When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1276: Multiple creation daughters-in-law

It was the first time that he ate this kind of leaf, and he didn't know the specific taste, but it was probably the same.

Qingshuang has been stunned by the side.

Seeing the marks of the Avenue of Life and the Avenue of Death behind the Death Father, she blinked, wondering if she had read it wrong.

After confirming that she was not mistaken, she knew what the leaf was doing.

It turned out to be helping people comprehend the way of birth! ! !

Now she finally knew why the Death Emperor was so furious just now. Obviously, it was not just as simple as being killed, after all, it was as if her own woman had been robbed.

At that time, I was afraid that this leaf would be found by Chen Ping'an, right?

Fortunately, I didn't find it in the end!

If Qingshuang knew that the death emperor lost a whole tree, almost three thousand kinds of leaves on the mainstream avenues, I am afraid that he would not think so now.


Inside the heteroplane.

Chen Pingan found a place with no one and began to try his attack strength.

The imprint of the Avenue of Creation appeared behind him, and he attacked the empty mountain directly.

This blow, he used all his strength, just like the black smoke that attacked the eighty-level not long ago.

This attack was very terrifying. With one blow, a mountain peak was leveled, the void shattered, and everything was silent.

Chen Ping'an had seen the power of his full-strength blow not long ago, but now looking at the environment after the blow in front of him, his breathing began to quicken.

"It really got stronger!!!"

He clenched his fists, and his eyes began to emit strong light gradually.

Yes, it has become stronger.

And it's getting stronger!

The power of his full blow now is at least 10% stronger than not long ago!

This was completely unexpected to him.

He thought that only the avenue of water had some changes, and the other avenues had not yet changed. If there were changes, it should not be too obvious.

Unexpectedly, the change is so obvious!

"Looks like this! When our other avenues have changed, and all the avenues are plated with a layer of gold, why don't they just take off?!"

Chen Ping'an's throat rolled, and saliva was swallowed one by one.

He took out the tree.

Carefully count the remaining leaves.

When he found that the number of leaves was very close to the number of Main Street, he frowned.

If the leaves of a tree just go along with all the main avenues, then there are two types of avenues missing!

He picked a few leaves again and came down.

It was found that the avenue imprints that appeared on each leaf were indeed different.

Obviously these leaves are more than 3,000 mainstream avenues!

"Did Father Death use two leaves?! What kind of avenue is it?!"

Chen Pingan wanted to pick off the leaves one by one and check them out.

But he is also afraid that after the leaf is picked, if it is not used in time, the effect inside will soon disappear!

Otherwise, why didn't the death emperor just pick them all off and save them?

There must be such concerns.

He looked at the three leaves in his hand.

Pick up one of the slices and stuff it into your mouth again.

This is a leaf that can help one comprehend the way of the earth.

After he swallowed it, he once again experienced a feeling of extreme comfort, and then he successfully plated his own road of soil with gold rims.

At the same time, he also found that the pattern of the avenue next to the avenue of soil has also changed a little.

He also turned to look at the avenue of wood next to the avenue of water.

When he saw that what was originally a small golden dot had grown to the length of several dots, he knew that the contagion phenomenon did exist.

And the speed of this infection seems to be quite fast.

If you don't look at it for a while, this has spread to a few small points. It doesn't seem to take long to wait for more than 3,000 kinds of avenues to be plated with gold edges.

After all, they have reached this kind of strength, and it is really easy to live for hundreds of millions of years.

Thinking of this, Chen Ping'an glanced at the tree, and now a thought popped into his mind.

He didn't want to eat all the leaves of the tree himself.

He wants to give it to his daughter-in-law!

That's right.

Now most of the avenues of this leaf are there, and his daughter-in-law has comprehended some avenues. As long as the leaves of the avenue of death are still on this tree, there is a high probability that his daughter-in-law will be able to comprehend all the mainstream avenues like him. !

At that time, wouldn't it be possible to be the same as him, a powerhouse of the Creation Avenue?

What is the use of being strong alone?

Two people are better!

Moreover, he now has the ability to "infect" the avenues with gilded edges. Now that he eats all the leaves, it only speeds up the gilded edges.

This effect is obviously not fully exerted.

With this idea, he also pondered for a while and decided.

Of course, he still has to see if the infection is real first.

Not because he swallowed the leaves of the road of the earth, and the changes that occurred were not good.

Chen Ping'an packed up the treasure tree, started to fly towards the Emperor Zhangtian and the others, and finally returned to the Emperor Zhangtian.

At this time, Emperor Zhangtian and others had already collected the bodies.

Chen Pingan took a storage treasure, and then parted from Emperor Zhangtian, letting him continue to organize everyone to dig the stone of the avenue, and fly to the cave himself.

This time, he was not in a hurry, and while flying, he checked the situation of the avenues in his body.

As he flew to the entrance to the valley, he again witnessed the so-called contagion phenomenon.

The length of the wooden avenue next to the water avenue has three more points, forming a line.

And the avenue next to the avenue of earth is no longer just a small golden dot at this time, and a very thin line extends.

"It is 100% sure that this contagion phenomenon exists!"

Chen Pingan had already made a decision at this time.

Give all the leaves to your daughter-in-law!

Two people on the Great Way of Creation, just ask who else!

Chen Pingan entered the cave.

When others saw Chen Ping'an coming back, they all cast their eyes on him.

Chen Pingan continued to keep them busy, while he found his daughter-in-law directly. Under the curious eyes of everyone, he pulled her out of the cave.

In the silent valley, Chen Pingan found a quieter place that no one could see, and opened a cave.

And also arranged a formation around, sound insulation and so on to achieve the ultimate.

Now all the things that happened in this cave, only the two of them know.

In fact, Chen Pingan is also afraid that others will see the side of his daughter-in-law...

After all, swallowing the leaf would be embarrassing.

Of course, he has seen more of his daughter-in-law's side, and it's nothing, at most, it's just a little emotional.

"What's wrong?" Duan Xinxin was very curious, especially seeing Chen Ping'an's serious and cautious look.

Chen Pingan said: "I found a good thing! It can make you reach my level in no time!"

Hearing this, Duan Xinxin was stupid.

"Really?!" She knows how strong Chen Ping'an is, but she is still very helpless because of this. She always feels that the gap between her husband and her is getting bigger and bigger. Now that she has such an opportunity, of course she has to seize it. .

Chen Ping'an smiled: "But you have to pay some price to become stronger."

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