When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1361: Life is impermanent, the large intestine wraps the small intestine

And the master of Shengxiaozhaizhai has already thought of this, and probably guessed the identity of this veiled woman.

In the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, there is only one person who can make the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce in a city look like this, and it is a woman.

That is the president of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce!

That strange woman who not many people have seen and who only appears in rumors!

It was also when he specifically thought of the identity of the other party that the Lord of Holy Needs Fast Food trembled in body and mind.

When the heart of Shengxianzhaizhai was overturned, other smart people also discovered this clue at this time.

Especially the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of Rolling Bell Tower.

What they mainly sensed was the aura of the chairman of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce. Liu Xi, Chen Ji, and the others were very obscure, and they could hardly perceive them clearly, so when they saw the people coming in at the gate, they only searched for the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce. The figure of Chang Sun Zhi.

It's okay not to look at it. When they saw that Sun Zhi's position was not the first, and the other party came in and followed behind the veiled woman, they felt that their worldview was instantly subverted.

They weren't stupid either, and instantly recognized the veiled woman's identity.

President of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce!

However, after knowing this, they became the current state of shaking like sifting chaff.

Now they were shaking violently, as if they were in the extremely cold North Pole, and they had no clothes on their bodies, and in some places they turned into popsicles.

"It's dead! This time it's dead!"

"What character have we offended! The president of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce is also called Young Master! Master Chen, is it Chen Ji who has the highest status in the younger generation of the Chen family?!"

"No way! Isn't Chen Ji very strong! And I heard that Chen Ji looks feminine! How feminine is he! The opposite is feminine!"

The other high-level officials of Ju Tongge and Gunzhong Tower can't wait to kill themselves now, and feel that God has made a big joke with them.

This kind of person can be dead or alive in one sentence!

The other guests are now stunned by the scene in front of them, just like the gang from Ju Tongge Rolling the Bell Tower.

Chen Ping'an took Liu Xi and the others to the front table that had not been overturned, and said, "Everyone, take your seats."

Liu Xi glanced at the overturned table next to her and asked, "What unpleasant thing happened?"

Hearing this, the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the Rolling Bell Tower, who were not far away, suffered severe pain in their chests, and a mouthful of old blood rose to their throats.


Dead up!

But the two of them didn't have any hesitation now, they quickly ran forward and knelt directly in front of Chen Ping'an.

"Chen... Young Master Chen! You have a large number of adults, please spare our dog's life! We Ju Tongge will be used by your invincible gate in the future, be a cow and a horse, and have no complaints!"

"Master Chen! We rolled the clock tower and knew we were wrong! We will disband on the spot! Just spare us!"

Seeing this scene, now they no longer intend to have the two forces.

I can't either.

If only the city lord was on Chen Ping'an's side, they might be able to survive for a while, and after Chen Ping'an and the city lord broke up, they could regain their glory.

But not now!

Behind them is the president of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce!

That is, there is a Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce standing behind them, and with the mysterious and unknown identity of Chen Ping'an, they don't want to keep their power, it's hard to say whether they can survive tonight!

So now they don't dare to ask for anything, desperately begging for mercy and fighting for a chance to live.

Ask for even the slightest chance.

Chen Ping'an stared at the two sides, his eyes were still so cold, but he was already smiling in his heart.

The effect he wanted has been achieved.

And I didn't expect it to be done tonight.

He just wants to swallow the two forces.

Now that people are begging him to annex them, of course he has to satisfy their wishes!


He hadn't had time to speak when a strong aura suddenly appeared over the door.

This breath is almost as strong or weak as Sun Zhi.

The other guests felt this aura and were stunned again.

And this is not over yet, not long after this breath appeared, a similar breath appeared one after another.

Chen Pingan blinked.

Who is here this time?

Sun Zhi looked strange.

These old guys are following me?

Just as Chen Ping'an was about to go out to have a look, three people entered together.

After the three entered the gate, their eyes quickly glanced around, and then their eyes fell on Sun Zhi for the first time.

Then he quickly turned his attention to Liu Xi, who was wearing a veil next to Sun Zhi.

After confirming that they had come to the right place, the three of them all smiled and said, "Congratulations to the establishment of Wudimen, I will take the liberty to come to the banquet, may I disturb you?"

After Chen Ping'an sensed the detailed strength of the three old men, he probably guessed their identities.

There are several other chamber presidents comparable to the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "Of course you are welcome, the three of you please take your seats."

Seeing Chen Ping'an speak, the three of them carefully examined Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ping'an speaks at this time, which means that Chen Ping'an is the one who is the invincible door, that is, the son of the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce!

The three of them cupped their hands again and again and greeted Chen Ping'an. The smiles on their faces were full of smiles, as if they had seen their future son-in-law who was satisfied.

The people around looked at this scene and were already numb.

Yes, it is numb.

The president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce is here, and the presidents of several major forces here also follow, which is normal.

But this also made them sure that Chen Ping'an's identity was really terrifying.

Watching this scene, the Lord of the Holy Need Faster took a deep breath, and involuntarily looked at the Deputy Faster on the side.

The eyes of the two met, and for a moment they could feel each other's thoughts.

Sometimes, the opportunity is actually around, it depends on whether you can grasp it or not.

They have grasped it, and this opportunity is too strong!

A happy life is already beckoning to them!

Just like those little cuties in Qingzhulou beckoning!

The pavilion owner of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the Rolling Bell Tower were attacked again.

The wind has messed them up.

My heart was so cold it was hard to beat.

Tears welled up in their eyes.

impermanence of life.

Your motherfucker's big intestine wraps the small intestine.

After greeting the three of them to take their seats, Chen Ping'an again turned his gaze on the two pavilion masters of Ju Tong Pavilion who were kneeling on the ground motionless, and the two senior leaders of the two parties who were also kneeling on the ground, and said indifferently: "Leave here now, come back tomorrow. Come, I won't kill you, so you don't need to escape, of course, if you are sure you can escape, you can try."

Hearing this, the cold heart beats of the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the rolling clock tower increased slightly.

That means, can you forgive us? !

The two nodded again and again, not daring to escape no matter how bold they were.

It's too easy to find people with this status.

Unless they escape to other worlds.

But going to other worlds requires the consent of the Murong family.

Who knows if this young master has any other relationship with the Murong family!

As long as you can live, you can only recognize it if you are tired and bitter. Who let yourself and others be deceived by the other party.

That's right, it's a scam.

You, the big power boy, with such a terrifying identity, yet you pretend to be weak in front of us, this is poisonous!



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