When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 959: three dogs

As soon as Lan Yuan Zunzu's voice fell, there was a sudden silence all around, and then the voices of Wanfa Zunzu and Wujie Zunzu sounded.

"I'm sorry, Invincible Zunzu, we are late!"

The two of them also bowed their hands respectfully. After saying this, they both glanced at the ancestor Lan Yuan beside him with unwilling eyes, wanting to complain.

Why is your guy reacting faster every time!

Is this the so-called talent?

Or is Lan Yuan Zunzu originally such a person, and the two of them have been the strongest or the second strongest in the Hongmeng world for too long, so they are so jerky now?

After the two people's voices passed, the surroundings became even more silent.

When the three of them were secretly fighting, Li Mi and others were also complicated in their hearts.

And their complexity is even more terrifying, like riding a roller coaster and accidentally discovering that their seat belts are disconnected at the highest point.

These three sentences exploded directly in their minds.

The roar kept ringing in their minds.

Really invincible ancestors? !

Li Mei widened a pair of eyes that were originally sharp and unusual.

Now the eyes look as big as bull's eyes.

He couldn't understand why.

He knew the three people in front of him, he had seen them before, and with their cultivation, he could be sure that they were the ancestors of Wanfa, Wujie, and Lanyuan.

It's just that he is also a super strong character in the Hongmeng Realm. Why is he now so humble to salute a kid who was not long ago or an early lord? !

Say sorry again? !

More importantly, call this kid invincible Zunzu? !

How could the invincible ancestor be the lord realm! !

Isn't it said that it is the ancestral realm!

Is this cultivation base fake?

What was he doing just now?


does it worth?

As for it! !

Li Mei's head was buzzing, and the roar didn't diminish. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he didn't understand.

The same is true for other ancestors, and now they can only watch this scene dumbfounded.

Chen Ping'an didn't care what happened to Li Mei and the others.

Grandma's, they were all arrogant just now, weren't they!

Especially Li Mei!

Your sister, crush?



I also made my wife misunderstand me, but let me see what you look like when you experience despair!

Chen Ping'an ordered in a deep voice: "Wanfa, capture that guy! Remember, I want to live! As for the rest of the ancestors, there is no solution, Lan Yuan, leave it to you!"

Hearing this, the ancestors of Wanfa Zun nodded instantly, and immediately turned their eyes to their target.

And Chen Ping'an stood still. Li Mei wanted to come and capture the thief first, but he couldn't do it, because his daughter-in-law was on the side, and the two joined forces, so what if Li Mei came over?

After Wanfa Zunzu received the order, he moved directly, flew close to Li Mei in the blink of an eye, and then floated in front of Li Mei.

Wujie Zunzu and Lan Yuan Zunzu instantly reached both sides of a group of Zunzu realm, as if two people directly surrounded a group of people.

Ancestor Lan Yuan said stinky fart, "I'll take it all by myself, or else, I'll shoot all your **** out!"

A group of ancestors listened to this, their faces were ashen, but looking at the cultivation aura of Lanyuan ancestors that was directly revealed in their eyes, they could only have a bad face and dare not say anything at all.

In particular, the powerful Wuji Zunzu also stared at them.

Li Mi gritted his teeth and looked at the ancestor of Wanfa, and said solemnly: "Wanfa, I have no grievances with you, I don't want to fight with you! Get out of the way!"

Looking at the situation, he knew that his current situation was very unsatisfactory, and the puppet technique was definitely useless. What he had to do now was to leave here quickly!

Wanfa Zunzu chuckled: "Offend Wudi Zunzu and say such nonsense? Bring it to you!"

Wanfa Zunzu is too lazy to talk nonsense, and now he just wants to quickly complete the task that Chen Ping'an gave him, and then grab Li Mi before Wujie Zunzu and the others complete the task.

In this way, we can compliment Chen Ping'an well!

Maybe Chen Ping'an is happy and will treat him like the ancestor of Lan Yuan in the future!

After all, Chen Ping'an is a big man above the Hongmeng Realm. He has a high vision and a wide range of knowledge. He should not care about them and these little guys. Through this, they will forget their previous unhappiness and give them some rewards. Maybe !

Li Mei still wanted to persuade the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Dharma, but at this moment, looking at the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Dharma, it was as if he saw a beautiful woman with no strands all over his body.

And Wujie Zunzu also started to do it, and it was resolute.

The sky was a mess in an instant.

But it was only Li Mi and the others who were in trouble.

Wujie Zunzu and Lan Yuanzunzu were just like a child with a punch, pressing those Zunzu realm to the ground and beating them.

In just a short while, the ten ancestors were knocked unconscious.

Wujie Zunzu looked at the remaining ancestors, thinking that Lanyuan Zunzu could also handle it, but Wanfa Zunzu pressed Li Mi to fight, but he didn't win so quickly. As soon as his eyes rolled, he was right. Ancestor Lan Yuan said, "I'll leave the rest to you! I'll help Wanfa!"

After saying that, he rushed over.

He didn't do this because he had a strong relationship with the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Dharma, but mainly because he wanted to take the credit for fighting the big boss!

In addition, he has completed the task here again, which will definitely attract Chen Ping'an's attention to him!

Lan Yuan Zunzu instantly understood Wujie Zunzu's careful thought. Seeing that Wujie Zunzu left a few Zunzu realm scoundrels for him, he was not angry, and suddenly looked at other people with red eyes. The ancestral realm: "I will give you three breaths of time, and I will stun myself! Otherwise, kill without mercy!!"

The remaining Zunzu realm has been frightened by the means of Wujie Zunzu and they just want to escape, but with the formation, they can't escape either. I can do as Lan Yuanzun said.

In this way, under the self-mutilation of the remaining few ancestors, the matter here was settled.

Ancestor Lan Yuan also flew towards Li Mei with red light in his eyes.

At the foot of the mountain, Chen Ping'an stood leisurely in front of the cave at the moment, looking at the sky.

It was as if everything had nothing to do with him.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body also looked relaxed.

Duan Xinxin frowned slightly, waiting for the matter to end.

And Long Ying is not as leisurely as Chen Ping'an and the others now.

He was turning the river and the sea in his heart, turning over and over again, over and over again.

The whole person stared stiffly at the battle in the sky, and Chen Pingan standing in front of him.

Chen Ping'an is indeed an invincible ancestor!

However, the Invincible Zunzu was able to defeat the Ten Thousand Dharma Zunzu and the others, and even overwhelmed the ten thousand Dharma Zunzu and they could only admit his rule, but what is this now? !

How could he feel that the three people of Wanfa Zunzu have become Chen Ping's sons instead! !

That's right, it's a dog's leg!

Especially now that they are attacking Li Mei, the three of them have a feeling that they want to take credit!

Even at this time, the Ancestor Wanfa directly said: "You two go away, I can catch him!!"

And listening to this, Wujie Zunzu smiled and said: "Brother Wan, don't, together, we can't let Wudi Zunzu wait for a long time!"

Ancestor Lan Yuan also smiled and said, "Yes! Yes!"

And just as he finished speaking with a smile, the next moment he looked at Li Mei with a cold face, and shouted: "Dog thief, will you be caught without your hands?!"

Li Mei: (╥╯^╰╥)

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