When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 980: Invincible body kill

Chen Pingan responded indifferently to the ancient beasts in front of him, ignoring the attacks of the ancient beasts behind him.

He has roughly estimated the degree of injury he can bear, and there will be no accident before attacking the big centipede.

Moreover, his goal is also simple, just do one thing, that is, wait!

The big centipede watched Chen Ping's attack like a broken bamboo, cried and shouted, and ordered his men to block, but it ran wildly behind him.

It thinks that the human race is **** lunatic!

In the ring space, at this moment, Duan Xinxin's injury has been stabilized with the help of the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body.

They could see the situation outside, and at this moment she frowned as she watched her husband do the same thing as she did not long ago.

She knew that it wasn't her husband's body that came here, but a clone. Looking at this scene now, she didn't know how long her husband's clone would last.

Especially Zhao Buzhu also called out so many ancient beasts of the peak of the lord!

Her husband's avatar will eventually be the same as her not long ago, there will be times when he can't withstand the attack, and even if he kills the big centipede, they can't escape.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body felt Duan Xinxin's worries, and she was also a little worried now, staring at the situation outside, but she calmed down to ease the atmosphere, and comforted: "Don't be afraid, the chopper is going back to rescue the soldiers, all he needs is If we can resist until the rescue troops arrive, then we will be fine!"

After hearing that the chopper went back to rescue the soldiers, Duan Xinxin's heart became calmer, but the situation in front of her was still very serious.

Because she didn't know whether her husband's clone could last until that time.

Zhen Mei, who was on the side, looked at the battle outside foolishly, and her legs trembled just looking at the overwhelming picture.

And now listening to the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and the others, she is very nervous.

In my heart, I pray that Chen Ping'an, the big guy, can hold out until the rescuer arrives.

Of course, she is also watching every blow Chen Ping'an makes now, and she is here for this reason.

If he made a breakthrough, he would be able to play a role. Unlike now, he could only hide and pray here.

It's only when they're all thinking about the same thing.

At the same time, the three found that the situation outside began to go wrong.

I saw Chen Pingan, who was desperately attacking the big centipede, suddenly stopped attacking.

You know, he has just broken through the ancient beasts that came to block the big centipede, and he is about to attack the big centipede.

Why did it stop suddenly?

Zhen Mei couldn't understand this.

And Duan Xinxin and the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body, who were still worried, saw this scene, and their eyes suddenly lit up.

At this time, they all began to exhale a suffocating breath.

never mind!

Rescue is here!

This was the first thought that came into their minds when they saw Chen Ping'an suddenly stop at a critical moment.


At this moment, Chen Ping'an just broke through a group of ancient beasts blocking the giant centipede with his efforts, and was about to meet the giant centipede, but he suddenly stopped attacking and stood still.

He turned to look in one direction.

The other ancient beasts who were attacking Chen Ping'an watched Chen Ping'an suddenly turn around and looked at them. They were all startled when they wanted to continue attacking, and stopped attacking, then quickly retreated behind them.

The reason why they dared to attack Chen Ping'an desperately was because they saw that Chen Ping'an was only catching a big centipede to attack.

Now this guy turned his head, maybe he was going to kill them!

The big centipede's heartbeat had already jumped to the throat. Seeing that Chen Ping'an was about to kill him, he was about to stop to heal and fight against Chen Ping'an.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, Chen Ping'an did not attack anymore, which made his eyes light up, ready to take advantage of Chen Ping'an's back to make a killing move!


It hasn't used the attack yet. The next moment, Chen Ping'an banged and exploded directly on the spot.

turned into a ray of light.

Seeing this scene, the big centipede was dumbfounded.

How is this going!

This scene made his eyes go blank and stayed in place for a while.

The rays of light appeared quickly and left quickly, and in the blink of an eye, they flashed and disappeared in the pile of ancient beasts.

The big centipede quickly shifted its gaze and looked in one direction.

That's where Zhao Buzhu was heading!

The light is going over there!

The big centipede thought it was Chen Ping'an's method, and before the light flew to Zhao Buzhu, he shouted: "That brother! Be careful!"

It's just that it just finished shouting, and the next moment is dumbfounded, and there are some words left in its mouth, which can't be said at this time.

Because he found that the light had not reached Zhao Buzhu at this moment, but behind Zhao Buzhu, there was already a handsome man!

This man is none other.

It was Chen Pingan who was about to attack it just now!

"This!!!" The big centipede's head seemed to be stuffed with garbled characters, and it was a little bit unable to react.

What's the matter!

What kind of means is this human race boy, he was attacking them in front of them just now, but why did he get there in the next moment!

Moreover, the light hasn't reached there yet!

When the big centipede was sluggish, the light had already flown to Chen Ping'an, and then disappeared into Chen Ping'an's body.

At this time, a ring suddenly appeared on his hand.

Looking at the ring, Chen Pingan, who had just arrived here, was sure that his daughter-in-law was not in danger.

But the expression on his face was still not very good.

Because he already knew from the clone what happened here just now!

He glanced at Zhao Buzhu, and then at the big centipede in the ancient beast group.

His eyes were full of murderous intent.

Today, this person and beast must die!

Zhao Buzhu had already turned around at this time.

When he heard Chen Ping'an's voice behind him, he was motionless like a withered rotten tree.

He now finally knows why Chen Ping'an looked so weak just now!

It's not what happened to him, the cultivation base has weakened,

However, this **** is not the real Chen Pingan!

Now, he looked at Chen Ping'an standing behind him, all the saliva in his mouth had been swallowed into his stomach.

What kind of cultivation is this! ! !

In the Hongmeng Realm, he had never seen such a terrifying cultivation aura! !

At this moment, Chen Ping'an stood there, making him feel like an unattainable mountain, and he was like an ant under the mountain!

Not the same level at all!

"You...what's the matter with you!" Zhao Buzhu exhausted his strength to suckle before he stammered out a sentence.

Chen Ping'an looked at Zhao Buzhu, clenched his fists, dared to hit his wife, pay attention, today, the King of Heaven is here, and he can't save this guy!

He said coldly: "Dead man, you don't need to know too much!"

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