When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 957: Weapon: Willow

A group of people stared blankly at Duan Xinxin, including Chen Pingan.

For Li Mei and others, Duan Xinxin's appearance was really sudden.

Because they have a special person responsible for sensing the surroundings, and more than one, who can approach under the perception of several ancestral realms, it is obvious how strange the peak of such a lord is.

But such a lord of the pinnacle, and so beautiful, the woman who crushed all the women in this world by one person, turned out to be Chen Ping'an's wife? !

In addition, they haven't seen Duan Xinxin, that Duan Xinxin also came in from the outside, this **** came in together with the whole family!

Long Yu also looked at Duan Xinxin at this time, and when he sighed Duan Xinxin's beauty and temperament, his face was more strange.

The strength of the lord's peak has not reached the ancestral realm, so it is of no use, right?

It's not that he looks down on women, but what they lack now is a powerful ancestor realm, such as the invincible ancestor.

That is Chen Ping'an's body!

Of course, looking at Duan Xinxin, he still envied Chen Ping'an.


One here, one in the cave!

This is full of luck!

And this is the wife, that is to say, the Chaos Pearl spirit body is really a lover as she said!

Alright, fellow Daoist Chen, I feel like you're still getting cold in the end.

Although you have won these ancestral realms, you will have to die when the two women meet!

In general, when a lover meets an original partner, it is inevitable that they will have a fight.

Chen Ping'an also looked blank now, looked at his daughter-in-law, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing out here!"

After Duan Xinxin heard it, she was startled: "Didn't you let me out?"

Chen Pingan: "..."

Did I say.

Hearing this, Duan Xinxin understood.

Feeling too much?


"Then why do you look at me so many times, I don't care anyway, you let me out." Duan Xinxin played out her own set of theories, and then asked, "What's the situation now?"

Chen Ping'an's mouth twitched: "Now this situation is very dangerous... I am a clone, the main body does not know that I am here..."

Duan Xinxin blinked her eyes.

What? !

Chen Ping'an had no choice but to say: "Listen to me below, and we will attack that guy with all our strength!"

Duan Xinxin followed Chen Ping'an's gaze, looked at Li Mi, and nodded.

Chen Ping'an looked at Li Mi, and suddenly showed a wry smile: "This eldest brother, my daughter-in-law came in accidentally, can you do me a favor and let her out?"

Li Mei was squinting at Duan Xinxin.

Now he didn't dare to look at Duan Xinxin with different eyes, but instead looked cautious.

Chen Pingan is also the pinnacle of the lord, but he can fight close to the seven ancestral realms alone.

If he has any impulses towards this beauty who is also the pinnacle of the lord, and he still loses his mind, he might capsize in the gutter!

"Surround them!" Li Mi said coldly.

When the other ancestors heard this, they froze for a moment, and then they all started to move.

And Chen Pingan originally wanted to show the enemy to be weak, and then make a surprise victory (sneak attack).

And at this moment, without him talking, Duan Xinxin understood, and the whole person disappeared in place in an instant.

The tacit understanding between Chen Ping'an and Duan Xinxin is not too big. He also glanced at Duan Xinxin and caught the movement of his daughter-in-law. He also rioted at the same time and disappeared in place in the blink of an eye.

Shuangshuang immediately killed Li Mei, who was relatively close to them!

"Kill!" The two of them each shouted, doing their best.

Chen Ping'an didn't have any weapons in his hand, so he punched out directly.

The same goes for Duan Xinxin. For the sake of experience, she didn't bring any weapons. The one who took out her hand turned out to be a thin wicker!

But the wicker was like a long sword in her hand. With her full strength, an extremely gorgeous sword burst out, and the world was silent.

Li Mei watched Chen Ping'an and his wife suddenly approach, and his pupils shrank suddenly. Seeing that the other ancestral realms hadn't approached, all he could do was to defend himself.


What shocked him was that when the two approached with all their strength, he found that his body had a feeling that he had not seen for many years!



The body made two vigilant sounds!

Tell him that if he takes this blow with all his strength, it will also be dangerous!

However, it is extremely absurd that the two peak lords can actually make him do this!


However, he believed in this feeling very much, and when he gritted his teeth, he used the treasure he had cherished for many years with the speed of being single for many years.

He took out a jade pendant with a quaint atmosphere.

This jade pendant also has two words "resolving danger" written on it.

He decisively crushed the jade pendant.

At this time.

A very strong light shield flashing with strange dao patterns appeared around him.

boom! !

Chen Ping'an and Duan Xinxin blasted Li Mei with all their strength, and Li Mei flew upside down for some distance.

Chen Ping'an and the two originally wanted to repel Li Mei with one move, injure him, and then bully him and kill him directly.

But I didn't expect that the other party used a strange protection baby!

He saw the light shield flashing with strange dao lines, and he also knew that the attack of the two of them would not have any effect on Li Mei, so he could only stop the daughter-in-law who wanted to continue fighting.

Because it's useless!

Just like that, both of them stopped in the air.

in the distance.

Li Mei had stopped flying backwards, and at this moment, in front of him, a light shield was still flashing.

He didn't receive any attack, both of Chen Ping'an's attacks were absorbed by the light shield, but his face was still extremely cold.


For the first time, he was forced to use life-saving means!

And this jade pendant is also his strongest life-saving means!

He knew that the blows of Chen Ping'an and Duan Xinxin could not kill him directly, but he was sure that if he was hit by the attacks of Chen Ping'an and Duan Xinxin, it would definitely be a crazy combo until he was declared dead!

Therefore, he painstakingly used his only life-saving treasure!

Chen Ping'an looked at Li Mei, and looked at the light shield in front of him that looked like a tortoise shell, and his face was not good.

"This guy! How many good things did you get in this world?!"

With this light shield, Chen Ping'an felt that his main body came in person, and I am afraid that he would have to use a few more tricks to break it.

Li Mei stared at Chen Ping'an and Duan Xinxin, and said solemnly, "Separate three people to deal with that kid, and everyone else will surround them for me!!"

The other ancestors were still shocked by the power of Chen Ping'an and his wife. When they heard Li Mei's order, they all came back to their senses and continued to surround them.

This time, their speed was much faster than before, and Chen Ping'an and Duan Xinxin were surrounded by water in the blink of an eye.

And Li Mei was not idle either, joining in, staring gloomily at Chen Ping'an and the two.

With Li Mi's strength in a dozen or so ancestral realms, plus there are thirteen ancestral realms here, to deal with Chen Ping'an and the two of them, he will definitely be able to subdue them!

"Boy! You are all very strong, but today I will let you know what despair is!!"

Li Mi still decided to use the puppet technique on Chen Ping'an, because he still felt that Chen Ping'an was stronger, but Duan Xinxin was not simple, he was only weaker than Chen Ping'an. Respect the ancestral realm to teach the other side the puppet technique.

After that, the strength of their forces will be even higher!

Chen Ping'an's face was a little dark, he glanced at his daughter-in-law, and felt that his daughter-in-law was really given in vain.

And at the same time.

at this time.

In front of a cliff in Hongmeng Realm, Lan Yuan Zunzu and the three have been staying nearby for a while.

They discovered that the void in front of the cliff had a void passage.

However, they don't even know how to make the void channel appear.

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