When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 958: finally come

The three of them really couldn't study anything, and finally Wanfa Zunzu looked at Lan Yuanzunzu and smiled bitterly: "Lan Yuan, why don't you send a letter to your friend, and then ask your friend to ask the senior to see how to open it. Is this void passage?"

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly fell silent.

The brief silence made the Ancestor Wanfa suddenly wake up.

He also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

He actually said the word "senior" in front of the ancestor Lan Yuan!

In fact, this is also human nature. During the time he was alone with Wujie Zunzu, he kept talking about Chen Ping'an.

And because Wujie Zunzu began to change Chen Ping's name of Wudi Zunzu to senior, he also changed his words.

He also talked a lot with Wujie Zunzu, and he said it smoothly.

Now, he accidentally forgot that Lan Yuanzun didn't know that they knew about Chen Ping'an's situation!

You know, they know that the ancestor of Lan Yuan called Chen Ping'an as his senior. It was Wujie Zun's brother-in-law who overheard Lan Yuan's heart.

He quickly looked at Zun Lan Yuan and Zun Wu Xie, wanting to see how they were doing, and prayed that Zun Lan Yuan found nothing.

However, after he looked, he found that both of them were staring at him blankly.

He knew things were going to be difficult.

He quickly smiled and scratched his head, and explained forcefully: "Invincible Zunzu is so strong, I have decided to call him a senior! Only in this way can I express my respect for him!"

Hearing this far-fetched and embarrassing explanation, Wu Xie Zunzu covered his forehead.

Zunzu Lan Yuan squinted his eyes, but didn't study it in depth, or pointed out the pretence of Zunzu Wanfa, believing that they should also know that the other party was a boss from Chen Ping'an.

After nodding, he took out the messenger treasure that contacted Murong Gong and asked Murong Gong to ask.

At the moment, Murong Palace was in a large hall, staying with some old friends.

Among them, Mo Huang, Wu Yuandong and Chen Yi were there.

Mo Huang listened to this and tried to say: "On Earth, generally opening some virtual doors or something is controlled by voice, such as opening a sesame."

Chen Yi smiled and nodded: "Haha, indeed, Open Sesame is a childhood stalk."

After Murong Gong heard this, his eyes narrowed, as if he had thought of something, and suddenly said: "You said, could this be arranged by the seniors? Under the control of the seniors, now you say these words after Lan Yuan said this, I think this is likely to be the case, otherwise it would not be so coincidental!"

After saying this, Murong Gong didn't wait for Chen Yi and the others to reply, and directly said through Chuanbaobao and Lan Yuan Zunzu: "You go to the empty passage and try to open the door by shouting sesame seeds."

Listening to Murong Gong's words, Lan Yuan's group leader raised a question mark.

Open Sesame?

He blinked, then tried to shout something toward the front of the cliff.

next moment.

Strange things happened.

A black void passage suddenly appeared.

"Fuck! Lao Gong, you're right!" Ancestor Lan Yuan exclaimed.

Across a long distance, Murong Gong listened to Lan Yuanzun's words, and showed a calm and confident smile: "What do you say, after all, I am the number one chess piece."

Chen Yi, Mo Huang and the others looked at this scene with dull expressions.

The admiration for the Murong Palace began to flow incessantly.


at the foot of the mountain.

Chen Pingan and Duan Xinxin were surrounded by water.

Li Mei didn't waste any more time, just for fear of an accident.

After all, there is an extra Duan Xinxin at this moment, and there may not be other people coming next time!

First subdue Chen Ping'an and use the puppet technique. At that time, his combat power will become stronger, and any accidents can be solved steadily!

"Let's go together!" Li Mei shouted, and started to move.

But when he took a step.

At the cave, a violent shout suddenly sounded.

"I see who of you dares!"

As soon as this shout sounded, it instantly attracted all the ancestors who were ready to start, and even Li Mei stopped.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body stood at the entrance of the cave, looking like an old lady had done it all.

She was afraid of death, but she couldn't do it if she didn't come out now. Anyway, she died standing up, or lying down, both horizontally and vertically.

And she was a little nervous when a group of people looked at her.

However, she still forced herself to straighten her back and made a deep voice to attract everyone's attention, saying: "If you guys dare to move, the old lady will directly detonate the source that exists in the body, and then everyone will destroy this **** world together!! !"

Said, she directly revealed that she existed in the body, but did not absorb the power of the source.

