When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 946: I gotta get this kid

The group of lords behind Chen Ping'an were dumbfounded.

Those who can reach this place in the middle of the third way are also above the middle lord.

Most of the people in the middle lords faced the shadow people of the same realm as them, and most of them struggled.

Even those who were in the later stages of the lords or the peak of the lords who walked in the front did not seem to be very relaxed, and the first few peaks of the lords still had a feeling of lightness and lightness in their gestures.

And just a moment ago, the cultivation base of the shadow man they faced was still in the middle lord, but now, they found strangely that the shadow man who was fighting with them suddenly changed.

From the middle lord to the late lord in an instant!

This change is faster and more ruthless than the appearance of love.

Just kill them off guard.

Some people who were originally in the middle of the lord, because of this sudden change, they were already struggling, they were directly pressed to the ground by the shadow man, and they were beaten frantically.

A small number of late lords were too late to react. Like those in the middle lords, they were knocked to the ground. Later, because of the same cultivation level as the shadow man, they couldn't resist, and they were beaten until they fainted.

But under normal circumstances, as long as the Sombra Man knocked down one person, he would stop and even disappear in place.

But now, there is another change to these Sombra.

That is, after defeating the person in front of him, he will directly turn his head to look at the person who is still standing nearby, and then start running towards that person, attacking with other shadow men!

You must know that under normal circumstances, there are at most two shadow people facing a person.

And now, the maximum number has doubled directly to four!

The first few lord peak geniuses are relatively strong. After the shadow man's cultivation base has changed to the late lord, they can also deal with it. However, these shadow men don't talk about martial arts. If one can't beat them, they will still howl. Scream, call the nearby Sombra, and then the four Sombra besieged together!

No matter how talented the lord peak is, it is also a little difficult to face the four lords' late-stage shadow man attack.

Therefore, some lord peaks also fell to the ground under this kind of attack, until they were knocked down and fainted.

Of course, there are still some talented people in this group.

For example, Li Ma, who was beaten back on the second road, has just caught up.

With Li Ba and others who have been walking in the front, even if it is a little difficult now, they can quickly disperse the shadow people around them.

They smashed a black shadow man with one punch, and their strength was very powerful.

But even so, they are still shocked by gritted teeth.

At the same time, they looked at Chen Ping'an, looking at the unbridled figure, they looked suspicious.

They were wondering if this sudden change had something to do with Chen Pingan!

Because they all saw Chen Ping'an showing a wicked smile, and pointed to where they were!

And this finger, the shadow man who attacked them has changed!

However, if this is really related to Chen Ping'an, it would be too scary!

Because they all know that this secret realm of experience belongs to this mysterious world, not created by them.

And this world is so mysterious and powerful, and the people who created it must be terrifying to a realm that they can't imagine, and the formation arranged by such people has changed a person who is only an early lord?

Raise the level of Sombra by a level? !

They dare not imagine.

on the square.

Now the crowd is quiet again.

There was no sound.

Obviously there are so many people around here, but it is a little scary quiet, as if some strong person gave these people a body-fixing technique.

The onlookers didn't know what to say at the moment.

The shock of this scene to them is not what they had seen before.

This is a miracle!

It's something that can't happen in the real world!

In the middle of the square.

No one was sitting in a group of ancestors at the moment, even Li Mei was the same.

He stood up and stared at the shadow people in the picture who had changed their cultivation.

"It's impossible! How can this happen!" He muttered to himself, and the sound of the words in his mouth was not loud, only the Great Elder beside him could hear it clearly.

These words have appeared many times today, and they were all said by onlookers or people who experienced the lord realm in the secret realm, but now, no one speaks here, but Li Mei, the most powerful person, said this. talk.

After being sluggish for a long time, Li Mi swallowed and clenched his fists.

"I must get this kid!!"

A strong desire began to arise in him.

Chen Pingan is amazing.

He saw everything Chen Ping'an did just now.

He also thought about whether Chen Ping'an was resting, but seeing Chen Ping'an kept looking in one direction, he felt that things were not that simple.

He was very surprised when he saw Chen Ping'an stand up not long ago, and watched Chen Ping'an point at the place where the formation was, and released a ray of energy.

I don't understand what Chen Ping'an wants to do.

Now watching the black shadow man's cultivation level suddenly improve to a realm, he understands, understands, and finally knows what Chen Ping'an was doing just now.

Although it sounds scary and terrifying, he knows that it must be like that!

Chen Pingan was studying the formation method just now! !

That's right, delve into the original formation in the secret realm!

He is also very accomplished in formation, and there are many formations in this world, and the formation that he cares about the most is the formation created by the shadow man.

He has seen these formations and has studied them in depth, but after so many years of research, he still can't study anything, and because of this, he feels even more the greatness and power of the people who created this world.

He even thought that in the Hongmeng Realm, it is impossible to have such a strong person. The creator of this world may be a terrifying existence above the Hongmeng Realm.

That's right, he, who always felt that the Hongmeng world was already the strongest world, decisively subverted his cognition.

But now, in the early stage of a lord, a person who looked very young actually stared at the formation for more than an hour, and then, with a gesture, changed the formation.

It made the cultivation base of the shadow man suddenly improved to a realm!

What's happening here? !

It's a miracle! !

The secret on this kid must be bigger than he could imagine! !

Li Mei stared at Chen Ping'an, and at this moment, even if there were thousands of women who were so beautiful that they didn't have any strands on their bodies, he wasn't moved.

At this time, only Chen Pingan can satisfy him!

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