When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1321: alienation

The deeper he thought about it, the more Murong Zheng felt that he had come into contact with the prototype of the truth.

He felt that this thinking direction should be no problem, so he decided on this direction and studied it in depth.

"Murong Tian brought him to this world, and the first place to go is the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, to find that little girl who is so powerful that it is unbelievable..."

Thinking of this, Murong Zheng stopped and suddenly shook his head.

"No, if he is the man who is the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, there is a high probability that Murong Tian doesn't need to take him with him. Can he be unfamiliar with the Yiyuan world?"

"Wait, has this man never been to Yiyuan Realm? And the president of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce is not able to leave Yiyuan Realm because of something, and then this man is in another world, so the president of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce asked Murong Tian to Bring this man to Yiyuan Realm to find her?"

"It doesn't seem right. You shouldn't be looking for that city. Or go to that little girl halfway through?"

After thinking in this direction, Murong Zheng felt that his brain was bigger.

This seems to make no sense in many places.

"It doesn't matter, this man must be related to the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce. It is very likely that Murong Tian became the key to the pre-selection of the elders. Then what we have to do is to alienate them."

"You can give it a try!" Murong Zheng felt that there might be a chance to do so, but if he didn't do it, he could only watch Murong Tian take the position of the pre-selected elder completely.

He began to think of ways to get in touch with Murong Tian and the others, and planned a strategy to separate the relationship between the two.

"If my guess is correct, this guy Murong Tian will definitely curry favor with this man, and it is impossible for Murong Tian to distance himself from this man, so he can only start from the man's side and make that man hate Murong Tian. But, how can I…”

"Wait! If my guess is correct, if Murong Tian became the pre-selection elder by relying on the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce behind this man, it should not be the relationship between these two people, but the man and the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce. President!"

"Yes! That's it! Haha! Yes! Isn't Murongtian with this man now, what can two men do together? Of course, they do something comfortable together! I can use women to seduce them! Then record the picture and anonymously send it to the chairman of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, so that the chairman of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce will know that Murong Tian is taking this man to have **** with other women!"

"As a woman, how can you look at your man like this, and even if Murong Tian didn't make up his mind to lead this man to do those things, he would be forced to take the blame for bringing this man down!"

Murong Zheng figured out everything in an instant and felt that he was a genius.

This is absolutely doable.

He didn't believe that there were men who could not be seduced by beautiful women.

"So what I have to do now is to determine their location, find a beautiful woman to seduce the man, and secretly record those pictures!"

Murong Zheng quickly thought of his beautiful lover.

There are already beauties, and the rest is to find Chen Pingan and their positions.

"Murong Fu is definitely still with them, let someone send a letter to him and get a position!"

Murong Zheng's brain is very flexible, and he already has a plan in mind.


Chen Ping'an and Murong Tian visited the city on the way again.

At this time, Chen Pingan also decided which city the new force he formed would settle in first.

A city called "Lingyuan City".

This city is considered a medium-sized city in the Yiyuan Realm.

There is a large population, but there are not many strong players. They are all strong players in the upper middle class, and the competition pressure is not too great.

All circumstances are suitable for their newly created faction.

Now he is waiting for Murong Tian and the others to go back to the city, buy some real estate, and build his own power.

And the reason why he still followed Murong Tian was because he wanted Murong Tian and the others to take him to the ancient city of Yiyuan.

When you came to Yiyuanjie, how could you not see the strongest city in Yiyuanjie, and it was also the city where Murong's family was located.

After Murong Tian learned that Chen Ping'an was going to Yiyuan Ancient City, he became more active.

After becoming a pre-selected elder, and news of him spread throughout the family, he is going back now, and everyone who sees him must respect him and call him Elder Murong Tian.

Murong Fu also decided to follow him back to the family, and followed Chen Ping'an for a while. He found that Chen Ping'an was definitely not as simple as Murong Tian said.

Murong Tian's attitude towards Chen Ping'an was too good.

"Maybe it's because of him that Murong Tian became the pre-selection elder!" Murong Fu thought.

And just as he continued to lead the way, he found that one of his subordinates had sent him a letter.

"What's wrong?" Murong Fu asked after connecting.

"Boss, where are you now? A team of expeditions was suddenly sent from the clan. They saw that you were not there and asked where you were!"

Murong Fu frowned: "Tell them, I have something to do, so I need a day off."

The inspection team was set up by their head of the family. It was specially set up to inspect the work of various departments of the family and to see if family members were corrupt or not active in some jobs.

This organization is completely out of the control of the elders, so when they meet, they try to cooperate as much as possible.

"He asked where you are now and told you to hurry back."

Murong Fu's face became ugly, and said, "I'm flying to the ancient city of Yiyuan, and it will take time to get back. If the messenger baby can communicate, what do you want them to say directly, if you really want me to be in front of them, then I will temporarily If you can't do it, if you want to punish, I will go to the family inspection team in the evening."

There was silence for a while, and then the man's voice continued.

"Boss, they want to deduct your salary for ten days."

Murong Fu said, "Let them deduct it."

After speaking, Murong Fu cut off contact with the baby directly.

Murong Tian said, "Is there an urgent matter over there?"

Murong Fu replied, "The people in the expedition team are fine."

Murong Tian didn't ask any further questions. After nodding his head, he stopped talking.

The three flew for a while, and the ancient city of Yiyuan was finally in sight.

In Chen Ping'an's field of vision, there is no ancient city building in front of him, nor a magnificent scene.

Some are just a vague sea of ​​clouds.

The sea of ​​clouds spread to the end of their field of vision.

"In front of you is the ancient city of Yiyuan, that cloud and mist is just a formation, not everyone can enter the ancient city of Yiyuan, everyone who is not from the Murong family, who wants to enter the ancient city of Yiyuan, must hand in a million avenue stones. "Murong Tian introduced with a smile.

Of course, they were members of the Murong family, and he was the pre-elected elder of the Murong family, so no one dared to charge their tolls.

Chen Ping'an didn't speak. He listened more and read more.

The three broke into the sea of ​​clouds and instantly entered a vast and chaotic world.

In the front, there is a group of strong guards, and when they see them, they step forward to ask them about their situation.

These people are the Murong family members, each of them is a hundred Italians, and there are as many as two hundred people.

It's really like a dog.

Murong Tian stepped forward, took out his identity token, and immediately made a group of people bow their hands and shouted Elder.

Murong Tian had a smug smile on his face, his head was a little taller, his nose grew a little longer, and his vanity was once again satisfied.

Afterwards, they directly passed the formation and entered the ancient city of Yiyuan.

At the same time, a message reached Murong Zheng. With a gloomy face, Murong Zheng began to send a letter to a woman with all kinds of charm.

"They have arrived in the ancient city. Prepare yourself. After the seduction is successful, there will be many benefits."


After leaving the vast world, Chen Ping'an returned to normal. Looking at the ancient city environment in front of him, his eyes lit up.

"It's really prosperous, it's really different."

They appeared in front of the city gate, and as soon as they came out of the vast world, their ears were filled with noisy sounds and it was uncomfortable.

The streets are crowded with people like ants, and there are stalls lining both sides of the long street.

Everything has to be sold, and everything that seems to be sold is very precious.

The corners of Chen Ping's mouth twitched, and he decided to take a stroll to see if he could earn enough money to buy land in Lingyuan City soon.

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