When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1277: so much? I can't stand it


Duan Xinxin frowned slightly and asked, "What price?"

Chen Ping'an still smiled: "It's a price, but it's not really, because I think you will like this so-called price."

For some time, his daughter-in-law forced him to pay him food every day. He felt that the other party would definitely like this kind of so-called price.

Of course, the premise is that there are no other people around, otherwise no girl can accept such a price.

Duan Xinxin performed an eye-rolling technique for Chen Ping'an, and said speechlessly, "Can you guys not keep cheating, I'm dying of anxiety."

Chen Ping'an stopped talking, and directly took out two leaves that were plucked not long ago in order to verify that the leaves represented different ideas.

"Try to swallow one, and you'll know what the price I'm talking about is."

Duan Xinxin cast her gaze at the two golden leaves, and when she saw the golden leaves on Chen Ping'an's hand, she was startled.


These two leaves look inedible, golden, like gold flakes.

But she soon discovered the speciality of the leaves.

There are two different avenues of imprints on these two leaves.

She took two leaves from Chen Ping'an's hand, and she did not doubt that Chen Ping'an would never harm her husband.

She picked up a leaf with the imprint of the Dark Avenue and stuffed it directly into her mouth. After biting it, she swallowed it into her stomach.

In an instant, a warm current rolled in her stomach, and then rose to her mind in the blink of an eye.

A strong sense of refreshment filled her mind.

At this time, she finally knew what the "price" Chen Ping An said was.


Duan Xinxin wanted to hold back, after all, she had plenty of experience and experience, but in the end, under the feeling that was so strong that it could make people lose their minds, she fell short, and her body trembled even more.

Chen Pingan stared at his daughter-in-law with a playful face.

After everything was quiet, Duan Xinxin gasped and looked at Chen Ping'an speechlessly.

Eyes full of resentment.

you guy!

Can't we say in advance what this so-called "price" is!

So I'm ready too!

Alright now, it's time to change clothes!

Chen Pingan hehe said: "Daughter-in-law, how are you?"

Duan Xinxin still stared at Chen Ping'an resentfully, and then she scattered a great avenue mark behind her.

Perceiving the mark of the Great Dao, she also knew what the so-called golden leaf actually did.

Emotion is to help people comprehend the avenue!

Duan Xinxin snorted: "You bastard!"

Chen Ping'an smiled slyly, but didn't say anything at this time, signaling Duan Xinxin to eat the other leaf as well.

Duan Xinxin didn't think much about it and ate the leaves directly.

Anyway, the clothes have to be changed later, so I will change them later.

The avenue imprint that emerges on the second leaf is the avenue of light.

After swallowing the leaves, Duan Xinxin experienced another experience that made her both happy and hated.

Afterwards, she stared at Chen Ping'an speechlessly and said, "Turn around and I'll change."

She thought there were no more golden leaves.

However, Chen Pingan said, "It's just the beginning."

Duan Xinxin was stunned.

"You still have a lot of leaves on your hands?!" she exclaimed.

Chen Ping'an nodded, and then tried to ask: "By the way, daughter-in-law, which one do you think is more powerful than the one between us?"

Duan Xinxin blushed, but she answered directly, "This."

Chen Pingan sighed, unexpectedly losing to a leaf!


He pouted, preparing to take out the tree from the storage treasure.

And his daughter-in-law suddenly asked: "How many leaves of this kind do you have on hand?"

Chen Ping'an didn't answer, and a very ordinary-looking tree appeared in front of him the next moment.

He turned his head towards the tree and said, "Well, so many."

When Duan Xinxin saw that tree, she was stupid, thinking that the leaves of this tree would not be those leaves!

It's just that she found that the tree looked very ordinary, and the leaves were not golden, thinking that it might not be.

Now that she heard Chen Ping'an's words, she immediately lost her mind.

No way! !

so much! !

This... can't stand it! !

Chen Pingan began to pick leaves.

Only then did Duan Xinxin clearly understand the changing process of the leaves.

Seeing the golden leaf that Chen Ping'an handed over, she took a long breath, then swallowed hard before taking the leaf.

It is estimated that this tree has more than 3,000 leaves!

Not really all mainstream avenues have it!

To be honest, when she first heard Chen Pingan say that she could be as strong as the other party, she wondered if she would have all the mainstream avenues like the other party.

But thinking about it carefully, how is this possible, so she stopped thinking about it, thinking that her strength can be improved by a lot.

Seeing this tree now, she was convinced.

It is very likely that I can really have all the mainstream avenues like myself!

But after being happy for a while, she became sad again.

If the leaves of this tree are really those golden leaves, then she... Wouldn't she just throw it away today? !

Yep, it's obsolete.

Have to go through three thousand times that kind of thing? !


But thinking about it, she suddenly pursed her lips again.

Although it's useless, but...

When Chen Ping An saw this scene, his face was strange.

"Daughter-in-law, your expression reveals what you're thinking now!" Chen Pingan smiled.

Duan Xinxin's whole tender face seemed to have turned into a monkey's butt, so red that it was bleeding.

"Nonsense! I didn't think of anything!!" she quibble.

Chen Ping'an smiled and didn't continue, but his expression made Duan Xinxin even more shy.

This guy.......

In this way, the two began their respective work.

Chen Pingan was responsible for picking leaves for Duan Xinxin, while Duan Xinxin was responsible for eating the leaves.

Of course, when Chen Pingan was picking leaves, he was still counting.

He had to see what kind of avenue leaf was missing from this tree.

This tree is missing two leaves, and the missing leaves may have been used by the Death Emperor, or hidden.

He even suspected that perhaps the few leaves were the leaves that the Death Emperor needed the most!

The leaves of the avenue of life!

This is the worst possible outcome, because in this case, the death emperor is likely to realize the way of birth!

From then on there is the road of life and the road of death.

Of course, with these two kinds of avenues, he is still not strong enough, but after the other party has the avenue of life, his strength will increase accordingly!

When they go out to deal with him, it is also a big obstacle!

Time passed quietly.

During this period of time, the space where Chen Pingan and the two lived has been filled with an ambiguous atmosphere.

A voice came one after another, making people think about it.

After half an hour passed, everything stopped, and the surroundings became quiet.

Chen Ping'an looked at his daughter-in-law's tired and satisfied look, and his face was extremely strange.

Daughter-in-law, I really want to keep your expression, and I will make fun of you every day in the future...

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