When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1362: Young Master Chen, please contact me more

Ju Tongge and Gun Bell Tower left in a hurry, not daring to stay here any longer.

After the two parties left, Chen Pingan smiled and said to the guests, continuing to eat, drink and have fun.

At this time, Liu Xi also took out a gift and gave it to Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ji also took out a gift.

So does the mayor.

As for the three old men, they came in a hurry and didn't specially prepare any good things, but they also brought some things over.

Chen Ping'an is also welcome. Now that he is poor, no matter what others give, just take it.

Don't say take short hands and eat short mouths.

It's the fear of what others will ask you to do.

And what can he do for these people?

These people lack nothing.

So take it right.

As for the gift, Chen Ping'an was not in a hurry to open it, and greeted them with a smile.

The banquet time passed quickly.

After this banquet, Chen Ping'an mainly chatted with Liu Xi, City Lord Chen Ji and the others.

After Chen Ji drank a little wine, the whole person was no longer dull, and chased Chen Ping'an to ask questions.

Especially when it comes to poetry.

He literally gave Chen Pingan several questions.

And Chen Ping'an also said a few poems at random, which made Chen Ji feel deeply, and his eyes were different when he looked at Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ping'an didn't know what was going on, but he always felt that there was something wrong in his eyes.

Can't help but think about some weird places.

Liu Xi did the same, and asked Chen Ping'an to write a poem about his appearance.

Narcissism to the end.

It also implies that Chen Pingan, her beauty is not only good-looking, but also has endless charm that has not been brought into play,

Chen Ping'an could only smile and nod and didn't say anything, but if he looked carefully, he would definitely find a hint of helplessness and disapproval in Chen's eyes.

As powerful as Liu Xi, how could he not have discovered this.

This made her feel very uncomfortable.

Growing up, it was the first time that she felt that there was a man who was not moved by her appearance.

The banquet is finally over.

At the end, Chen Pingan sent them out of the mansion one by one.

Before Liu Xi left, she looked at Chen Ping'an seriously and said, "Young Master Chen, you can contact me if you have time."

Chen Pingan blinked.

Why does it feel like this girl is getting a little bit wrong.

Chen Pingan nodded in response.

And Liu Xiaoxiao was holding a piece of watermelon in his hand, and also said: "You can also contact me when you have time, our relationship can't be cold."

Chen Pingan nodded with a wry smile.

He knew the true meaning of Liu Xiaoxiao's words.

She was just afraid that her relationship with Watermelon would be broken.

Really foodie.

Compared with Xiaolinger, I don't know who is stronger at the level of foodies.

After sending Liu Xi and the others away, Chen Ping'an looked at the city owner and his son.

Shuai Zai smiled and said, "Brother Chen, I had a great time tonight. I didn't expect you to be so strong in poetry. Let's go for a walk in the Qingzhulou in Yiyuan Ancient City when we have time."

The city owner patted his son on the head and scolded: "It's either the Wanling Pagoda or the Qingzhulou, can you cultivate hard!"

Shuai Zai covered his head, not happy when he heard this.

"I didn't know where the Qingzhulou was at first. Didn't you always take me there?" Shuai Zai didn't say this too loudly, but said it in a muttered voice, but how could the city master not hear it.

The old city owner blushed a bit, and scolded: "Then you can't go all the time! It's okay to go, if you can hook up with a girl, it's okay, every time you go, you can only play Blind Box and other project games, Nothing!"

Seeing the two fathers and sons being kind and filial, Chen Ping'an smiled and sent them away.

After sending the people off, Chen Pingan returned to the mansion.

All the guests have left now.

He believed that it would not take long, perhaps after a stick of incense, the entire Lingyuan City would spread his deeds.

There must also be many people who diverged their brains to guess his identity.

"They all call me Young Master Chen. I'm afraid many people will think that I am a child of the Chen family here in Yiyuan Realm." Chen Ping'an smiled and shook his head. Up, it will be too simple.

It is enough to directly inherit the power shops of these three parties.

Of course, these three parties will have to be brought together tomorrow and arranged for them.

Silent all night.

the next day.

Ju Tongge rolled the clock tower and the two parties arrived in front of the gate of the invincible gate early, kneeling on the ground and waiting for Chen Ping'an to be summoned.

They had been hesitating about one thing last night.

That is to escape or not.

And can't escape.

In the end they did not escape.

The master of Shengxingzhaizhai also came to the gate, but he was not like Ju Tongge, who wanted to kneel on the spot and wait for Chen Ping'an to be summoned. He looked at the kitchen knife and Chen Yi who were guarding the gate, and smiled: "You two, yesterday, Master Chen asked me to Come today, and hope to report."

Chen Yi and the kitchen knife have already received a letter from Chen Ping'an, asking them not to let Ju Tongge enter the mansion too easily, but Shengxiaozhai can.

Therefore, there is no need to report, and directly said: "Go in, our son Chen has been waiting for a long time."

The kneeling pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the Rolling Bell Tower twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Then you still quietly watched us kneel for so long.

The three entered the mansion.

to the welcome hall.

Seeing Chen Ping'an sitting in front of him drinking tea, the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of Rolling Bell Tower trotted forward and knelt directly on the ground.

The master of Shengxiaozhaizhai bowed his hands to Chen Ping'an, shouted respectfully, and Chen Ping'an nodded to him.

The treatment of the two parties is very different.

Chen Ping'an looked at the two pavilion masters of Ju Tong Pavilion and said, "I will give you a chance to live. From now on, all the human, material and resources of your forces will be incorporated into my invincible gate. Of course, if you are smart, you will not It will feel like a chance to live, or it may be a chance.”

Hearing this, the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the rolling clock tower nodded like chickens pecking at rice.

"Listen to Young Master Chen!"

Chen Ping'an was right later, they may not be a disaster, it may be a chance.

But there is also an element of gambling, that is, will Chen Ping'an make them indispensable in the invincible gate in the future.

But there is nothing they can do. The main thing now is to think about how to survive.

Just when they thought so, Chen Ping'an suddenly said: "I don't look at other people's past, I only look at the achievements made by others. In the future, you will be regarded as my invincible door, who can bring me invincible door. I will be more optimistic about the other party’s interests. Just like the master of Shengxianzhaizhai, you are very good, but don’t be complacent because you have a good vision and stand on the right team. In the future, you must work harder to create benefits for our invincible gate, understand? "

Hearing this, the master of Shengxiaozhaizhai became serious and nodded quickly.

The pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the Rolling Bell Tower were given a boost of heart, and they nodded hurriedly. At the same time, there was no despair in their eyes, and they were replaced by strong hope.

Chen Pingan wants this effect.

"Okay, now go back and count the people, things, and resources of your forces." Chen Pingan drank the tea in one gulp and put down the teacup.

The appearance of a powerful man in power.

The three masters of the Holy Needs and Fast Foods left as quickly as they ordered.

After the three of them left, Chen Ping'an returned to his normal expression, and the boss's posture was too much and he was a little tired.

"The matter here is almost done, hum, now I have some strong men under my command, so I don't have to wait for my strength to improve."

"Father Death, wait for a while, I'll take these people to your nest in a few days!"

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