When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1363: Doesn't this get better?

Now, Jutong Pavilion and Rolling Bell Tower have been completely controlled by him. I believe that based on what the three parties saw last night, no matter what he asked them to do, they would do it.

Even if you suddenly take them to other worlds and ask them to kill a person who only has one type of full-level avenue, it is the same.

Thinking about it now, Father Death is really pitifully weak.

Here, people of one full-level avenue are walking all over the place. Even though the Death Emperor is full-level on the avenue of death, it is difficult to face a person who has two or even three mainstream avenues full-level.

That is to say, the Lord of the Holy Need Faster and the others can press and rub the Death Father on the ground at will.

That being the case, he didn't mind taking advantage of the Holy Requirement Zhaizhai to deal with the Death Father and obliterate the other party in time.

Don't be too late to change.

After having this idea, all that was left for Chen Pingan was to quickly arrange the situation here, and then contact Murong Tian and ask him to take him back to the Absolute Beginning Realm.

Now, he can only rely on Murong Tian to let the other party take him back to the Absolute Beginning Realm.

Outside, the changes in Lingyuan City have been spreading to the outside world.

Invincible Gate, a newly created force, gradually appeared in the eyes of some other big forces in other cities.

What happened last night quickly spread to the ancient city of Yiyuan.

After all, the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce personally congratulates the power, but it is very rare and very topical.

In Mr. Murong's house, after Murong Tian and Chen Ping'an were separated, he felt that he had no purpose in life, he was a little confused, and he missed the time when Chen Ping'an was still on the side.

"I don't know when this daoist contacted me. No matter what this time, I have to ask him if he has the origin of the Dao for sale."

His mind is now full of the origin of the Dao. He used to dream of crushes when he slept, but now he dreams of the origin of the Dao.

Of course, it is not a dream of indescribable things happening to the origin of the Dao.

If he buys another batch of Dao Yuanyuan from Chen Ping'an, he will definitely be able to make a name for himself in the Murong family.

As soon as the head of the family is happy, it is also possible to directly make him the elder of the Elder Pavilion!

This was the result he had dreamed of.

And just when he was bored, his friend suddenly sent him a message.

"There is an invincible gate in Lingyuan City, and the president of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce will also attend the establishment banquet of this invincible gate?"

Murong Tian was very surprised.

A force created in Lingyuan City can alarm the president of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce?

He had seen this strange woman once, and she was really indescribable.

"This force should be a **** in the business layout of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce." He thought it should be like this.

However, his friend sent a letter to him, saying that the presidents of other chambers of commerce in Lingyuan City also attended.

Moreover, the people there also said that the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce called the master of the force as Chen Gongzi.

"Master Chen? It's from the Chen family? But it's not right. The Chen family can't just build power in our billion source world, and to build power, our Murong family must have someone to go."

The Chen family's chief family is not in their world, but in a world next to them, and if the Chen family establishes power in their Yiyuan world, they need their Murong family's approval.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do, go take a look?"

Murong Tian was very bored at the head office, and waited for Chen Ping'an to contact him every day. Now that Lingyuan City was not far from their side, it was alright to go and have a look.

With that in mind, he finally went.

In Lingyuan City.

Chen Pingan waited in the Wudimen mansion for a long time, slowly waiting for Shengxianzhai to count things.

And during this half-day, quite a few people came to their invincible gate.

He is not very clear about the specific identities of these people, but the strength of each person is not simple.

After seeing him, these people left, and left completely confused.

After waiting for a long time, Chen Ping'an finally waited for the master of Shengxiaozhaizhai and the others.

At this moment, they have already counted everything in their power.

The master of Shengxianzhaizhai stepped forward in advance, smiled and gave Chen Pingan a book and a storage treasure.

"Sect Master! This booklet contains the information of all the staff of our Holy Need Zhai, and some information about the store. This storage treasure contains all the current resources of our Holy Need Zhai."

Chen Pingan took the book and flipped through it at will.

It records about 5,000 people.

There are also some stores.

He glanced at the booklet and began to check the inside of the storage treasure.

After seeing the number of Avenue Stones inside, he showed a satisfied smile.

About fifteen trillion avenue stones!

The pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the Rolling Bell Tower also quickly stepped forward and respectfully handed the things they prepared to Chen Ping'an.

The smiles on their faces were one point more than those of the Lord of the Holy Need Faster.

Because they can be 100% sure that what their two forces have come up with must be much better than Shengxianzhai.

After all, Shengxianzhai has been suppressed by them for some time.

Chen Pingan carefully checked and compared them.

Ju Tongge is the richest among the three forces, and the layout is also the largest.

There are ten shops that can make money in Lingyuan City.

There are also 8,000 personnel, including a full 100 people who own the full-level avenue.

There are as many as 30 trillion stones on the road!

Rolling the Clock Tower is the second. There are eight profitable stores with seven thousand employees, including eighty full-level avenue owners.

There are 25 trillion stones on the road.

Chen Pingan calculated that after the three parties were united, the land they owned in Lingyuan City would be 13 acres.

The number can also be increased to nearly 20,000.

Among them, the number of full-level avenue owners has reached 250!

Doesn't this get better all of a sudden!

The corners of Chen Ping'an's mouth were raised high, and the most important thing was that he suddenly obtained 70 trillion avenue stones!

Plus the ten trillion he borrowed from Liu Xi not long ago.

There are a total of 80 trillion avenue stones!

Of course, he certainly can't use these avenue stones at will.

No matter what, you have to keep 50 trillion to run the combined forces.

Among them, he can arrange and use the 30 trillion avenue stones at will!

Chen Ping'an nodded with satisfaction: "It's alright, the scale is beginning to take shape. From now on, you are all people of Invincible Sect. I announce that from now on, the three of you will be the three sub-sect masters of Invincible Sect. Wait for us to Invincible Sect. After developing to the level comparable to the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, you will all become Sun Zhi's level."

Hearing Chen Ping'anci's words, the three eyes widened and looked at each other.

They drank this chicken soup!

In their eyes, Sun Zhi, the president of a city's chamber of commerce, is someone who can communicate with the city lord on an equal footing!

And they also believe in the truth of Chen Ping's words.

After all, this person is the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce who is also called Young Master Chen!

The three were immediately excited, as if they had ushered in the peak of their lives, and repeatedly said that they would work hard and move forward with Invincible Gate.

Chen Ping'an didn't expect that he could make these three people so happy by drawing a cake at will, and he was more confident in his cake painting skills.

The Master of Shengxingzhaizhai hesitated for a while, and then suddenly said: "Sect Master, in fact, I have a way to make a lot of money here, and it is even more powerful than the methods of other chambers of commerce! And this way of making money has to be with the top of the Murong family. Relationship is fine, I didn't dare to think about it before, but as you are, there should be a probability of success."

After learning just now that his Holy Needs Zhai is indeed much less than the other two parties, the Master of the Holy Needs Zhai Zhai is a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, I directly proposed a money-making project that I had thought about before.

Chen Ping'an became interested and said, "I have some relationship with the Murong family. What can I do? Let's hear it."

And just when Chen Ping'an finished saying this, the next moment, news came from Chen Yi, who was guarding the gate at the gate.

It was said that a pre-selected elder who claimed to be from the Murong family asked to see him.

The Lord of Shengxianzhai was stunned when he heard this.

Just said Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here?

Such a coincidence? !

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