When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 948: A sudden reversal

Chen Pingan stayed where he was.

His mouth moved, not too small, and spit out fluent words without any sense of disobedience.

What the hell!

He didn't know what was going on with the lines. After he fixed his eyes on it for a while, all of a sudden, these lines were looming, as if they were specially shown to him, allowing him to briefly see the face of the stone statue.

And this was only a short moment, and the Daowen changed back to its original appearance.

But no matter how short the time was, Chen Ping'an could see that face clearly, and it had been deeply imprinted in his mind.

Because it shocked him so much.

He never thought that the face of this stone statue turned out to be like that!

In fact, when he came in and saw the stone statue, and the face of the stone statue was covered by Dao lines, he began to speculate.

He thought of two possibilities.

First, this stone statue is the face of someone who exists above the Primordial Realm, that is, the face he doesn't know.

There is nothing to say about this. If the face he doesn't know, plus the power and mystery of this world, the master who created this world will definitely not be from the Hongmeng Realm.

Second, the face of this stone statue is his face!

He felt the greatest possibility of this.

That's right, he is more suspicious of one thing than the Chaos Orb Spirit Body.

That's what the world has to do with him.

From the moment he came in, there was a strange feeling in his mind for no reason. He didn't need to use an attack to break the passage as Long Yu said before he could enter here. Just say "Open Sesame".

Then, the strange actions of the shadow man just now led the answer in this direction.

He thought that the world might have something to do with the black ball in his mind.

However, after he actually saw the face of the stone statue, he realized that his two guesses at the beginning were all wrong!

The face of this stone statue is not actually him.

Not even someone he doesn't know!

That's right.

Someone he knew! ! !

And this man...

"Why a kitchen knife!"

Chen Ping'an's eyes were dull, and his pupils had shrunk to a point.

He never imagined that the face of this stone statue was actually a kitchen knife!

The kitchen knife is just his weapon, and it can be regarded as an indirect creation of him.

As for the appearance of the kitchen knife after its transformation, it was already doomed in the dark, and the kitchen knife could not be changed even if it wanted to.

"Is it a coincidence?"

"The kitchen knife turned into a human shape, just like the person who created this world?"

Thinking of this, Chen Pingan felt that his imagination was a little stronger.

Is there such a coincidence in the world?

Moreover, his strange feeling shows that he is inextricably linked with this world!

Now the face of this stone statue is the face of a kitchen knife, which can explain why he had all kinds of special feelings not long ago.

It turned out not to be related to him, but to the kitchen knife!

"Then the kitchen knife is the reincarnation of a big man above the Hongmeng world?" Chen Ping'an had such a thought in his mind.

But just after thinking about it like this, his face became a little weird.

If this is the case, then he is simply taking advantage of it.

The kitchen knife has been called his master for many years!

"No, be sure to ask about the kitchen knife when you go back!"

But to do this, he must leave this world alive.

What he has learned here can be invisibly integrated into the subject's mind after his death, allowing the subject to suddenly realize what he has learned.

This is a subconscious ability.

But the news he knows here has no effect.

For example, the specific location information here, or the important information he knows now, there is only one way to let the subject know, and that is to get out of here alive!

However, it is really difficult to get out of here alive in front of more than a dozen ancestral realms and a Li Mi who is comparable to the ancestors of the ten thousand dharmas.

But no matter how difficult it is, he has to persevere.

Now he is not only living for the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body, he also has to unlock this big secret!

Chen Ping'an took a deep breath, and now he looked at the stone statue again.

The Dao-rule lines on the stone statues changed back to their original appearance after only a faint glimpse.

This is very strange, but he can be sure that he did not see it wrong just now.

"Put this aside beforehand, but it is the origin of the Chaos Bead, where is it?"

He looked around again and saw no red crystals.

He did not find the origin of the Chaos Orb.

Finally, his eyes fell on the stone statue.

Could it be... the inside of this stone statue is the origin of the Chaos Orb?

In other words, is this stone statue, carved out of the origin of the Chaos Bead, and then just plated with a layer of stone skin?

Chen Pingan walked forward, ready to explore.

on the square.

A group of people are still watching Chen Ping's every move.

Seeing that Chen Ping'an had reached the final hall, they all took a deep breath.

too fast!

As a man, how can you be so fast!

"This kid has already been there now, and he should be able to absorb the power of the source for a long time than others."

"It's hard to say, you look at the positions of the others. The fourth and fifth roads are the most difficult sections. They have to spend so much time on the third road. I'm afraid it will take a day to reach the final hall."

"Look, what is that kid doing? Why do I feel like he hasn't seen the stone statue."

"By the way, do you know this kid? Why haven't I seen him once? It's like he's not from us!"

"I really haven't seen..."

A group of people started talking.

Li Mei saw that Chen Ping'an had reached the final hall, and did not directly let Chen Ping'an come out from there.

The origin there can only be absorbed by the lord realm, and they cannot enter there.

And absorbing those sources can improve a person's talent and cultivation. Now that Chen Pingan's talent is improved, he is also happy to see it.

I even wish Chen Pingan would stay there for a while longer.

"Boy, I'll wait for you to come out!" Li Mei smiled evilly, suppressing the impatience in his heart, emphasizing that he couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

The other ancestors frowned and stared at Chen Ping'an without speaking.

They felt that Chen Ping'an seemed to have some intentions for the statue.

Chen Ping'an quickly walked to the stone statue and decisively reached out to touch it.

He touched the original red crystal of the Chaos Bead and knew how the red crystal felt to the touch.

Now that he touched it, he found that this stone statue was really the origin of the Chaos Bead!

"My good fellow, the three-foot-tall stone statue is the source. After the Chaos Pearl recovers this source, how much strength do I have to improve?"

Thinking of Chen Ping'an makes me feel happy.

Of course, he wasn't too happy, because he didn't know if he could protect this source.

"Put this source away first." Chen Ping'an looked at the bottom of the stone statue. To put away this source, he must pull up the stone statue and put it in the stored treasure.

He squatted down and touched the feet of the stone statue to see if the bottom was the origin. After finding that the texture was different from the origin, he instantly made up his mind.

That is to directly break the feet of the stone statue, and then store the stone statue as a treasure.

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