When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1278: God of Creation

Duan Xinxin was looked at by Chen Ping'an, but he didn't dare to look directly at him, so he could only nod slightly: "I have collected more than 3,000 mainstream avenues now, and the remaining leaves don't need to be swallowed. ."

Chen Ping'an thought about it, and let his daughter-in-law swallow another leaf.

The avenue that appeared on the leaf was exactly the avenue her daughter-in-law had realized before.

He has to see if his daughter-in-law can be like him, and can also make the avenue pattern plated with gold.

Of course, before swallowing it, he had to let his wife try to integrate all the avenues to create the avenues of creation!

He already has experience and knows how to teach his daughter-in-law.

But he hadn't gone to teach, when something miraculous happened.

I saw that the tree, which had become bare and only had branches, actually glowed.

Then, in the blink of an eye, it turned into a golden tree trunk.

Chen Ping'an's eyes suddenly lit up.

"This tree trunk won't have any use, will it?!"

This tree trunk also became like this, which he did not expect.

He thought that only leaves had such a role. Of course, he also fantasized about whether the trunk could be planted and whether it would grow leaves in the future.

Unexpectedly, this tree trunk can also change like this.

"Is it edible too?"

Chen Pingan thought so.


Just when Chen Pingan thought of this, a magical scene was staged again.

I didn't see what Chen Ping'an did either.

The tree trunk that turned into golden light suddenly turned into golden light, from solid body to light.

The rays of light even merged into a ball, and then with a bang, it suddenly exploded.

Chen Ping'an stared at this scene carefully, and found that the golden light that merged into a ball was divided into ten equal parts at the moment when it exploded.

At the moment when nine equal parts exploded, they fell into the void and disappeared.

And there was an equal amount of golden light that disappeared into Duan Xinxin's body as if someone were guiding him.

Duan Xinxin didn't expect such a thing to happen. After Jin Guang submerged into her body, she seemed to have been hit by something, and her eyes closed instantly.

She found that the moment the golden light entered her body, a suction force suddenly appeared in her body.

The location where the suction appears is exactly in the middle of the three thousand mainstream avenues!

As soon as the suction appeared, the more than 3,000 mainstream avenues began to converge in a hurry under the action of this force.

In an instant, all the avenues were gathered together.

These avenues began to spin, began to merge, and finally, a voice ran through her ears.

She didn't know what language the voice was, but she knew what it meant.

"Avenue of Creation?!"

As she muttered to herself, a pattern began to rise behind her.

Chen Pingan looked behind her, and when he saw the familiar pattern, he knew exactly what the golden light did.

You don't even need to integrate the avenues yourself, this tree directly brings everything to the stomach!

Great service!

Looking at the mark of the Avenue of Creation, Chen Pingan showed a gratified smile.

from now on.

Their husband and wife will be the real invincible couple in the Absolute Beginning Realm!

Duan Xinxin opened her eyes and stared at Chen Pingan excitedly.

She had seen Chen Ping'an revealing the Avenue of Creation, and now she has it too, she was so excited that her whole body was shaking.

"Xiang Gong! I'm really like you?!"

Chen Pingan has it, she has it!

Chen Pingan smiled and nodded.

"Oye!" Duan Xinxin jumped from the spot and jumped up and down.

Chen Pingan was also happy.

But after being happy, he recalled the scene he just saw.

When the golden light exploded, it was clearly divided into ten equal parts.

One of them entered the body of his daughter-in-law, and where did the other nine go?

But no matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't understand the reason.

He continued to pick up the remaining few leaves in his hand, took out one, and handed it to Duan Xinxin, saying, "Daughter-in-law, try to swallow another one and see if there is any change in the avenue."

If he can also make the avenue pattern plated with gold like him, then his daughter-in-law can truly become as powerful as him.

After all, after his avenues were plated with gold edges, his strength improved a lot.

Duan Xinxin nodded and continued to swallow the golden leaf familiarly.

However, after swallowing it, she said that the avenue has not changed.

Unlike Chen Ping'an's description, a certain avenue pattern is plated with gold edges.

Chen Pingan frowned.

"Could it be because of the avenue of creation that was fused by this precious tree, so swallowing the golden leaves would not have that effect? ​​And I comprehended all the avenues by myself, the avenue of creation and the avenue of creation that fused with leaves. The types are a little different, so that's why?"

Chen Ping'an felt that there was a high probability that this was the case.

If this is the case, then it is impossible for his wife to achieve the same strength as him...

Daughter-in-law, I deceived you, you will never reach my level in this life...  

But he didn't say anything about it, after all, his wife was happy now.

And he also thought of something.

That is the vanishing leaf.

He has already counted.

There are two missing leaves on this tree.

One is the road of fire.

The other is the road to life!

Yes, the worst still happened.

The Emperor of Death may have realized the two strongest avenues!

"But it's okay, no matter how strong you are, you will only be stronger. In front of our Creation Avenue, you are also an ant!"

Chen Pingan snorted inwardly.

And when Chen Pingan thought so, in a space he could never have imagined.

At this moment, there are nine groups of golden light floating in the void of nothingness, like a ghostly fire, endlessly alive.

These nine groups of golden light are very big.

How big is it?

I am afraid that a mortal world is not enough for one-third of their volume.

In each group of golden light, there are some subtle patterns that are difficult to see.

Nine small groups of golden light came to this void, and after appearing in this void, they disappeared one by one into the nine huge golden lights.

Originally motionless, the nine giant golden beams, which seemed to be still, began to change at this moment.

Like a heartbeat, a thumping sound began to sound.

In the silent void, a voice suddenly appeared.

"The tenth God of Creation is finally about to appear?!" An excited voice came from the golden light.

"It's been too long, but I didn't expect that the tenth God of Creation was also a woman? And it's also very beautiful." Another group of Jin Guang said, it was a woman's voice.

"She has only relied on the Creation Tree to fuse the Creation Avenue, and it will take a while for her to be upgraded to the 100-point level. I hope she will not have any accidents. I don't want to wait any longer!" A very impatient voice sounded.

Jiu Tuan Jin Guang said a sentence separately, and each sentence contained the feelings of expectation.

It was as if they had been waiting for this moment for a long time.


Duan Xinxin changed his clothes, and Chen Ping'an watched the whole process. He had seen everything anyway, so he didn't have to worry about anything.

After everything was done, the two began to return to the cave.

Now Duan Xinxin doesn't have to absorb the source of the avenue. With the avenue of creation, just absorbing the energy of the stone of the avenue can improve.

In addition, she already has the Dao of Creation, and she can learn from Chen Ping'an to mine the source of the Dao.

Although the strength is not as terrifying as Chen Ping'an, he can still conduct simple mining like the Great Emperor Hongtian.

And the moment she used the attack, the entire cave fell into a static state again.

In the beginning, the mother of the emperor was even more stunned.

The avenue mark behind Duan Xinxin blinded her eyes.

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