When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 982: The secret of that world

Zhao Buzhu, who was restrained, watched this scene, his mind was already ethereal, and he only felt extraordinarily dreamy.

how so!

Obviously, the cultivation of these people has not reached the peak of the lord, why can they press them on the ground when they see the ancient beasts of the peak of the lord? !

Where is this ancient beast facing the peak of the lord, this is just like seeing a group of bear children from the next house rushing, one punch, two at most plus one kick, three directly blowing saliva Into the eyes of the other party, and then let the bear child fall to the ground and call his mother!

This is total crushing!

It's not just Zhao Buzhu who has lost his mind because of this scene.

A group of ancient beasts looked at the invincible combat power of the rooster and hoe, and just looked at their red eyes, and their huge bodies began to tremble.

If these ancient beasts at the peak of the lord had been controlled by Zhao Buzhu, his words made them instinctively obey, and they all wanted to turn their heads and fled.

But they couldn't escape, because Zhao Buzhu didn't give them a new order to let them escape, so they could only bite the bullet and seek abuse.

That's right, it's looking for abuse!

No ancient beast can withstand a blow from this group of people!

Not one!

On the big centipede's side, at this moment, it is also suspicious of life when it looks at this scene.

It just saw that Chen Ping'an didn't take it as a target, and thought that he still had a chance to escape. After all, the strength of the kitchen knife was still much worse than the current Chen Ping'an.

At the moment of the war, it turned decisively and left.

Don't care what happened to Zhao Buzhu, a dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist, and it is now scolding Zhao Buzhu in his heart.

If it weren't for this guy, would this disaster befall him?

It was this guy who brought this group of perverted guys to his side!

However, it has no chance to escape at all, because it is facing a kitchen knife.

It just turned around and was about to sneak away, and the next moment it found that the kitchen knife was standing still in front of it!

Looking at this scene, its body trembled a few times, as if it was attacked a few times by a long and sharp weapon somewhere behind it.

what happened!

This idea popped into his mind at the time.

Because the kitchen knife was still on that side a moment ago, how come the next moment has arrived in the direction it is about to escape!

This **** is a ghost!

The kitchen knife's eyes flashed red, and he said solemnly, "How do you want to die?"

The big centipede suddenly pointed behind the kitchen knife and shouted: "Look! There is a beautiful woman who is not wearing any clothes!"

After that, it waited for the kitchen knife to turn around and look, and then prepared to rush down at a very fast speed, submerging into the desert.

In the desert, its escape speed will be faster.

But just as it was about to escape, it found that it suddenly stopped moving!

"Uh..." The big centipede found that its tail was being held by some creature dozens of times its size. No matter how hard it tried, it couldn't be pulled off.

The kitchen knife grabbed the big centipede's tail with one hand and said indifferently, "Clown!"

After he finished speaking, he started directly.

Dare to hurt their mistress, then die!

The other hand of the kitchen knife instantly changed into a hand knife, and then slammed it towards the body of the big centipede.

The soul of the big centipede has been scared to the point of leaving the body, and there is no idea of ​​resistance at all, and only wants to escape. Now it is like a target, and it is attacked by the kitchen knife without resistance.

I saw that its armor, which had been beaten to some extent by Duan Xinxin before, cracked in an instant, and its body was directly divided into two.


Severe pain occupied the big centipede's brain, and after a roar, its vitality quickly faded.

Half of his body also fell on the desert, and the blood stained the red sand.

The ancient centipede beasts heard this roar and looked at them one after another.

Seeing that his boss was dead, he was instantly saddened by the death of the rabbit, and at the same time he was even more determined to escape.

But it's no use trying to escape now.

Because some objects are already free, start to round them up!

This is a massacre without any suspense, and they only end up being captured!

the other side.

Zhao Buzhu looked at his own situation, and was already disheartened, knowing that he had no way to escape.

He still blushed and felt an unprecedented sense of frustration, but he still gritted his teeth and said, "Chen Pingan, don't think you can kill me like this!"

Chen Ping'an still looked indifferent. The reason why he didn't kill Zhao Buzhu when he was under control was to show him that the result of the opponent's full strength was so unbearable!

But now that he heard the other party say this, he frowned slightly.

Don't think that will kill you?

Chen Ping'an narrowed his eyes, knowing that the other party still had the means to save his life.

As soon as he had this thought, he responded quickly.

Can't let the other party die!

Imprison him forever!


He hadn't made the steps yet, the next moment, Zhao Buzhu burst into laughter.

"See you next time, it will be your death! I will control millions of ancient beasts and slaughter you!!"

Zhao Buzhu let out a loud roar, and then his whole body slammed.

He even blew himself up for no reason.

It turned into a cloud of red blood.

Chen Ping'an's eyes narrowed into slits, and with one hand, he quickly used his ability to trap the blood mist.

It's just that there is nothing to stop the blood mist, and it overflows his energy in an instant, and then sinks into the void like liquid seeps into loose soil!

Everything looks amazing!

Chen Ping'an stood there and didn't move, watching this scene.

There was shock on his face now.

Not because of the magic of this method, but more because, when the blood mist overflowed his energy just now, he saw a touch of Dao Ze texture!

That's right, it was the Taoist texture on the face of the stone statue of the kitchen knife not long ago!

Is this a secret technique belonging to a higher world? !

"This guy! What did he get!" Chen Pingan groaned.

Zhao Buzhu can control so many ancient beasts of the peak of the lord, it is already very difficult, but this guy even has such a magical secret technique.

This must have come from somewhere and got something!

When Chen Pingan was thinking.

The battle over there was gradually beginning to come to an end.

Duan Xinxin is not far from Chen Ping'an at the moment. She also saw what happened to Zhao Buzhu just now. She flew to Chen Ping'an and said, "Xiang Gong, what's the matter with him?!"

Chen Pingan said: "I escaped for him, but it's only for this time, next time he has to die!"

Chen Ping'an didn't believe that Zhao Buzhu could always use this kind of secret technique, and he also believed that it would cost a lot for him to perform this kind of secret technique, otherwise he could use it from the beginning.

Also, Zhao Buzhu said before he left that he would control all the ancient beasts to kill him in the future, which would be best.

Humans and ancient beasts will eventually fight.

Zhao Buzhu is standing on the side of the ancient beast, then he will lead the human race and kill him again!

Chen Ping'an looked at the battle situation at this time, and seeing that the artifacts had knocked out the ancient beasts, he said directly: "Catch them all! Bring them back to the Hongmeng Realm, and use them to practice for others before the ancient beasts invade. !"

Among the human race, many people have never encountered ancient beasts. There are nearly 3,000 ancient beasts here, and they are all ancient beasts in the lord realm, so you can make good use of them!

The kitchen knives and other utensils nodded one after another, and now their eyes gradually returned to their normal colors, and they began to clean up the battle situation.

And far away in one direction.


An ancient beast hid extremely secretly and secretly watched the situation on Chen Ping'an's side, and his body trembled.


It is the imposing Qingzi ancient beast who is ready to come to teach the big centipede a lesson.

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