When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1296: secret deal

Murong Tian was silent for a while, recalling a certain word in Chen Ping'an's words in his mind.

A lot?

He knows that there is the origin of the Dao in the alien plane.

It is not surprising to be able to harvest the source of the Dao in it.

Not to mention that the Zhongtian organization is powerful, and it is normal for a lot of people to get in and get some Dao origins.

But a lot of these two words are somewhat different.

How many are there before anyone dares to say a lot of two words?

Murong Tian smiled and said, "How much do you have? This precious resource is extremely scarce, no matter how much it is, we all want it."

Murong Tian felt that Chen Ping'an should use an exaggerated form to attract his attention.

So he asked carefully about the number.

Chen Ping'an thought for a while, and said too much at once, for fear of being missed by the other party, causing the other party's greed, and the possibility of being robbed.

Let’s talk about some of it first, and when you get the Stone of the Great Way, and it’s almost used up, you can say that you have some more. It’s better to sell it like a frog boiled in warm water.

At least there won't be too many surprises.

Chen Ping'an said: "We have a Dao Yuan of the size of 2,000 yuan here."

Murong Tian was stunned.

I wonder if there is something wrong with my ears.

Two, two thousand dollars? !

"Fellow Daoist, are you kidding me?" Murong Tian said with a smile, looking at Chen Ping'an with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Chen Ping'an secretly fiddled, took out a storage treasure and handed it to Murong Tian, ​​saying, "You can see for yourself."

Murong Tian swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

It's not really a joke!

Is there really a source of 2,000 avenues? !

It must be a joke, there must not be so many great sources in this storage treasure!

It's not that Murong Tian doesn't trust others, but the origin of the Dao in this number is too shocking.

Even in the world where their chief family is located, no single force can come up with so many sources of the Dao together!

You must know that with so many Dao origins, you can directly cultivate a few hundred-level geniuses! !

And now, this Zhongtian organization in the Absolute Beginning Realm actually says that it has 2,000 pieces of Dao origin?

He took the storage treasure, took a deep breath, and then began to check the situation inside.

If there are really 2,000 pieces of Dao Yuan in it, then his luck will come!

That's right, it's definitely good luck that can make him soar into the sky.

It may even be possible for him to quickly become the most famous person in the family!

Think about it, if he suddenly went to the chief clan with so many sources of great avenues, what would the expressions of the senior clan members look like?

He quickly saw the situation inside the storage treasure.

With a squeak, his head seemed to have a sudden short circuit in the computer, and there was no movement in an instant.

The whole person is stupid there.

No way! ! !

There are really 2,000 avenues of origin! ! !

Murong Angel blinked vigorously, suspecting that he had read it wrong.

After a while, after confirming that what he saw was definitely not fake, he swallowed again, slowly raised his head, and stared at Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ping'an kept staring at Murong Tian, ​​and seeing the other party's performance, he knew that the source of the Dao that he took out for the first time was slightly more.

Of course, this amount should not be enough to let the other party ignore it and use any means to grab it.

Moreover, these two thousand Dao sources are only one-tenth of the Dao sources he has.

Murong Tian felt that his hand suddenly weighed hundreds of millions of pounds. After reading it, he still handed over the treasure to Chen Pingan.

Then he immediately asked: "Are you sure you will sell it to us?!"

Chen Ping'an nodded and smiled: "How many avenue stones have you come up with?"

After Murong Tian was sure that Chen Ping'an really wanted to sell, he said directly, "You can make a price first!"

He didn't know how to get it for a while.

As he said this, he secretly glanced outside.

Murong painting is not here!

He felt like he could steal the deal!

He didn't want to share the credit with Murong Hua, and even Murong Hua might take the credit for himself, so if he could, if they had so many avenue stones here, he could take it alone!

Chen Ping'an had thought about how to sell these Dao Yuanyuan a long time ago, and the reserve price he could accept was a billion Dao Stone.

The source of the two thousand avenues is the stone of the two trillion avenues.

There are already a lot of Dao Stones of this number, but for him, such a few Dao Stones are really not enough.

Too many of his subordinates have already raised the Dao comprehension to the limit, and they only need to absorb the Dao Stones in the future. The number of Dao Stones needed every day is destined to be terrifying.

He suspected that soon after selling the two thousand pieces of the source of the avenue, he would have to worry about the stone of the avenue again.

We can't let the kitchen knives improve by absorbing the energy of the Great Dao between heaven and earth.

Chen Ping'an tried to say, "How about a stone of the avenue of 1.1 billion avenues? The size of the source of the avenues I have is the same, and there is no shortage."

He also didn't charge an outrageous price. After all, the number of Stones of the Great Dao converted from this was too high, and he was afraid that the other party didn't have it, and then forced the other party to become greedy.

After Murong Tian heard this, his heart beat very fast.

In other big worlds, if there is no accident, a stone of the avenue can be auctioned for 1.23 billion stone of the avenue.

When he sells it, he will make a lot of money! ! !

"Deal!!" Murong Tian said directly.

This time, it was Chen Ping's turn to be a little stunned.

Guys, is the price down?

But he didn't think too much about it. The first cooperation must give the other party a little sweetness. There are still a lot of great sources to sell later. It's good to raise the price slowly. The first thing to do is to make sure that the cooperation can be completed normally. .

"Okay, when will we trade?" Chen Pingan asked with a smile.

Murong Tian glanced outside again, and then whispered to Chen Ping'an: "Fellow Daoist, this business is done by me and you, please don't tell us to paint the elders, if the stone of the avenue, I will be able to bring it tomorrow! How! ?"

The corners of Chen Ping's mouth twitched slightly, knowing what the other party meant.

All are shrewd people.

Seeing Chen Ping'an like this, Murong Tian knew that Chen Ping'an had thought of what he meant.

"I thought she was upset, so don't worry, fellow Daoist, only the three of us know about this transaction." Chen Pingan said as if I understood you.

Murong Tian laughed: "That's good! I wish us a happy cooperation!"

Chen Pingan smiled and nodded.

After encountering such a good thing, Murong Tian directly forgot the matter of recovering his body. Even if he remembered this matter, he would not talk about it for a short time.

Because after receiving the source of these avenues, they will not have many avenues of stone when they split up.

The two trillion avenue stones have already taken out their wealth!

In fact, even he himself is not sure if there are so many Dao stones in his family, but it's okay, he can borrow it from others!

Anyway, after getting this batch of Dao sources, he has a way to quickly harvest more Dao stones!

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