When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1319: Introduce a friend to you next time

She was not surprised that Chen Ping'an guessed that her identity was not easy.

Her strength has been discovered by Chen Ping'an, plus the fact that she called out the president just now, the fool knows that her identity is definitely not simple, but she is a little embarrassed to let her reveal her identity.

Chen Ping'an is a member of the Murong family, and she doesn't know the exact identity, but it is very likely that his status is higher than that of the pre-selected elders. side forces.

Most importantly, her sister let her hide her identity.


Seeing Chen Ping'an waiting for her reply, she still looked determined to do so, she knew that if she wanted to harvest watermelon from Chen Ping'an in the future, she could only tell her identity.

For watermelon!

Xiao Liuzi bit her white teeth, made a decision, stared at Chen Ping'an and said, "I can tell you, but you have to help me keep it a secret, and you also have to tell me your identity. By the way, you also have to Show your strength!"

Chen Ping'an nodded directly and said with a smile, "Okay, you can talk first."

Xiao Liuzi nodded, glanced at Murong Tian and Murong Fu, then walked to Chen Ping'an and dragged him to a corner.

Murong Tian and Murong Fu looked at each other, feeling that they were superfluous at this time.

Xiao Liuzi shielded the surrounding space and did not give anyone the opportunity to eavesdrop.

"My sister is the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce! My father...is the president behind the scenes of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce."

When saying this, Xiao Liuzi paused in the middle.

After Chen Ping'an learned this information, his eyes narrowed.

He knew that Xiaoliuzi must have a deep relationship with the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, maybe a high-level executive of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, but he didn't expect that she was the sister of the president of the strange woman.

And Xiaoliuzi also mentioned her father. When she said this, Xiaoliuzi paused for a while, realizing that she was going to leak and change her mouth.

"This Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce is a bit complicated, especially Xiaoliuzi's father, whose strength is definitely more intimidating. Maybe it can be compared to the Murong family's patriarch?" Chen Ping'an speculated secretly.

After Xiao Liuzi finished speaking, she was a little surprised when she saw that Chen Ping'an was lost in thought, did not speak, and did not show a shocked expression.

"Did you guess my identity just now?" Xiao Liuzi couldn't help asking.

Chen Pingan shook his head: "I didn't guess, but it's not much different."

"Well, now you already know my identity, it's up to you, what is your identity in the Murong family? Also, what is your strength? It's not easy to be able to see my strength at a glance, and it's not easy to find someone peeping. "Liu Liuzi naively thought that Chen Ping'an would fulfill the promise he just said.

Chen Ping'an showed a gentle smile: "I'm not from the Murong family, that Murong Tian over there is a friend I just met, and I'm not from the Yiyuan Realm, I come from another world, and I came here to let Murong Tian take me here. Just get acquainted with Yiyuan Realm."

Xiao Liuzi frowned again involuntarily.

Not from the Murong family?

Or from another world?

"Which world did it come from? Which force did it come from? It must be those top forces. You can tell me that I will know. After all, if the elders of Murong can be treated like this, their identity is definitely not simple." Xiaoliuzi asked. road.

Chen Pingan said truthfully: "In the early world, as for the power, you don't know it. Forget it, let me tell you, it is the Zhongtian organization."

ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

Xiao Liuzi rolled her eyes.

"There is this world?" Xiao Liuzi asked in disbelief.

Why hadn't she heard of it.

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "Yes, you can go back and ask your sister."

After a while of silence, Xiaoliuzi decided to skip this question first. The most important question was Chen Ping'an's strength.

"How about your strength?" Xiao Liuzi stared at Chen Ping'an seriously.

Chen Pingan said righteously: "I'm not as strong as you!"

Xiao Liuzi blinked, "Is it gone?"

Chen Pingan nodded: "No more."

"No! You show your strength, let me take a look!" Xiao Liuzi pouted.

Chen Ping'an shook his head: "I still have things to do, let's not talk about it, you can take this messenger treasure and contact me if you have anything in the future."

Xiao Liuzi, who was holding the message baby, watched Chen Ping'an turn around and walked towards Murong Tian and the others, feeling that he had been fooled.

She revealed her identity, and she didn't understand a word of what Chen Pingan said!

She doesn't know where it came from.

She only heard one sentence of specific strength, not as strong as you!

"You bullied me!" Xiao Liuzi reacted and yelled.

Chen Ping'an turned his head and smiled and said, "Little girl, I didn't lie to you. By the way, if I see you next time, I can introduce a friend to you so that I can play with you."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ping'an ignored Xiao Liuzi and walked to Murong Tian and the others. After speaking, several people flew away from the place and went to other cities.

Xiao Liuzi watched Chen Ping'an and the others leave, still pouting and puffing out his cheeks, looking like he was being bullied by Chen Ping'an.

"Hmph, I don't need friends. People who don't like watermelons don't deserve to be my friends." Xiao Liuzi didn't catch up. She still had things to do. After saying a word, she took out the leftover watermelon. , Continue to chew up, full of dissatisfaction.


During the flight, Murong Tian stared at Chen Ping'an and couldn't help asking, "Friend, what's the matter with that little girl? Is it true that she just said that we were being spied on by someone from Murong Zheng?"

He always felt that it was somewhat strange to believe the words of a little girl.

Although the performance of this little girl does not seem simple, especially the fact that she can quickly call the president of the chamber of commerce.

Chen Ping'an nodded: "I can believe that she is very powerful. I just figured out her identity. I didn't expect her identity to be so powerful."

Murong Tian hurriedly asked, "What is her identity?"

Murong Fu didn't speak, and focused on flying with the two of them, as if he wasn't interested in this topic, but his moving ears betrayed him.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "It's hard to say. I promised her just now to keep it a secret. I have my own bottom line."

Murong Tian smiled bitterly and said, "There's no other way."

Murong Fu also secretly said that it was a pity.

However, Chen Ping'an quickly added: "But my bottom line is relatively worthless, and the stone of the avenue of 100 million can break through."

Murong Tian: "???"

Murong Fu: "..."

After being sluggish for a while, Murong Tian decisively took out the 100 million Dao Stone, handed it to Chen Ping'an, and said with a smile, "That fellow Daoist break through yourself?"

He earned a lot of Dao Stones yesterday, and taking out 100 million Dao Stones is completely painless.

Chen Ping'an smiled and took the 100 million avenue stone: "This little girl, it's not easy, her sister is the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce."

Hearing this, Murong Tian's eyes widened.

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