When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 947: strange stone statue

Chen Pingan has now stepped into the fourth path.

And soon after stepping into the fourth path, he discovered what the resistance of the fourth path was that prevented people from advancing.

This time the resistance is a little more special.

It's not like hitting the body like before.

Instead, strike the will!

As soon as Chen Pingan entered the fourth path, he found that the environment in front of him had changed, and instantly turned into pictures that looked scary.

Terrifying images of the sky falling and the earth sinking rushed into his mind.

At the same time, there was also an energy that penetrated into his brain, stimulating his sea of ​​consciousness and making him feel pain.

It is a pity.

His current avatar's cultivation base is the early stage of the lord, but the will of the sea has not changed in any way. Like the main body, it has reached the ancestor-respecting realm, and it is not an ordinary ancestor-respecting realm.

In addition, he had seen a lot of tragic situations such as being smashed into charcoal in the Chaos Pearl, and he had lost his feelings for a time, and his will had been exercised to the state of numbness.

As if he had spent a good time with all the peerless beauties in the world, and now a fat and ugly woman suddenly appeared in front of him, would he be excited?

won't move.

It can even be said that he does not move at all, and there is still a little bit of wanting to kill the other party.

Or force the other party to say "then I'll go".

Therefore, he also took a small step, and after confirming the situation of the fourth path, he returned to the speed just now.

Continue to give everyone the feeling that he is a windy man.

that's all.

His actions once again made him struggle behind him, trying to deal with the late lords of the shadow man and the peak lords, feeling hopeless.

Seeing that Chen Ping'an's figure was getting further and further away from them, several people's eyes were red.

"It's so **** bullying!"

"I don't want to play anymore! My self-esteem has dropped!"

"This guy can't afford to play!! It's too bullying, this **** is absolutely screwed!!!"


Both Li Ba and Li Ma couldn't help but complained that they had never been so aggrieved and painful when they grew up.

After all, they have always been the gods of the sky, but now they feel like they are trash.

This kind of thing that hurts self-esteem is so uncomfortable!

And in the crowd.

The current situation of Long Fu is similar to these lord realms, but his heart is a little more complicated than these people.

He is more casual in dealing with the shadow people around him, and by the way, he also helps the Chaos Orb Spirit Body to deal with it.

He looked at Chen Ping'an's back and began to doubt his own strength.

Obviously his situation is the same as Chen Ping'an, but why is Chen Ping'an so good! !

Especially the changes in the formation just now.

He always had the feeling that this place was Chen Pingan's home! !

Long Yi looked at the Chaos Pearl spirit body secretly protected by him, and asked, "Little Chaos girl, I really want to ask you a question, and I hope you don't lie to me."

The Chaos Pearl spirit body is also afraid that Long Ying will be too obvious to cover her, so that others will notice it, so now he is also using his strongest strength to deal with the shadow people around him.

She was actually able to deal with the three shadow men with the cultivation level of the early lord.

Now listening to Long Yu's words, she nodded.

Long Yi asked strangely, "Are you sure this is not the home of Fellow Daoist Chen?"

The Chaos Pearl spirit body was stunned for a moment, then fell into thought.

Combined with Chen Ping's performance just now, she smiled bitterly: "It's hard to say."

That's right, she also began to doubt Chen Pingan's situation.

This guy is so weird, it started when he came in.

Now again!

Moreover, the confinement of her origin can only be unraveled by a person with the strength of Chen Ping'an.

So, all signs point to the answer in one direction.


Chen Ping'an behaved a little differently, unless Chen's acting skills were already terrifying to an unprecedented degree.

Or, this guy was afraid that after she knew the truth, he would find out that he used her origin, so he pretended?

"No, you must ask him carefully afterwards!" The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body thought very firmly.

on the square.

A group of people are still standing numbly.

They never thought that they would see this kind of thing here today, which would silence them once they were remembered a long time ago.

So speechless.

High energy throughout.

The shock in their minds never stopped!

Now that Chen Ping'an was still running at full speed on the fourth road, they were all numb, so they stood and watched quietly.

No further thoughts were posted.

Said the same.

But now, in the eyes of everyone, there is no room for other people in the lord realm. The only person they look at is Chen Ping'an. Therefore, few people have seen the matter of the Chaos Pearl spirit body of the Dragon Escape Gang.

Some people don't care too much when they see it. This situation is understandable. At most, they think that the two should be a couple, and they want to get to the end in this way.

Li Mei stared at Chen Ping'an, with only one thought in his heart at this time.

That is to wait for the end of the experience and competition, leave here with Chen Pingan, and then start to cast the secret technique!

In the secret realm, Chen Ping'an maintained a charging state throughout the whole process. Soon, he was like on the first road. He finished the fourth road at the same speed and was about to step into the fifth road.

There is nothing new in the situation of the fifth way, that is, under the premise of the previous one, it is just a little more difficult.

After Chen Ping'an stepped into the fifth path, there were shadow men who appeared. These shadow men were only in the late stage of the lord. At the same time, a wave of energy penetrated into his brain, just like the fourth path, training his will, and also. It's just that the attack is stronger.

But for Chen Ping'an, this strength was like tickling him by a child, and when the shadow man appeared, he bowed 90 degrees to welcome him, making him run at full speed as before.

Looking at Chen Ping'an's running figure that never changes, a group of people looked numb.

They still haven't published any ideas.

They just waited for Chen Pingan to reach the finish line.

Time passed again.

Chen Pingan was getting closer and closer to the finish line.

Seeing this in the eyes of the lords who were struggling to advance behind Chen Ping'an, it was very embarrassing.

Is this person really so sad!

Chen Pingan took the last step and finally reached the end.

As soon as he reached the end, Chen Ping'an's mind instantly relaxed.

He looked forward.

at this time.

In his field of vision, there appeared a golden hall with an open door and the sound of dragon and phoenix chirping.

Without saying a word, he walked directly into the hall.

See if you can take the source away.

When he thinks about it, the source should be fixed by something, maybe it is still in a treasure. If you want to take out the source from the treasure, you have to think of a way.

He entered the hall, and the scene in front of him caught his eye.

The hall is empty here, and there is nothing around it, except for a high platform at the very front.

And there is no miscellaneous things on the high platform, only one thing.

A stone statue!

This is a figure that is three feet tall.

This is a tall, tall, well-proportioned man statue.

The sculpted clothing style he had never seen before, and the same style of shoes, which looked strange.

Only the hairstyle is similar to his.

As for the face.

But there is a strange pattern of Taoism, which is blocked.

Chen Ping'an had never seen such a pattern of Taoism.

A bit like a mosaic, but not a mosaic.

No matter how he looked at it, he couldn't see through that layer of strange lines.

"This is a Dao pattern that does not belong to the Hongmeng world!" Chen Ping'an felt a strong energy from this Dao pattern, which led to this speculation.

It's just that he just finished thinking about it, and after carefully staring at these lines and studying them for some time, he suddenly found that those Dao lines became dim. Finally, he faintly saw the face under the Dao lines.

Just taking a closer look, he froze in place, opened his mouth, and said two words in a low voice.


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