When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 981: An accidental crush

Zhao Buzhu's face instantly turned black like a fungus after being tortured by others.

The big centipede on the other side also recovered from the shock at the beginning because Chen Ping'an suddenly passed there.

But it didn't take long for God to pass this time, and the next moment it was stupid again, its head as big as a locomotive went down directly.

It also saw Chen Pingan's cultivation at this time.

When he saw that moment, he even wondered if he had been "bullied" too much just now, and he was so angry that he had hallucinations, so it was like this.

Because in its eyes, Chen Ping'an's cultivation aura at this moment is too incredible!

This is already stronger than its boss, the ancestor-level ancient beast Qingzi among their ancient beasts! ! !

Inside Chen Ping'an's ring.

After Duan Xinxin and the Chaos Pearl spirit body saw Chen Ping'an's body, they had completely relaxed, and their hearts were completely stable.

"Huh, it's safe now." Chaos Pearl Spirit Body looked at Duan Xinxin and smiled.

Duan Xinxin's face was relieved, and her pale face because of the injury began to gradually turn ruddy at this moment, and said, "I didn't expect his body to come, I thought it was just kitchen knives and those utensils."

Kitchen knives and other utensils are still a little dangerous, but they can also relieve a lot of pressure.

When the main body comes over, there is nothing to do, they just lie down and wait for the end of the matter.

Zhen Mei swallowed droolingly after listening to the two of them.

She stared blankly at the picture outside the ring, looking at Chen Pingan's aura of cultivation, she just rubbed her eyes a few times before she was willing to stop.

After confirming that she was not mistaken, she forgot how to speak for a while, as if the speaking ability she learned at the age of two was suddenly taken away, or her mouth was suddenly blocked by something strange.

What kind of realm is this!

Is this still the ancestral realm?

With this cultivation base, why don't you directly press the ancestors of the Grandmist Realm and rub them on the ground? !

She hadn't returned to the Hongmeng Realm for some time, and now looking at this scene, she wondered if the Hongmeng Realm where she used to live was no longer called the Hongmeng Realm, and it just changed the sky.

Chen Ping'an was not afraid of Zhao Buzhu's escape. At this time, he did not rush to attack, but waved one hand. The next moment, a black hole appeared beside him.

"Just now you bullied more, didn't you, then you have the ability to continue!"

As soon as his words passed, one figure after another began to emerge from the black hole.

The kitchen knife flew out of the black hole with a bunch of utensils.

in a blink.

The kitchen knife and Fan Yixuan were already standing behind Chen Ping'an.

After Fan Yixuan came out, she immediately asked, "Brother-in-law, where is my sister?!"

She looked anxious.

Duan Xinxin in the ring looked at her sister and flew out of the ring directly.

"I'm here." Duan Xinxin stroked her hair with her hand and smiled bitterly.

After Fan Yixuan saw her sister, she flew in front of her in the blink of an eye, her face still very nervous. After a careful observation, she was sure that her sister was fine, and she let out a long sigh of relief.

But looking at her sister's embarrassed appearance, her pink fists were already clenched into a ball.

The other artifacts were also looking at Duan Xinxin at this time.

Seeing the current appearance of his mistress, all of them gritted their teeth and cast their eyes on the ancient beast group not far away.

At this moment, their eyes are all red!

A group of ancient beasts watched the kitchen knives carefully when they appeared.

They found that in this group of artifacts, only the aura of kitchen knives reached the realm of respect for ancestors, while the auras of other artifacts were very weak.

Even, the weakest is only the middle lord!

Therefore, they ignored these artifacts, because in their eyes, it was easy to kill these artifacts.

The biggest difficulty in front of them now is Chen Pingan!

At this time, Chen Ping'an said coldly: "Listen to me! I will try my best to live! But it can be disabled or stunned. It is best to let them know what it means to be in pain!!"

A group of utensils shouted when they heard this.

"Follow orders!!"

The neat voice suddenly resounded through the sky, causing the dark clouds that had slowly gathered to be scattered all of a sudden.

Just as these dark clouds are alive and frightened.

A group of ancient beasts listened to the voices of those artifacts and didn't care.

Chen Ping'an looked at the kitchen knife: "Go and deal with the garbage that honors the ancestors."

The kitchen knife's gaze instantly shifted to the big centipede, and then nodded, his eyes flashing with a cold red light.

"Go!!" Chen Ping'an was too lazy to waste any more time, and said directly.

As soon as his voice passed, the next moment, the objects behind him began to riot.

Obviously there are not as many ancient beasts over there, and even their number is not even 1% of the ancient beasts over there, but the momentum is not too scary.

And after Chen Ping'an gave the order, he didn't move, and his eyes didn't look at any ancient beast over there, but only stared at Zhao Buzhu.

"How do you want to die?"

Chen Pingan said coldly across the air.

Zhao Buzhu gritted his teeth, his face gloomy like water.

He knew that this time he lost a lot of money.

On his side, no matter how many ancient beasts there are, they will definitely not be able to compete with Chen Ping'an.

Even though those artifacts were weak, Chen Ping'an was too strong, and no amount of lord peak ancient beasts could stop Chen Ping'an's attack!

Now all he can do is run away!

But Chen Ping'an's eyes locked on him, can he escape?

The answer is extremely difficult!

In other words, it is as difficult as reaching the sky!

But he has to try!

He shouted: "Come here for me! Stop him!!"

After he yelled, the whole person began to retreat, and he wanted to fly to the group of lord peak ancient beasts that he controlled.

As long as he flies to the hundreds of lord peak ancient beasts, let these ancient beasts attack Chen Ping'an with their lives like moths to flames, buy him some time, maybe he will have a chance to escape!

However, as soon as he finished shouting, he turned around and flew, and found that a figure had appeared on the road ahead of him to escape!

Chen Ping'an stood there coldly, as if he had been standing here just now!

Zhao Buzhu's heart skipped a beat.

And this is not over yet, the figure of Chen Ping'an in front of him flashed again, and the next moment, he was already in front of him, and he stretched out an arm, which instantly pinched him on the neck!

This hand was like a pair of iron pliers, locking his neck deadly.

"Uh..." Zhao Buzhu was in pain, his face instantly flushed red, and it spread all the way to his neck.

Chen Pingan grabbed Zhao Buzhu's neck with one hand, as if he was carrying a chicken, his face was very indifferent.

"Do you think you can escape?"

An emotionless voice sounded.

"You dare to move my woman too?!"

Then a cold voice that was frozen into the bone marrow pierced into Zhao Buzhu's ear.

Zhao Buzhu grabbed Chen Ping'an's hand with both hands, trying to break free, but found it useless at all.

At this time, he discovered another thing that made him extremely terrified.

He saw that because of his roar just now, all the lord peak ancient beasts who were about to fly to him to save him, actually none of them could get close to this side!

Because, if these ancient beasts want to come here, they must pass through the kitchen knives and their utensils.

However, in front of the tools like kitchen knives, they are all ancient beasts at the peak of the lord, and they are stronger than those tools, but in front of these tools, or in front of the tools in the middle of the lord, they are all vulnerable!

As soon as they approached, they were directly crushed by the utensils and photographed the ground! !

There is no exception! !

It was an unsurprising crush! ! !

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