone, I can’t sleep anyway, let’s recite English poems once!

I have a video essence of Professor XX here. You lock the door and let us secretly appreciate it.

I bought a postgraduate cheats yesterday. It ’s not good, and fucks have illustrations!

I grass, this fucking is too evil, such a dormitory is where people stay.

“I understand, there will be no traffic without discussion, and there will be no heat without differences?”

Jiang Qin nodded, and then added a little afterwards: “In addition, the selection of school flowers is because everyone’s concept of face value is different, and it is easy to cause differences. You can learn from the test. How can you vote through the website?”

Su Nai blinked: “Can’t you?”

Lu Xuemei is able to understand: “Ling University’s hospitals have scholarships every year, and some have participated in various competitions to win prizes. I am afraid it is difficult to serve the crowd by voting alone.”

“What do they do in this game?”

“Pure marketing is to attract attention, but they should think too much, learning can also attract attention? What international jokes.”

Su Nai froze and then turned on the computer: “But the boss, dozens of people have signed up on the forum, they have not even issued the leaflet.”

Luffy said after a long while thinking: “Ling University’s style of learning is still very strong. Even if there is no enthusiasm for school flowers, this activity will definitely participate in this event and will not be able to do it.

Lu Xuemei also nodded: “I wrote it on the website. This is the first public school study competition in Ling University. The gold content is estimated to be very high.”

“What if you don’t give a credit?”


“What if it is not the official honor recognized by Ling University?”


“No one knows if you say it?”


Lu Feiyu stunned: “I can’t even give a credentials? This is also an honor that sounds very hanging.”

Su Nai couldn’t help but intervene: “Yeah, the boss, the campus forum was founded by the four major universities. A study competition cannot be given without even credits.”

Jiang Qin sighed: “I told you before that I have to learn to see the essence through the phenomenon. Now I will take you to test you. What is the essence of this activity?”

Yang Shuai was cold for a long time, and said with confidence: “Essentialness is a competition.”

Jiang Qinzheng took a bite: “What is the difference between this and I look handsome? You can see it with your eyes. Do you still need to say it? Next!”

“This is … business activity?”

“Well, Xuemei is right. The essential significance of this competition is actually a business activity. The purpose is to promote and pull guests. If you can buy votes to buy milk tea, you can exchange credits with more votes. ? Do you think the real school hegemony agrees? If this is big, who dares to take this responsibility? ”

Lu Feiyu’s mouth was crooked: “I have no credits, not a formal honor. I co -authored for a long time, and I got such a tall name. It was also the first school -wide learning competition. Is the prize to learn a car half -price? ”

Su Nai pursed his mouth: “Then why are there anyone signed up?”

“Because everyone is like you, I feel that the old forum is serious and serious. Suddenly, it is definitely a great honor to engage in a game. At least there will be a lot of credits to earn. As long as everyone misunderstands this, the source of the customer, the college supermarket and the driving driving school The purpose of the purpose is achieved. As for the result, they don’t care, just like who we don’t care about the school flower. ”

“I grass, they are too bad, it’s almost beasts!”

Jiang Qin’s old face was dark: “You don’t talk about a gun with a stick, I suspect you are scolding me, but we do n’t even have a half -price learning car to learn a car.”

Lu Xuemei disagreed: “People with the name of school flower with their own aura. I can still hear people discuss what the first school flower is spent. Boys can also say that the school of Lingda school was held by me. What is the use of learning stars? It is voted in itself. The winner may not even have been taken by a scholarship, and they are embarrassed to go out and pretend. ”

“Xuemei, you will comfort people, you really grow up, and you are already a big girl.”

“Boss, you will praise others. I didn’t expect it. At that time, you said that my little girl was young, and how could she be blind.” Lu Xuemei sneered.

Jiang Qin immediately shifted the topic and swept across everyone’s face sharply: “Everyone, as a college student in the new era, can we ignore the classmates?”

Su Nai shook his head: “No, you must tell them the truth!”

“Yes, so we want everyone to know that this game is not, pure advertising marketing.”

“How to do it?”

“Since it is deliberate vaguely, and we also have a gimmick such as the first competition in the whole school, we have to let them stand up to admit that we have nothing. This award may not even recognize the school. This is purely for marketing. ”

“It’s too difficult, how could they listen to us?” Su Nai couldn’t figure it out.

Jiang Qin smiled slightly, turned on the computer, and opened a discussion post on the official old forum.

“Shock! It is said that the gold content of the learning star competition is huge, and the top ten can be directly insured and register quickly! ”

After Jiang Qin opened the post, he looked back at the crowd: “Everyone goes to me, and reply to the content below under the post.”

“Impossible, Baoyan is fake, but according to insider, the gold content of this competition will definitely top a provincial competition!”

“Gigong Internet cafes upstairs, how can I hear that the top ten of the Star of learning will become an important benchmark for professors to choose students?”

“Not so exaggerated, it will seriously affect the ownership of scholarships.”

“The winner of the Star of Learning will be interviewed by the Linchuan Youth Daily. This newspaper has a lot of gold content, which will be very helpful for future education selection.”

Jiang Qin squeezed his throat and imitated many people to speak, one by one tone, confident and elegant.


Seeing this scene, although the 208 people were puzzled, they still did not only leave a message, but also made a drainage in their own forum.

Half an hour later, in a comprehensive office, the administrator responsible for the old forum noticed Jiang Qin’s post, and then panicked after ordering.

Damn, who said it can be studied?

Better fucking scholarship, newspaper interview?

This group of students is crazy, what posture can make such a dream? Normal people’s brains can’t believe it!

However, students who do not know the truth are excited, especially the kind of uncomfortable learning. I usually dare not think about scholarships, but this time I can have a ticket to have it.

As a result, countless questions about the message were densely paved.

Clear and stupid college students can easily scratch the whirlwind under this guidance.

The scalp of the administrator was a bit numb. When they planned the activities, they deliberately did not make these things clearly, the purpose was to ensure the enthusiasm of students’ participation.

But … now the impact is getting bigger and bigger, and the blowing is becoming more and more outrageous.

“Teacher Li, Teacher Li, come and take a look at this. I don’t know who passed on the rumors, saying that the competition we run can be guaranteed.”


The Linchuan Forum is a forum co -founded by the four major universities. The person in charge of Lin University is the teacher Li.

He glanced at the content of the post, and his eyelids jumped.

“Hurry up and make a clarification that Baoyan is all rumors. This is just a game organized in order to lead the learning atmosphere. The purpose is to mobilize everyone’s learning enthusiasm. There is no other meaning!”

“Then … then no one will participate in the game, right?”

“No one must be clarified if no one participates. What if someone is in trouble at the end of the game? Now I will not explain it, but I will not be explained in the future!”

(This chapter is finished)

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