When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1360: What is your identity?

The president of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce nodded again and again: "Okay, where are you now? I'll find you now!"

"In the Chamber of Commerce."

After the nice voice, China Unicom was cut off.

The president of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce put away this special messenger treasure, and then looked at the other old buddies.

"You heard it too, the president is looking for me, I won't play with you, and we will fight again tomorrow!" The president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce looked like I would leave if I won, and then stood up.

The other three did not keep him, and watched him disappear in place.

After the other party left, the three old men looked at each other.

"Is there a young master here? That is the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce! This is obviously a visit in person. How can this son's identity be simple?"

"Why haven't I heard of any major forces being created here in Lingyuan City! Good guy, let's ask people about it!"

"I think we need to go there too!"

The three of them were almost isolated from the outside world today, so they didn't know what happened, so they quickly asked their subordinates to inquire about the situation.

Soon, the answers they wanted to know were presented to them.

"Invincible Sect? A small force? The Sect Master is just an ordinary-looking person?"

"This news is definitely not accurate! But there is only such an invincible gate created in Lingyuan City today, it should be this invincible gate!"

"Don't say it, hurry up and prepare a gift and go see it!"

When they got there, as long as they could see the old partner, they went to the right place. If they didn't see it, it meant that the newly created force mentioned by the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce was not the invincible gate.


Sun Zhi flew very fast and hurriedly returned to the chamber of commerce.

There are three people sitting in the president's room at this moment.

Liu Xiaoxiao looked at Liu Xi and said, "We can go by ourselves, why bring this old guy with you."

Liu Xi said, "Take him to know Chen Huyou, and avoid him offending others in the future."

After listening, Liu Xiaoxiao nodded, thinking it made sense, but still muttered and complained: "Why so slow, at this point, the banquet is about to start."

Sun Zhi walked in quickly and said with a wry smile: "President! I'm late! Damn me!"

Seeing the other party, Liu Xi said directly, "It's alright, I'll be smart later, watch more and talk less."

After she finished speaking, she took Sun Zhi and others to disappear on the spot.


Invincible Gate Banquet Square.

After Chen Pingan announced the start of the banquet and let the guests open to eat and drink, he was surrounded by the two pavilion masters of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the Rolling Bell Tower.

"Master Chen! We didn't know Taishan just now! I hope you forgive me!"

"Yes, Young Master Chen, you can hit us as you like, and let out a good breath. Treat what happened just now as it didn't happen, and treat us as farts!"

The two of them didn't care what other people around them thought of them, their faces pleading and humiliating.

Now all they can do is beg for mercy and admit they were wrong.

Chen Pingan laughed and looked at them: "Aren't you very arrogant just now?"

"We were damned just now!" Ju Tong Pavilion's pavilion master smiled and slapped himself twice, and then continued to laugh with him: "How about we give you some compensation to Mr. Chen? For example, the stone of the avenue?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, please tell me the number. If we can take it out, we will give it to you!" The owner of the Rolling Bell Tower said with a smile.

They think they can try to bankrupt the disaster.

Chen Pingan would not forgive them.

Since both parties want to kill his power, why should he let the two parties collapse?

If he didn't have the relationship with the city lord, then what would happen to their invincible gate today, no need to think about it.

Chen Pingan said: "You can go back now, you are not very welcome here."

Hearing this, the pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the Rolling Bell Tower turned gloomy.

This is not negotiable!

They were heartbroken.

Isn't there a relationship with the city lord?

Isn't he the disciple of the great power!

You are a bird without these!

Moreover, your status in the big forces is not high, right!

The city lord of the family just depends on the fact that you are a person from a big power who calls you that way!

You have the ability and the elders of the Murong family!

The two roared in their hearts, but they didn't dare to say a word.

Chen Ping'an's identity must be much nobler than them, and all they can do is curse in their hearts.

But when they want to come, Chen Ping'an's strength is not a core figure even if it comes from a major force.

The director of Renjiacheng called Young Master Chen just to give face to that faction!

Just when the two were so scolded in their hearts, a few breaths suddenly appeared at the door.

The surroundings suddenly fell silent.

Some people are familiar with a breath.

"President of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce?"

"It should be!"

"Unexpectedly, he is here too! It seems that the identity of the invincible sect master is really not simple!"


A group of people were very emotional.

Chen Ping'an perceives it more clearly than these people.

This time, it's not just the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce in Lingyuan City.

Chen Pingan walked over there, ready to meet him.

The city owner also felt a little bit, and the corners of his mouth were raised.

He took his son and followed behind Chen Ping'an to meet him.

Shengxianzhaizhai saw this situation, his eyes brightened, and he quickly trotted behind Chen Ping'an.

He's got the **** out of it!

The pavilion master of Ju Tong Pavilion and the owner of the Rolling Bell Tower only felt distressed in their chests and had the urge to spurt blood.

As soon as Chen Ping'an arrived at the gate, Liu Xi walked into the gate with the three behind him.

"Young Master Chen, I'm really sorry, I'm late." Liu Xi wore a veil and lightly parted her red lips, her voice very pleasant.

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "It's my fault that I didn't invite you. Of course, I'm also afraid that you are busy with things, and I don't think such trivial matters will disturb you."

"Young Master Chen is joking, we're not busy, alright, let's not delay everyone's time, let's hurry up and get seated." Liu Xi said with a smile.

Chen Ping'an nodded and motioned for Liu Xi and the others to follow.

At this time, the city lord also looked at Liu Xi and said hello with a smile.

So does Shuai Zai.

They didn't call President Liu Xi, just Miss Liu.

The Lord of the Holy Need Fast Food didn't dare to speak, so he could only hand in his hands.

Moreover, his body is shaking now, and he has lost the ability to speak. I am afraid it is difficult for him to speak normally.

Because he discovered that the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, Sun Zhi, who he knew, now bowed his head slightly, and carefully followed behind the veiled girl Chen Ping'an called Miss Liu!

This is so shocking.

This is the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce in Lingyuan City!

Not to mention the terrifying strength, the identity is still so powerful, and now he is following this girl like a grandson!

What is this girl's identity!

And this girl is also called Chen Pingan as Chen Gongzi!

What is Chen Pingan's identity? !

The throat of the Lord of Holy Necessary Fasting was rolling desperately.

Involuntarily, I recalled what Chen Pingan said to him in the teahouse not long ago.

In the future, the invincible gate will be developed to be comparable to the existence of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce!

This is absolutely true! ! !

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