When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1318: I am a little girl, how cruel can the means be?

Neither Murong Tian nor Murong Fu knew what Chen Ping'an and Xiao Liuzi were secretly talking about, but seeing Chen Ping'an and this little girl whispering in their ears, they both looked at Chen Ping'an a little differently.

Seeing Chen Ping'an's appearance again, Murong believed that Chen Ping'an had a bit of a dirty mind for this kind of little girl. I'm afraid she might think of a way to deceive other little girls.

Murong Tian watched Xiao Liuzi disappear, looked at Chen Ping'an, and asked, "Fellow Daoist, what do you want this Xiao Liuzi to do?"

Chen Ping'an smiled mysteriously, nodded and said, "Let her do a little thing, let's wait around here for a while, I believe it won't take long."


Xiao Liuzi walked in the direction of the man who was hiding in the dark who was peeping at her.

She stopped in front of a tea house and walked up.

At the window on the third floor, there was a middle-aged man in black frowning, and he had already noticed that Xiao Liuzi was walking in his direction.

However, after thinking about it, he still shook his head and said, "It's impossible for this little girl to find my location. With my strength and the cleverness of hiding methods, even a person of Murong Fu's level can't find me."


Just as he thought so, a girl suddenly flashed behind him.

Feeling the situation behind him, the middle-aged man in black suddenly widened his eyes.


He turned his head and saw that the person behind him was Xiao Liuzi who was with Chen Ping'an and the others just now, as if he had seen a ghost.

"What are you looking at?" Xiao Liuzi tilted her head and asked, like a troublemaker.

The middle-aged Kuroko rolled his throat and said, "I didn't see anything..."

It's just that before he finished speaking, he found that he was shrouded in a powerful force, and he didn't even have the ability to react, so he was sucked into a strange space.

He is no longer in the teahouse, but in the empty space.

Looking around, he knew that he had met a boss.

This kind of space is a kind of domain ability, and only those who are proficient in the Dao of Life or Dao of Space can create it instantly.

However, there is no time to pull a person into such a space and let the other party not even react, and the strength is at least several times stronger than the other party.

He glanced around and saw the little girl who had appeared in front of him not long ago.

At this glance, it was as if the seeds on his head had been slapped a few times, and the whole person was unsteady and took a few steps back.

"Every time you enter this space, the thing that hides strength is useless..." Xiao Liuzi muttered, still a little dissatisfied with the treasure with hidden strength, and then looked at the middle-aged man in black in front of him: "Hey, What were you looking at there just now? Hurry up, don't force me to be rough."

The middle-aged man in black's heart almost jumped out of his chest, and he was extremely unbelievable at the scene he was watching.

A little girl actually possesses sixty-six kinds of avenues of the 100-point level!


Seeing that the black-clothed middle-aged man didn't speak, Xiao Liuzi raised his fist, slammed the air twice, and snorted coldly: "Don't toast, don't drink, drink fine! I'm going to hurt people!"

The middle-aged man in black still didn't speak. He really didn't know what to say. It was the first time he was threatened by such a young girl.

Seeing that the other party didn't speak, Xiao Liuzi didn't waste any more time, and just started to do it.




After a while, Xiao Liuzi frowned and appeared in the teahouse.

"It turned out to be a member of the Murong family, but luckily he didn't get killed."

After she appeared, a person also appeared beside her, but this person was lying on the ground motionless, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, a slightly raised buttocks, and bleeding from somewhere behind him.

Xiao Liuzi disappeared on the spot, left the teahouse, and walked towards Chen Ping'an.

At this moment, the three of Chen Ping'an have not left, standing in a place with few people, waiting slowly.

She trotted back to Chen Ping'an and reported: "It's someone from your family who received an order from a person named Murong Zheng to find the reason why a pre-selection elder named Murong Tian became a pre-selection elder. I can't ask, I've used everything I can."

Murong Zheng?

Hearing Xiao Liuzi's words, Murong Tian's expression instantly turned bad.

He didn't know what happened just now, but from Xiao Liuzi's words, he could guess that someone should be following them!

And the person the other party mainly follows is still him!

"Find out the reason why I became the preselection elder? For what? This Murong Zheng and I don't have much interaction with him, nor do we have any grudges, and from what happened yesterday, it can be seen that this Murong Zheng must have something to do with Murong Hua... It seems that the reason they asked me to become a pre-selection elder must be because they have bad intentions for my position as a pre-selection elder!"

Murong Tian pondered to himself, he could become the head of the split family, and his mind was not stupid.

The same goes for Chen Ping'an, he actually stands on the same line as Murong Tian. If this Murong wants Murong Tian to stop being this kind of elder, it will definitely not be good for him.

It would be beneficial for Murong Tian to become such an elder. From the analysis of the success of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce, it was essential to have a strong force behind him.

And the higher the status of Murong Tian in the Murong family, the easier it will be for him to do things in the future.

Chen Ping'an looked at Murong Tian and said, "Be careful yourself."

Murong Tian nodded and said with a sneer, "It's okay, even if they know how I became the preselection elder, they can't do anything."

He relies on the source of the avenue that Chen Ping'an sold to him.

Even if they knew about Murong Hua, would Chen Pingan sell it to them?

Even if he sells it to them, he can't let him lose the position of the pre-selection elder. Is it possible that the Patriarch can change his mind and remove him from the pre-selection elder position?


He looked at Chen Ping'an, and now he wants the position of the pre-selection elder to be more stable, and no one can shake it in the future, so he must have a good relationship with Chen Ping'an.

As soon as Chen Ping'an was happy, he sold him some of the source of the Great Dao. At that time, the two great merits were recorded on his head. The entire elder pavilion opposed him as a pre-selection elder, and the patriarch did not agree!

Perhaps when the patriarch was happy, he directly made an exception and let him officially enter the elder pavilion and become an elder!

Opportunities must be seized!

Especially when Chen Pingan is in front of him now!

Near the water tower, get the month first.

In this line, he has to seize the opportunity.

After Xiaoliuzi reported the report, for fear that Chen Ping'an would regret it, he asked directly, "Is it alright? Is it time for my payment to be settled?"

Chen Pingan nodded, took out ten watermelons and handed them to her.

Xiao Liuzi took down the watermelon, and her brows were beaming. She was so happy that she was like a fool, laughing wildly.

But she was not blinded by ten watermelons.

If you want to have this kind of watermelon all the time, you have to get this guy in front of you!

"The reward is settled, I'll leave if I have nothing to do." Chen Ping'an said with a smile.

Xiao Liuzi hurriedly said: "Everyone has met for a while, why don't you leave a contact information? Maybe we can be friends in the future."

After all, she also deliberately showed a cute and simple appearance.

Chen Ping'an shook his head: "I don't make friends with unidentified people. You are too good at hiding unless you tell me what your identity is."

Xiao Liuzi's eyebrows wrinkled again.

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