When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1323: I like people like you

Hearing the voice over there, Murong Tian felt a little sad.

At the beginning, he was exhausted and could not even win the bid once.

Looking at someone else directly pulling out a six-star spirit body now, that's called envy, jealousy, and hatred.

Of course, for him now, there are not many 10 billion avenue stones.

"But I also want to draw a six-star spirit body." This is a man's romance, yearning for the first time, but he has never drawn a five-star spirit body.

The three of Chen Pingan approached.

It was only then that they discovered that the people who squeezed towards the stone platform were not all rushing to use the stone platform. They approached the past, but they could see others playing more clearly.

That's right, who can always get the 100 million avenue stones? Most people can play it every few days, but no one can stand it all the time, unless everyone is like Murong Tian, ​​who can dissipate thousands of spirits and return them. come back.

Chen Ping'an followed behind Murong Tian and the two, walking all the way to a relatively close stone platform.

Murong Tian walked arrogantly, strutting and swaggering.

Looks like a rich man.

Even if he is not strong, the people who were told to make way by him were frightened by his upstart temperament, and they all moved out of the way.

Of course, Murong Fu also had some credit for this. His strength was very strong, and two avenues of 100-intention level were spread out, making some people who saw Murong Tian's attitude unhappy and ready to go mad immediately did not dare to make trouble.

As for Chen Ping'an, he was very mediocre. He didn't care about him, he was like a little transparent. Some people even thought that he was playing tricks and followed Murong Tian and the two of them, just wanting to squeeze in quietly to watch the fun.

"Who is that guy? Someone from the Murong family?"

"I don't know who that arrogant person is in the front, but I have seen the person behind him, Murong Fu, the competent subordinate of the second elder of the Murong family."

"Murong Fu? Isn't that person walking in front of a higher status?"

"That arrogant walking posture is absolutely right, and the identity must not be bad."

"I know who he is! Murong Tian, ​​he just became a preselection elder yesterday!"

"Murong Tian? Is he that Murong Tian?!"

"My dear, that's how it is. It seems normal. If I were the pre-selected elder of the Murong family, I would walk a hundred times more arrogantly than him!"

"Uh, how can walking be a hundred times more arrogant than him? Do you walk upside down?"


A group of people stared at Chen Ping'an, they pointed and talked endlessly.

Chen Pingan could clearly hear the conversations of these people behind him, and he had a clearer understanding of the strength of the Murong family.

"If there is a chance, I can really help Murong Tian to be promoted again, and he will give me more convenience in the future."

Chen Pingan thought silently.

The three quickly walked to the stone platform. At this moment, there was one person who did not give way. That was a middle-aged man who had just walked to the stone platform.

He felt that he came first, so he had to operate first.

However, Murong Tian's voice sounded: "Fellow Daoist, I am the pre-selected elder of the Murong family, make a seat and be a friend."

After listening to this middle-aged man, he could only get out of the way.

This so-called making friends is just a polite word, which means that we try not to be enemies, so you quickly get out of the way.

What can I do, they are the Murong family's pre-selected elders.

After everything was settled, Murong Tian smiled and looked at Chen Ping'an behind him and said, "Fellow Daoist, come on, have a good time."

Chen Pingan nodded and stepped forward.

The people around looked at this scene and were stunned.

How is this going!

After knowing Murong Tian's specific identity, they all decided that among the three, the protagonist was Murong Tian.

Well, at the last moment, this pre-selection elder suddenly confronted a man who seemed to be mediocre behind him, politely letting the other party come first?

If it is normal, the impression this scene brings to them is not very big.

But Murong Tian's arrogant attitude just now formed a great contrast to his current appearance.

Gives a sense of eternity.

It's not like the same person at all.

In other words, the attitude towards different people is too different.

"Who is this seemingly mediocre man?!"

"Good guy, just now I thought he was playing tricks and quietly followed the two of them, but I didn't expect to know each other, and let this Murong Tian treat him like this!"

"His identity is definitely not simple! Do you know anyone?!"

"never seen it."

"Not at all impressed."


A group of people shifted their attention in an instant.

The attention that Murong Tian had accumulated just now was also transferred to Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ping'an didn't care about this, looked at Murong Tian and said, "If you do it once, I should be able to learn it by watching it once."

Murong Tian nodded and put his hand on the stone platform with ease.

This stone platform is half a person high, and you can touch it when you stretch out your hand. There is a palm indentation in the middle of the stone platform. Murong Tian reached out and touched it, and a burst of light flashed.

Then, Murong Tian entered the Dao energy into the palm gravure, and the next moment, a palm-sized entrance to the void appeared beside the stone platform.

Murong Tian took out the treasure that had stored the 100 million avenue stones and threw it into the entrance of the void.

After a short while, the entrance to the void disappeared, and then Murong Tian closed his eyes.

His perception entered an empty, dim world full of stars.

Seeing that the whole sky was as big as dust, so weak that you couldn't see the glowing starlight unless you looked closely, Murong Tian twitched the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this scene, he already knew that his operation was likely to fail.

The stars in the sky are the spirits in the Pagoda.

Now this kind of starlight is weak and of the same size, which means that he can't tell which starlight is high or low, and it is difficult to attract these starlights. After all, the height is too high, so it appears weak.

As before, Murong Tian scolded and tried to lock a star.

After a while, when the time came, Murong Tian, ​​who had closed his eyes in front of the stone platform, opened his eyes, looking like he was going to scold his mother.

The 100,000,000 Avenue Stone just disappeared.

How can my luck be so bad!

Everyone can draw out six-star spirit bodies, but he is good, and Mao didn't draw one!

Chen Pingan said, "It's over?"

Murong Tian turned to look at Chen Ping'an, his face twitched, and said, "It's over..."

Chen Pingan blinked: "Nothing?"

Murong Tian felt liver pain: "No..."

Well, in the worst case of luck, nothing can be drawn.

No wonder this Wanling Pagoda is also called Tianyuan Pagoda.

Murong Tian didn't need to teach Chen Ping'an how to operate, so he talked about several situations after he entered the room.

Chen Pingan took it down.

"Emotion is the moment when perception enters, and the probability of success is determined."

After entering, you can see that the stars in the sky are big or small, then the probability of success is high. If all the stars are big enough to be in front of you, no matter which one you draw, you can draw them.

Of course, all starlights are very likely to appear very rarely, because if you choose a group of starlights, you can extract ten-star spiritual bodies.

"Fellow Daoist, try it." Murong Tian said.

Chen Pingan nodded and stepped forward.

He learned from Murong Tian just now, every step was the same.

Soon after, a palm-sized entrance to the void appeared beside the stone platform.

And just when Chen Ping'an was about to take out the only 100 million Avenue Stones left on his body, Murong Fu, who was beside him, quickly stepped forward and stuffed a storage treasure.

Murong Fu smiled and said, "I'll invite fellow Daoists to play once!"

Chen Pingan smiled and nodded.

I like people like you.

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