When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1322: It's better to go to this place at night

As for how to make money, he had to shop around.

"Picking up leaks from the stall?"

"This is unrealistic. There are too many strong people in this ancient city, and there are many people with excellent eyesight. It's not my turn to pick up leaks."

"Anyway, try not to sell the source of the avenue."

While observing the surrounding environment, Chen Pingan thought about ways to make money.

Murong Tian smiled and asked, "Friend, where are you going?"

Chen Ping'an said: "What are the landmark buildings in Yiyuan Ancient City? Or some places that are necessary to walk around? Also, is there any place where you can take nothing out and earn the stone of the avenue?"

After Chen Ping'an finished the question at one time, he stared at Murong Tian and the two of them, waiting for their reply.

After the two listened, Murong Fu, who was familiar with the ancient city of Yiyuan, said first: "There is an ancient building in the ancient city of Yiyuan that you can visit. This building is called Tongtianqiu. This building has a magical place, when people see it for the first time, some people can enter a state of epiphany, and it is possible to realize a new way."

"In addition to this building, there is a place called Qingzhulou that you can visit. This place is definitely a place that all men yearn for. It gathers the most beautiful batch of Qingzhu people in the entire Yiyuan world who only show their arts and not their bodies. Absolutely It can feast the eyes of all men. Of course, if you have the ability and talent, the other party may be able to sell it. "

Speaking of the back, Murong Tian showed a smile that only men understand.

Chen Ping'an is somewhat interested in that ancient building, but has no interest in this place where the art is not selling!

But it looks like you can see it.

Yes, I'll take a look, and definitely don't go in!

Murong Tian followed Murong Fu's words and replied to Chen Ping's last question.

"As for the last question you asked, fellow Daoist, there really isn't a place in the ancient city where you can empty your hands of a white wolf. And when it comes to earning the stone of the avenue, there is a place that many people go to, and that place is called Wanling Pagoda. , It has the title of Tianyuan Pagoda, which is rich overnight and poor overnight, which means good luck, heaven, bad luck, falling to the bottom of the abyss."

Murong Tian was deeply impressed by this Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda.

When he first came to the ancient city of Yiyuan, he had visited the Wanling Pagoda once.

At that time, when he came to the ancient city of Yiyuan, he was like a douchebag. He was even more eye-catching than Chen Ping'an, who was watching around him at the moment. When he saw some buildings or strange things he had never seen before, he would be shocked.

And the person who took him around at that time was the friend who had been drinking with him yesterday.

That time, after the other party took him to visit the ancient city of Yiyuan, he took him to the Wanling Pagoda.

And this trip to the Ten Thousand Spirits Pagoda just turned him from a fairly wealthy person to a pauper in an hour.

Chen Pingan became interested and asked, "Tell me in detail."

Speaking of luck, he doesn't think his luck is worse than others.

The most important thing is that this place can earn the stone of the road.

Murong Tian also knew that going to that place might consume some avenue stones, but as long as he could please Chen Ping'an. And Chen Ping'an also earned so many Avenue Stones from him, and Chen Ping'an would not let him out of the Avenue Stone.

"This Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda is the product of our Murong family. There are many souls imprisoned in it, and these souls are all vicious people. Our Murong family killed these wicked people, captured their souls, and trapped them in the tower. The Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda refines them into spirit bodies."

"And once we pull them out of the tower, we can refine them into weapons or various treasures, and then use the contract method developed by our Murong family to control them for our use. You know, different The souls of people who cultivate are different, and after refining into a spirit body, the strength is also very different, if you extract a powerful spirit body, it will definitely be profitable."

Chen Ping'an understood and asked, "Then there should be a fee, how should I be charged?"

There is too much difference between the strength and weakness of the spiritual body, some of them are strong, and they are included in the weapon and directly refined into a holy weapon.

And after the fusion of these spiritual bodies and weapons, they can be transformed. In addition to their high strength, and they also understood the existence of the Dao at the beginning, if it is the kind of person who has raised the Dao level to a hundred intentions, it is even more possible. Instantly comprehend the avenue, and madly ascend.

For example, Chen Ping'an and his current utensils are similar.

But these spirits are definitely better than choppers, after all, they still have complete souls.

Murong Tian said, "One hundred million avenue stones once."

Chen Pingan nodded.

There are not many 100 million avenue stones, but who knows how high the probability of success is, and if you succeed, you may not necessarily draw high-level spiritual bodies.

"You can go shopping here." Chen Ping'an smiled.

Maybe he was lucky, he took out the high-level spiritual body from the 100 million Dao Stones he earned from Murong Tian, ​​and sold it, and he earned 10 billion Dao Stones all at once.

No matter what spirit body he draws, it is impossible for him to refine weapons by himself.

He'll just resell people.

Murong Tian always said that the souls trapped inside are all vicious people, even if the probability is not, he will not bet on such a small probability, don't accidentally ruin the whole pot of porridge with a mouse shit, after all, he already has Good chopper for them.

Murong Fu asked with a smile, "Where is that fellow Daoist going to go first?"

He hadn't been to the courthouse for a while. Since he's all out today, and he might be fined soon, let's take advantage of this time and play a bit. Maybe some lady accidentally takes a fancy to him. The charm of a mature old man.

Every time he thinks like this, he has never been seen by others, but it is a pleasure to be able to drink and chat with those beautiful beauties and talk about life.

Chen Pingan thought about it and said, "Let's go to Wanling Pagoda first."

Go to the back of the Qingzhu Building. There is no rush to go to this kind of place. We will talk about it when it gets darker.

Only serious people go during the day, bah, I am a serious person.

Murong Tian nodded and started to lead the way.

The three quickly arrived at their destination.

They were in the eastern part of the ancient city of Yiyuan at this time.

Murong Tian pointed to a tall tower in the center of the huge square in front of him, and said, "That's the Ten Thousand Spirits Pagoda."

There was a square in front of the three of them. The square was very large. The tower was already crowded with people. It just looked like a black spot of ink in a large cloth.

Chen Pingan stared at the tower in front of him.

The tower has ten stories, and the golden tower gleams in the sun, blinding people's eyes.

There is no entrance to the entire tower, and there are many stone platforms around the tower. These stone platforms are half a person high, and people around them are crowding on these stone platforms.

They are all scrambling to use these stone platforms.

Chen Pingan looked at other people's operation process from a distance,

In fact, it is like a doll. Throwing 100 million avenue stones into the stone platform, you can reach out on the stone platform, try to communicate with the golden pagoda, and lead out the spiritual body inside the golden pagoda.

Murong Tian smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, this is the place. Do you want to play? If you want to play, I'll help you find a good spot."

It is rare to become an elder, and of course it is necessary to use privileges to jump in line.

Chen Pingan nodded.

He also wanted to see how lucky he was.

And just after he nodded, exclamations rang out from a certain stone platform.

"You are so lucky!"

"Six-star spirit body, this is worth 100 million Dao Stones!"

"Brother! Sell me, I bought it for 12 billion!"

"Don't! I'll buy it for 13 billion!"


Looking at the liveliness over there, Chen Ping'an became more interested in this doll-style Wanling Pagoda.

"Six stars? I saw a flash on the sixth floor of the golden pagoda just now." Chen Ping'an probably knew what was going on. It should be that the higher the golden pagoda, the stronger the trapped spirit body.

"Six stars are worth 10 billion avenue stones, and there are seven, eight or ninety stars on them." Chen Ping'an looked at the avenue stones in his pocket.

One hundred million avenue stones can only be played once.

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