It is difficult for her to absorb these origins.

These origins are actually stored in her body. She only acts as a storage medium and wants to absorb these origins instantly. Only she safely returns to the Chaos Bead and allows the Chaos Bead to absorb it instantly.

At that time, under the promotion of Chaos Bead, she can also improve her strength.

Feeling the extreme power of the source, everyone was stunned.

Li Mei also looked at this scene stupidly.

"How can this guy have so much Origin Power! That statue doesn't have so much in it!! Also, can these Origin Powers be detonated?!" He had never heard that Origin Power could be detonated, but Seeing the decisive appearance of the Chaos Pearl spirit body, he believed it.

In fact, what the Chaos Pearl Spirit said is false...

The source can detonate a hair!

But what can she do, her own strength is not a threat to these ancestors, can she take off her clothes in front of a group of people, dance a dance, to attract the attention of these people?

So, she had an idea and thought of this statement.

"Chen Ping'an, if they dare to touch you, I will let them be buried with you!" The Chaos Pearl spirit body looked directly at Chen Ping'an at this moment, as if the old lady wanted to sacrifice your love for you.

When Chen Ping'an heard this, he didn't use the Chaos Pearl spirit body to blow up, he just blew it up himself.

What the hell!

My wife is here!

You are still kidding here! !

Chen Ping'an quickly looked at Duan Xinxin, when he found that his daughter-in-law was staring at him.

It's cold!

Chen Pingan hurriedly explained: "Miss, let's talk about this later!"

Duan Xinxin nodded and said, "First solve the problem at hand."

Chen Ping'an marveled at the reasonableness of his daughter-in-law, and resented the desperate situation brought by Li Mi and the others.

He looked at Li Mi and the others coldly. It was these guys who forced the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body to talk nonsense.

That's right, he put all his unhappiness on these people.

As soon as he gets a chance to get these guys, he'll...

As soon as he thought of this, he stopped thinking about it, because at this time, he saw three people flying in a hurry from the horizon!

When he saw these three people, Chen Ping'an exhaled instantly.


finally come!

Chen Ping'an looked at the Chaos Pearl spirit body and said, "Go back to your cave, it's none of your business here!"

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body also wanted to ridicule Chen Ping'an, say nauseous love words, make Duan Xinxin misunderstand, and then punish Chen Ping'an.

Listening to Chen Ping'an's words at this moment, she understood, and then her eyes quickly turned to the surrounding sky.

She finally saw three people flying from the sky.


She also let out a long breath.

finally come!

And Li Mei and others also sensed the situation in the distance, and turned their heads to look.

When they saw that they were three ancestors, but they didn't know each other, and the strength of these three people was extremely strong, their faces darkened.

Li Mi directly doubted his life.

What's going on here!

What the **** happened in this world, how could anyone be able to enter like some self-respecting people!

The three of Lan Yuanzun's ancestors were extremely fast, they had already reached the formation in the blink of an eye, and flew in.

Taking advantage of the distractions of the other ancestors, Chen Ping'an took his daughter-in-law to repel several ancestors, and came to the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and Long Yu.

Looking at Chen Ping'an and the others, Li Mi gritted his teeth and looked a little hideous. He really wanted to take action directly to subdue them, but now that Zun Lan Yuan and the others had arrived, he had to deal with these three people first.

He didn't think that these three people came because of Chen Ping'an.

Because he has seen these three!

Myriad Dharma Zunzu they!

Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu are both as strong as him! !

The three quickly approached and finally stopped in the air.

Seeing everything in front of them, the three of them were very shocked.

What the **** is going on in this world, so mysterious, how can there be so many ancestors! !

After they came into this world, they never stopped being shocked.

Of course, there are a lot of ancestors here, but the three of them are not afraid.

Because these ancestors are quite different from their old-fashioned ancestors, and these people look like they have just broken through.

There is only one person who can make them dread.

That is Li Mei.


It's just a Li Mei.

The eyes of the three of them swept across the group of people quickly, and then they found Chen Pingan.

Looking at Chen Ping'an's cultivation, he thought that it was indeed a clone.

However, what about the clone, the main body is strong!

They are the big men above the Hongmeng Realm! ! !

The respect that deserves must have!

Ancestor Lan Yuan took the lead and bowed his hands respectfully towards Chen Ping'an: "Invincible Ancestor, I'm sorry, we are late!!"

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