When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1297: Murong Tian is out

Seeing that Murong Tian was happy, Chen Ping'an continued to try to ask the questions he wanted to know.

"By the way, fellow Daoist, will you intervene in the battles of the Absolute Beginning Realm? For example, helping a certain force and destroying a certain force?"

Chen Ping'an is very concerned about this issue. If he can, he will directly buy this so-called powerful family to see if he can destroy the death emperor.

He is the clearest of the truth about the lateness of life.

However, Murong Tian shook his head and said no.

"Our family has never intervened in the struggles of various worlds. Unless there is a real force to point the finger at our family, it will not easily help any force or kill a certain force. This is the family's training." Murong Tian looked at it. Glancing at Chen Ping'an, he probably knew what Chen Ping'an meant.

It should be that they want to use their power to deal with the Death Father.

Chen Ping'an nodded, no longer tangled on this issue, and continued to ask the next question.

"Then let's continue to talk about the use of your hub. If our deal on the origin of the avenue is completed, do you think we have such a chance to talk about this kind of thing?"

Now they are no longer trading territory, but have risen to private transactions.

Chen Ping'an stared at Murong Tian with some playfulness in his heart.

When he heard Murong Tian say that things here should not be discussed with Murong Hua, he realized that he could rely on this in exchange for the opportunity to pass through the hub.

After all, py trading is the most taboo to expose.

And exposing this matter, there is nothing bad for Chen Ping'an and the others, but Murong Tian has scruples that cannot be exposed.

Murong Tian blinked, pondered for a moment, and then nodded: "Actually, it is still possible to pass a few people, but it will be difficult for a large number of people to pass through. If there are too many people, we need to report to the chief family."

Chen Ping'an nodded with a smile: "It's okay if you can pass a few people, then let's talk about it like this."

Murong Tian nodded, and then he continued to ask: "There should be nothing else, right? If not, then I will go back to prepare the stone of the avenue, and I will definitely come before noon tomorrow!"

"Okay, in fact, we can continue to keep in touch in the future, maybe one day I can get a batch of Dao origins again." Chen Ping'an raised his eyebrows at Murong Tian and showed a meaningful smile.

Murong Tian stayed for a while.

What's the meaning? !

"Fellow Daoist, didn't you obtain these sources of the Dao in the different planes? Can you get them again?" Murong Tian tried to ask.

Chen Ping'an smiled without saying a word, and said, "Okay, fellow Daoist, don't talk about it, I'll talk about it later, I'm afraid your elder painting will find something."

Seeing Chen Ping's mysterious appearance, Murong Tian twitched the corners of his mouth.

But in the end he nodded and said goodbye to Chen Pingan.

It is true that we can't talk any longer, and when Murong Hua waits impatiently, if he wants to make trouble, if the two sides fight, then the transaction will not go on.

The three walked out of the hall together.

It was quiet outside at the moment.

All the members of Zhongtian's organization were staring at Murong Hua, whose face was very blue in the sky.

They were all thinking about how Murong Hua came out, while Murong Tian and Chen Ping'an were still in the hall.

After seeing Chen Ping'an and the others coming out, everyone turned their attention and fell on Chen Ping'an and the others.

Murong Tian smiled and said to Chen Ping'an, "Fellow Daoist, you don't need to give it away."

Chen Ping'an also smiled and said, "Well, come here often when you have time. As for the territory, it will be done tomorrow."

Murong Tian smiled and nodded, then flew to where Murong Hua was.

Murong Hua's face was even more ugly, like an eggplant beaten by frost, dark and ugly.

"Elder Hua, we're done talking, we can leave." Murong Tian looked at Murong Hua with a very normal expression, as if he wasn't talking about a major transaction just now.

Murong Hua didn't say a word. Although Murong Tian was helping her just now, she was still unhappy with what he did, and even Murong Tian made her a little jealous.

Especially when she saw Chen Ping'an and the others saying goodbye to Murong Tian, ​​they looked like they were saying goodbye to their friends, which made her feel even more uncomfortable.

If this scene was known to the people from the general family, one of her elders was threatened and could only avoid it, and the rest of the matter was left to the head of a branch family. In the end, the head of the branch family handled it perfectly. Can't get over the face.

Murong Hua snorted coldly and flew in the same direction as when they were coming and going.

Murong Tian was still secretly enjoying himself. He didn't have any distaste for Murong Hua's indifferent temperament. Instead, he felt that Murong Hua's temperament was the reason why he achieved today's good thing.

Several people quickly disappeared into the sky.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother looked at Chen Ping'an and asked in a low voice, "Senior, what do you want me to do next?"

Chen Ping'an said: "Everything is going forward in my arrangement. For the next thing, you can do as usual. If there is any special thing that needs you to do, I will find you."

"By the way, I did a good job just now." At the end, Chen Ping'an did not forget to praise the Emperor Mother of the early days.

The First Emperor smiled and nodded.

Don't think this is just a compliment, but it makes her excited.

"How do I think that after a few more times of this kind of performance, senior will let me also have a bunch of mainstream avenues!"

The corners of the emperor's mother's mouth were raised high in the beginning, and she was very much looking forward to this kind of thing happening again tonight.

Not far away, Emperor Hongtian and others quickly arrived in front of Chen Ping'an and asked about what happened in the hall just now.

Chen Ping'an simply dealt with it, and told them all the information he just knew.

After learning the truth, Emperor Hongtian and others fell silent.

Taiyuan is one of the ten start-up worlds, and is it the weakest one?

"Okay, there's nothing else to do next. You guys are busy. When he comes back tomorrow, let me know."

After that, Chen Ping'an didn't stay here any longer, and disappeared in place.

the other side.

After Murong Hua and the others left the Zhongtian Organization, they did not go back directly, but flew in one direction.

That direction is where the Hall of the Dead is located.

They also have to go to the Temple of the Undead and let the Temple of the Undead carve out a territory.

And if they want to open a chamber of commerce in the early world, they must also let the Temple of the Dead know their strength.

On the way, Murong Tian asked what he wanted to know.

"Elder Hua, I have a question I want to ask. Do you know why the chief clan entered the Absolute Beginning Realm at this time?" Murong Tian wanted to know the reason, maybe Murong Hua knew.

Murong Hua glanced at him with indifference in his eyes.

"You can do your own affairs well, you need to know so much?" Murong Hua said coldly.

Looking at the stinky face, Murong Tian's temper also came up, but he still smiled and said: "Elder Hua, you want to open a chamber of commerce in the Absolute Beginning Realm, and let the chamber of commerce take shape quickly and make achievements. , and my help is indispensable. Are you sure that our relationship will be very unhappy before it starts?"

He had long been unhappy with Murong's paintings.

As if in the eyes of the other party, he is nothing ordinary.

Of course, not long ago, he was really nothing, that is, the head of a separate family, and the status of the two was vastly different.

But once he wins the deal of the source of the Dao, he is sure that he will be able to be reused by the chief family!

At that time, he was not necessarily inferior to Murong Hua!

Therefore, he felt that he also had the weight to say such words at this time.

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