When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1298: When I win this deal, I won't give you up

Hearing these words, Murong Hua's whole body became cold, and his body trembled even more.

She was **** off again.

Murong Tian is like this now, exactly the same as the Emperor Mother of the Supreme Beginning not long ago!

are threatening her!

However, this is so true.

Without Murong Tian's help, she would not be able to do many things in the Absolute Beginning Realm.

Unless she first finds a way to grasp the hearts of the entire branch, or transfer the entire branch away and replace it with her own.

Otherwise, without Murong Tian's help, she won't be able to achieve success, she will gain a firm foothold in the elders' pavilion, and it will be a trivial matter not to be kicked out of the elders' pavilion!

Murong Hua stared at Murong Tian for a while, and forced a smile, but this smile was uglier than crying.

"Don't be angry. In fact, I don't know very well, but before the Patriarch sent me here, he said a word, let me try my best not to offend the beautiful woman whose strength is probably in the twenties."

Murong Tian was confused.

Try not to offend beautiful women in their twenties?

What do you mean? ?

"No? Did you mention any taboos or something?" Seeing that Murong Hua's attitude finally changed, Murong Tian tried to ask again.

It's not because of a woman in her twenties, their family has not dared to step into this Absolute Beginning Realm for so many years.

Isn't this bullshit!

Murong Hua really wanted to turn her face and say "You are endless", but when the angry words reached her throat, she still had an ugly smile on her face.

"Actually, this is not what the head of the family said. The head of the family is just a person who repeats it."

Murong Tian suddenly widened his eyes.

The owner of the house is just a repeater? !

With a hum, the speed of his brain turned a little slower, and an image of existence appeared in his mind.

Some people who are not very strong in identity or strength often think that the strongest person in their Murong family is the current patriarch, but this is not the case. There is another person in their Murong family who is many times more terrifying than the patriarch.

Few people know.

And because he is the head of the branch of the Taiyuan Realm, he is fortunate to know this important information.

The strongest person in their Murong family, long ago, was so powerful that no one could imagine it by imagination.

Someone who gives them this kind of strength sings the hymn to the God of Creation.

Yes, it's them!

There is more than one such existence!

"Who said it? Then there's not going to be a God of Creation here, right?!" Murong Tian swallowed and asked again.

That person is the God of Creation, so he has to be a person of the same level, or will be a person of the same level in the future, in order to attract the other party's attention.

Murong Hua said: "I don't know about that, it has nothing to do with me anyway."

The strength of the God of Creation is what she heard from the head of the family. The three thousand mainstream avenues are all at the level of Hundred Intentions, and even if there is a woman of more than 20 levels in this world, she may become the God of Creation in the future. It is also many years later, after she has made achievements here for a few years, she will leave.

Difficult to meet.

"Okay, here's all the information I know!" Murong Hua became serious, as if you asked the mother again, and my mother couldn't help but turn against you.

Murong Tian didn't ask any more questions, and at the same time, he deeply wrote down the sentence in his mind.

A beautiful woman in her twenties.

It doesn't matter, in the future, don't care if it's more than 20 Italian level, he can't offend a beautiful woman when he sees it!

No, maybe the other party is wearing a disguise mask?

But no woman can be offended!

Better to be cautious.

While the two were talking, they were already close to the Hall of the Dead.

Soon, they met the Death Emperor.

When Father Death sensed them, his nerves tensed up.

I thought that the Zhongtian organization had killed him.

Then, seeing that it was Murong Tian, ​​he tried to approach cautiously to understand the situation.

Finally, knowing everything, he also chose to cede the land.

For him now, the sudden appearance of a powerful force is not necessarily a bad thing.

Now that the Zhongtian Organization and the Taichu Sect are united, I am afraid they will attack soon.

And after he understands the way of birth, his strength will certainly improve a lot, but in the face of powerful offensives from both sides, he can protect himself, but the others in the Hall of the Dead cannot.

The foundation of many years, I am afraid that it will disappear overnight.

But now there is such a powerful force, and after he understands it, he also knows that except for the Absolute Beginning Realm, there are still the same nine worlds, and he can't help but see green light.

After comprehending the avenues of life and death, his strength increased rapidly. When he raised the avenues of life to the 100th level, his strength would be terrifying.

Especially after there is the avenue of life, the two avenues can be deduced to other avenues, and with the resources of other worlds, his growth limit is higher!

Therefore, he actively cooperated with Murong Hua, unlike Chen Pingan and the others, he tried his best to please Murong Hua.

I want to use this to please to upgrade the relationship, and in the future, I will use Murong Hua's power to let him have higher achievements.

Murong Hua did not expect to be treated with such respect after coming here, and the qi accumulated not long ago was released at this moment.

Father Death also raised two questions.

Almost the same as what Chen Pingan asked.

How to go to other worlds.

After learning about the place of the hub, he asked how he could get there.

Murong Tian refused for the first time, but Murong Hua on the side said, "If you cooperate with us well, the Chamber of Commerce will be successfully established. This trivial matter will be easy."

Father Death's eyes lit up, and he saw how to deal with the Zhongtian Organization and the Taichu Sect in a short period of time.

Attaching to this force, even if he can't use this force to solve the Zhongtian Organization and the Taichu Sect, at least it will give him time to improve his strength!

"If you need a little death in the future, just tell me!" The Death Emperor smiled and made a promise, looking like a dog's leg.

Qing Shuang looked at her with a bad expression on her face.

Murong Hua laughed loudly, satisfied with his vanity, and said, "Very well, you listen to me carefully. If I can give you some benefits in the future, I don't mind giving you some."

At first, Murong Hua completely looked down on the three forces in this world, but after being beaten and angry by the Zhongtian Organization, his attitude has changed.

Now the death emperor's climbing Yan's power has made her satisfied.

It also let her know that even if the strength is small, it is still beneficial to use it.

Murong Tian frowned slightly while watching this scene.

How could he think that this Murong Hua would go against the family's ancestral teachings and interfere in the struggles of these forces.

And what the Death Emperor wants to do is already obvious, this one is still cooperating, which is more or less speechless.

Murong Tian couldn't take it any longer and said with a smile, "Since this matter has been agreed upon, let's do it first."

He doesn't want to waste time here, so he hurried back to collect all the stones of the avenue, and went to Chen Ping'an early tomorrow to buy those sources of the avenues!

However, Murong Hua remembered something and suddenly said, "Aren't you going to recycle those bodies? Xiaodie, those bodies are still useful to us. The price of one of our recycles is 300 million avenue stones."

Murong Tian frowned upon hearing this.

My mother is afraid that I don't have enough Dao stones to buy those Dao sources and recycle a hairy body!

Moreover, why the asking price is so high!

It is useless for them to have a body, they can lower the price if they can! !

Murong Tian really wanted to ignore Murong Hua's words, but when he asked him to refuse to take it back, he didn't know what reason to find for a while.

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