When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1320: Are you the man of the president of Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce?

Murong Tian looked at each other and saw the surprised expression on the other's face.

No matter how they thought about it, they could not have imagined that this little girl had such an identity. Even if Chen Ping'an said the answer, they still couldn't believe it.

"The president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce and a younger sister?" Murong Tian asked.

Chen Pingan said: "I don't know that, but her strength is indeed worthy of her status. Even if the two of you go together, you may not be able to meet her."

"So strong? Daoist friend, are you kidding me?" Murong Fu disagreed.

His strength is already very strong, and he has two mainstream avenues of 100 intentions. No matter how strong Xiao Liuzi's identity is, it doesn't mean that he is strong, not to mention that the other party is still in this situation. That's it.

Chen Ping'an glanced at Murong Fu, and said with a smile, "If you don't believe me, fellow Daoist, I'll see you next time. Tell him a heads-up."

He has no obligation to correct the views of the two, and he can't say that the reason why he can see Xiaoliuzi's strength is because he has the Great Way of Creation.

"Okay, let's stop here, let's go to another city and see?" Chen Ping'an looked at Murong Tian and asked for his opinion.

After seeing a few more cities and getting familiar with the situation in this world, he would have to temporarily separate from Murong Tian.

Otherwise, it would be inconvenient for him to release some people from the Hongmeng Realm.

Murong Tian nodded, in fact he wanted to ask Chen Ping'an how he found out about Xiao Liuzi's speciality.

Everyone saw Xiaoliuzi together, but only Chen Ping'an came into contact with Xiaoliuzi, and during the process of contact, he could feel that Chen Ping'an intended to contact him. Soon after the contact, Chen Ping'an made Xiaoliuzi show different The side of an ordinary little girl.

In the end, Chen Pingan even knew that Xiaoliuzi was the daughter of the chairman of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce.

If it wasn't for Chen Ping'an from the early realm, he would have doubted whether Chen Ping'an knew Xiao Liuzi in advance and knew that the identity of the other party was not simple, so he only contacted him purposefully in the past.

The three began to fly to the next city.

Chen Pingan began to think about future plans.

Xiaoliuzi's relationship at this level is considered to be handed over. He also has Murong Tian on the Murong family's side. In the future, he will deepen the relationship between the two sides, and their background will also be established.

It can also be regarded as a step in the layout of making a lot of money.

"Let's earn a few days of the stone of the avenue, and now I don't even have the stone of the avenue to practice."

Chen Ping'an already has 100 million avenue stones as his capital. Let's see if he can use this billion avenue stones to earn more avenue stones in the following wanderings.

He decided not to use the precious resource of Dao Yuanyuan.

Selling a few thousand pieces of Dao Yuanyuan will only allow them to cultivate for a few days. It is better to put it aside and use it later to clear the relationship or other important purposes.

Chen Ping'an looked at Murong Tian and tried to ask, "Fellow Daoist, I want to ask you one thing, what is the specific status of your family from high to low?"

This is the first time he has heard the title of preselection elder.

Murong Tiandao: "The person with the highest status in our family is the head of the family. The decision made by one person is the policy of the whole family. Below it is the Elder Pavilion. There are many elders in the Elder Pavilion, and each elder is a senior member of the family."

"Below the elders are the pre-selection elders. Every time a period of time passes, there will be a group of people competing for the position of the pre-selection elders, and the pre-selection elders have contributed to the family to a certain extent, or have the approval of the majority of the elders, they can also be promoted to elders. After the pre-selection of the elders, there is no good point..."

Murong Tian spoke carefully, trying to resolve any doubts Chen Ping'an had.

Chen Ping'an nodded, indicating that he knew it, and then showed a meaningful smile, and asked, "How can you become an elder faster with the situation of fellow Daoists?"

Murong Fu's ears perked up again.

Murong Tian was stunned for a while, and then said with a strange expression, "Why does fellow Daoist ask that?"

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "I have nothing to do, just ask. Of course, I am very happy to see fellow Daoists get to the next level. After all, you and I have a good relationship, haha."

"Thank you, fellow Daoist, for thinking of me." Murong Tian also smiled, quickly analyzing the potential meaning of Chen Ping'an's words, and thinking about whether he should tell Chen Ping'an directly, and he might trade with him again. The source, it is possible to become an elder.

He was quick-witted and quickly pinched the thought away.

Telling Chen Ping'an this is tantamount to handing over his lifeline to Chen Ping'an, and Murong Fu is also here, who knows if this Murong Fu will have anything to do with Murong Zheng, Murong Hua and the others.

Murong Zheng has sent people to monitor him, and let them know that the key to his becoming a pre-selection elder lies in Chen Ping'an, and it would be bad to make trouble.

Murong Tian replied with a smile, "If I want to become an elder, I have to make a great contribution to the family. I'm afraid I won't be able to do it in a short time, so I'll work hard in the future."

Chen Ping'an nodded: "Fellow Daoist, let's work hard."

He also thought that if Murong Tian was a pre-selected elder because of his own origins of the Dao, then he would sell him some more to see if he could be promoted to an elder. Now, it seems that relying on the origin of the Dao is not enough.

That's right, he can be promoted like this by trading the Dao Yuanyuan twice, then he sold all the Daoyuan sources to Murong Tian, ??????and their Murong Family Patriarch would not be so happy to abdicate and go into seclusion, and let Murong Tian act as the Patriarch?

Chen Pingan shook his head and smiled, and stopped talking.

Murong Tian also had a faint smile on his face, staring straight ahead, completely unaware that he had missed the great opportunity.


In the teahouse in front of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, the middle-aged man in black lying on the ground finally woke up.

His face was full of tears, and he never thought that it was the first time that he explained it like this, and it was still thrown into the hands of a little girl!

This little girl is a devil!

He wanted to cry without tears and took out the messenger treasure, endured the tearing pain behind him, and reported to Murong Zheng what he had exposed.

When Murong Zheng, who was far away from Murong's house, heard the report, his face became ugly.

"A little girl has 66 mainstream avenues of the 100-point level?! This little girl still seems to have a good relationship with Murong Tian and the others?! How is this possible!!"

Murong Zheng's entire face was slightly contorted.

A little Murong Tian, ??????before he became a pre-selection elder, he was obviously just a split-family patriarch, and he didn't even have a hundred will, how could he have this kind of energy? !

"Tell out everything you see in detail!" Murong Zheng conveyed the letter in a deep voice.

The middle-aged man in black over there could only repeat the scenes he saw carefully.

"No! This little girl didn't know Murong Tian, ??????but the person who looked mediocre!"

Murong Zheng's forehead was instantly covered with texture, and his brows were furrowed.

"This Murong Tian can become the pre-selection elder, I am afraid it has something to do with this person! It is very likely that Murong Tian met such a mysterious existence in nine worlds! This existence can make the patriarch make an exception and make Murong Tian the pre-selection elder. , the identity must be the highest level of the top forces! And just now they were in the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce..."

Murong was reasoning for a while, and suddenly his eyes widened.

"The President of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce has a deep relationship with our Patriarch, and there are business contacts! If she recommends Murong Tian to the Patriarch as a pre-selection elder, the Patriarch should agree!"

"And after Murong Tian became the pre-selection elder, he accompanied this man to the Yiyuan Realm. Could it be that this man is...the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce?!"

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