When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 945: bad luck

Because of this, he moved a little slower.

But after a while, he reacted.

He doesn't know how this happened, but now he has things to do.

But he now has some guesses.

This world and this secret realm of experience must have something to do with him!

He felt that this world was a little familiar, and now that this kind of thing happened again, it would be impossible to say that he had nothing to do with this world.

Chen Pingan saw that the shadow man did not move, so he passed by the shadow man directly.

Not long after he left, the formation once again transformed into a shadow man in front of him.

This Sombra, like the Sombra in front of him, is also in the middle stage of the lord's cultivation, and the speed of appearance is also as fast as lightning, and after this Sombra appeared, he stood still.

After he approached, the shadow man bowed ninety degrees just like the shadow man he had passed by before.

Chen Ping'an's expression was strange, and he passed directly past the shadowy body again.

In this way, there were a lot of shadow people on the way of the third road, and these shadow people stood still and bowed to him.

A very spectacular picture formed.

I saw a shadowy figure bowing at every distance in a road, and this picture gave people a strong sense of impact.

So that some of the lords behind Chen Ping'an who had already reacted and continued to move forward couldn't help swallowing saliva every once in a while to buffer their shock.

The dragon fleeing in the crowd only felt dry eyes at the moment.

Eyes wide open for a long time, it will be like this.

He was more curious than anyone why Chen Ping'an could do this.

Because he clearly knew that Chen Pingan was not from here!

Like him, Chen Pingan entered here from Hongmeng Realm.

If Chen Ping'an was from here, he would still be able to accept this picture.

After all, this secret realm of experience is also owned by others, and it is normal to have such a strange method.

But Chen Ping'an, like him, is completely new to the situation here.

Long Yu looked at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body and tried to ask, "Little Chaos girl, how long have you known Daoyou Chen?"

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said: "Hundreds of millions of years."

so long?

Could it be... you are husband and wife?

Looking at Long Yu's surprised expression, the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body smiled and said, "Why, it doesn't look like it?"

Now that Chen Ping'an is acting so scary, she feels a little proud because of it, so she has a little smile on her face now.

Long Yu asked: "Like, of course, Miss Chaos, maybe I'm asking a bit pretentious, but I really want to know, what is the relationship between the two of you?"

A man and a woman were outside together, and he thought that the two of them were not a husband and wife, but a couple.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body suddenly smiled: "I am his lover."

Long escape: "????"

This relationship is so exciting, ahem, so complicated? !

"Little Zhuan girl, then you are not afraid that Daoyou Chen will be in danger of doing this?" Long Yu was still thinking about this.

Chen Ping'an has now drawn everyone's attention to him, and I am afraid that he will be surrounded by a group of ancestors after going out.

Maybe things might develop in a good direction, for example, those Zunzu thought he was worth cultivating, so they kept him.

But more likely to have bad results.

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said: "It's okay, he can't die. But when he dies, I'll feel bad."

Long Yi was very confused when he heard this.

Can't die?

Do you suffer when you die?

Is it dead or not? ?


in the square.

At this moment, after an uproar, it also quieted down.

Everyone was numb, especially looking at the long bowing dragons in that row, which gave them a deeper understanding of the shocking picture.

Li Mei took a deep breath and pondered: "He must have some secrets! Very well, after I control him, I can see the secrets in his memory! At that time, all things and all secrets will be lost. It's mine!"

At this moment, he had calmed down the shock in his heart, and a wicked smile appeared on his face again.

The more powerful Chen Ping'an has, the happier he is!

After all, everything will be his in the end!

Under everyone's numb gaze, Chen Ping'an has finally reached the end of the third path.

At this time, Chen Ping'an stopped, stood up, and looked back.

He looked at the simple formation behind him.

Now I am hesitating in my mind, should I study this formation?

Or rush directly to the end, find the source of the Chaos Bead, put the source away, and then go out and escape with the source.

He looked at the formation for a while, then looked at a group of lords behind him.

These people are still in the middle of the second way.

The reason why he ran so fast was to prevent the people behind him from reaching the finish line early to absorb the origin of the Chaos Bead, so that the origin could be recovered more.

"I can leave when they get to the third way. Okay, let's study it first!"

Chen Pingan felt that it would be better to study it first, and when he studied and understood this formation, he would definitely be able to make a greater breakthrough in the formation.

Maybe when you create a treasure realm, you can be more handy, and the effect of the created treasure realm will be better.

Moreover, he now understands that even if the avatar is defeated, what he has learned can be instantly integrated into the subject's knowledge. At that time, even if the subject can't find a way to enter this world, he is considered to have no use for nothing. Come.

With this idea, Chen Pingan didn't waste any more time, just sat on the ground, stared at the formation not far away, and studied it.

He doesn't have to go near the past, just look at it from a distance and study it.

In this way, under everyone's attention, he sat on the ground, looking like he was tired from running, and rested.

The lords who were struggling to advance behind him, looked at him like this, and their eyes began to light up.

"Good guy! What's wrong with him?!"


"Could it be that you ran so fast in front of you, using some expendable secret technique, and you can't run now?"

"Very good! It's okay if he doesn't move, and I don't care how he does it, but now, it's time for us to catch up with him!"

"Oli! Everyone rush!!"


A group of people saw a glimmer of hope in the abyss of despair. At first, some people were a little listless, but now they all want to scream, and they all exerted their strength. When they saw the space orb attacking, they changed their expressions. Just like seeing a big man rushing, now, like seeing a beautiful girl throwing her arms in her arms, she also greeted her.

on the square.

A group of viewers couldn't understand what Chen Ping'an was doing, but they also thought of a possibility that Chen Ping'an was tired and resting.

And this is the time for other lords to catch up.

"Looks like the show is officially on!"

"Very good! This kid is tired, everyone else cheer up!"


In the middle of the square.

There was also someone in a group of ancestors who thought that Chen Ping'an might be tired.

Although what Chen Ping'an has done in the past is incredible, how can you say that Chen Ping'an is also in the early stage of the lord!

Cultivation will not deceive people!

On the contrary, the first elder and Li Mei felt that this was not right.

Because they found that Chen Ping'an was sitting, but he did not close his eyes to adjust the breath or practice, but looked in one direction.

As for what Chen Ping'an was watching, they couldn't see it now. After all, they couldn't see the picture very clearly.

Time just went by.

An hour and a half later.

Some lords have already reached the center of the third way.

They are a little tired now.

Not because Chen Pingan left.

Chen Ping'an was still sitting there, motionless, as if he was sitting there in a daze.

The reason why they felt a little tired was because they found that the shadow man who was still bowing not long ago, after they reached the third way, his mother moved!

Attack them!

This is definitely a difference!

It's not fair!

They were speechless and choked, obviously Chen Ping'an can do that, why can't they!

They just hoped that something went wrong with these shadowy people and would not attack them.

Now disillusioned.

However, they could only continue to move forward, so it took an hour to finally reach the center of the third path.

And they are a little tired, in fact, what occupies their hearts is more of a momentum.

Because the distance between them and Chen Ping'an is getting smaller and smaller!

They looked at Chen Ping'an and prayed in their hearts.

Boy, don't move if you have the skills, wait for us to catch up! !

Some people even thought viciously in their hearts, as soon as they caught up with Chen Ping'an, they would do something wrong to Chen Ping'an, or attack him! !


Not long after they finished praying, Chen Pingan suddenly stood up.

At this moment, Chen Pingan looked smiling and felt very comfortable.

Then, they found that Chen Ping'an was looking at them again, and at this moment, a wicked smile appeared on his face.

Chen Pingan saw that these people were already catching up with him.

He decisively used the new knowledge he had just learned and shot a burst of energy towards somewhere in the great formation.

After finishing, he whistled and stepped on the fourth path.

And just as he took the first step, behind him, there were bursts of exclamations.

"Fuck! How did the cultivation of this shadow man suddenly become a late lord!!!"

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