When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1262: It would be good to have 500 comprehens of the Dao of Life in the Absolute Beginning

Chen Ping'an said meaningfully: "You will know later, and calling you back also has the idea of ​​letting you protect them."

Chen Ping'an planned to let all the elves wait here for half an hour, and then go to the valley when the body controlled by the Great Emperor Hongtian returned to the entrance.

After all, more than 3,000 people acted together, the scale is too large, and it is easy to attract the attention of others.

If you accidentally meet a group of people from the Hall of the Undead, then it will be just like what the Great Emperor Hongtian said, a person of the 60th level can kill so many people.

Emperor Hongtian really didn't understand what Chen Pingan was going to do.

Not long ago, Chen Pingan said that he would take them to a magical place.

Is it time to take these people to that magical place?

What is the place that deserves them to send so many treasure-like comprehension of the way of life into such a dangerous alien plane!

Emperor Fuyin interrupted and said, "How about we arrange for more geniuses to follow us and protect them?"

He was also afraid that the nine of them would not be able to protect these people well. He was afraid that these people would go wrong. He felt that it would be better to arrange for more people to protect them.

Chen Ping'an shook his head. Those who were digging the stone of the avenue also needed someone to protect them. It is not good to disperse the fighting force now.

And with such a short distance, it stands to reason that luck will not be so bad. Let’s meet a large group of people from the Hall of the Undead.

When he wanted to come, many people in the Hall of the Dead should have entered the inner circle.

Chen Pingan said: "Okay, you should go back to control your body, and try to get to the entrance sooner. It's shameful to waste time."

If he wasn't really afraid of what would happen to these people, he would have let everyone in the elves go in now.

After all, it takes half an hour to absorb the source of the Dao, isn't it fragrant?

It's a sin to waste every second.

Emperor Hongtian and other venerable masters could only nod their heads, and did not return to the stone pavilion. They sat cross-legged directly on the spot, controlling the body inside and starting to move.

Half an hour passed quickly.

After Emperor Hongtian and other lords controlled their bodies to reach the entrance, Chen Ping'an signaled his clone and Pu Xu to bring all the elves into the alien plane.

The 3000 brigade entered the alien plane mightily.

The body controlled by the Great Emperor Hongtian and others watched the three thousand elves appear in the alien plane, and asked the lead clone: ​​"Let's go now?"

The clone nodded, began to lead the way, and flew in one direction.

A group of people took flight.

Emperor Hongtian and other venerable masters were always vigilant. For safety, they did not fly in the air and decided to travel on land.

On the way, they really met people from the Hall of the Dead.

Fortunately, there were not many people in the Hall of the Undead, only more than 50 people. They were wiped out by Emperor Hongtian and others with lightning speed.

Finally, under the leadership of the clone, everyone finally arrived at that remote and secluded valley.

"It's here, it's here." The clone said.

Emperor Hongtian and other respected masters stopped and began to observe the surroundings.

Is this the so-called magical place in Chen Ping's mouth?

But it doesn't seem to be magical.

Just under their observation, the clone closed a formation disguised as a stone.

A black entrance appeared before them.

"Everyone entered in an orderly manner." The clone looked at all the elves and said.

Already here, I am not afraid of any danger. If there is danger, I directly call the other clone inside to come out and kill it.

A group of elf people nodded, and under the instruction of Pu Xu, they plunged into the black hole one by one curiously.

Emperor Hongtian and other honorable lords did not go in the first time, and only began to approach after watching all the elves go in outside.

When they saw the entrance, they became even more curious.

Think about where this entrance leads.

At this moment, the people of the elves have entered, and the clone also smiled and looked at them, saying: "My dear lords, let's go in."

"By the way, remember not to get too excited later." The clone did not forget to remind.

Emperor Hongtian and the others looked at each other again, then nodded, and began to follow the elves into the black hole.

Inside the cave.

It was very quiet not long ago.

Now, it's quieter.

During this half hour.

Like hard-working little bees, Zixia and the others worked hard and focused on mining the source of the Dao.

In half an hour, they have already harvested more than 500 pieces of Dao Yuanyuan!

This harvest made them breathe faster.

You know, not long ago, they were waiting for the source of the Dao to be ejected outside. After waiting for so long, they also harvested the source of the Dao for less than ten yuan.

Well now, it has turned dozens of times at once.

And they still have a lot of time to dig in the future!

However, their beautiful digging time when they were not disturbed by world events soon came to an end.

Because they found that at the other end, someone suddenly appeared!

Before anyone appeared there, there was actually an episode.

The Emperor Mother, who hesitated for a long time, finally looked at Chen Ping'an and asked that sentence.

She has been struggling with one thing for half an hour.

That is to ask Chen Pingan if he can let some people in here.

She found that there was an entrance on the other side. If possible, she really wanted to let the geniuses who understood the avenue of life come in here, and absorb the source of the avenue here like the choppers.

Because there are really too many sources of the Dao here, if nothing else, before the end of the different planes, everyone should be able to improve the Dao comprehension to a level that can no longer be improved, and then cultivate the Dao Yi level to one hundred. Italian level, no problem.

If that's the case, there will be more than a hundred strong men of the avenue of life at the level of one hundred intentions in their Absolute Beginning Teaching!

The avenue of life is the top avenue, and it is much stronger than other avenues.

She couldn't imagine such a scene!

But Chen Ping'an didn't call anyone from Zhongtian's organization to come, she was really embarrassed to mention this idea.

After hesitating for half an hour, she finally decided to sacrifice her face for the sake of her early teaching, so she looked at Chen Ping'an and asked, "Fellow Daoist, I have a very excessive request. I thought about it for a long time, but I still want to say it, Although it's a bit excessive, I hope you don't get angry. Of course, if you don't agree, it's okay if I didn't say it."

In the early days, the Emperor Mother pleaded guilty first.

Chen Pingan knew what she wanted to say, so he nodded and said, "Go ahead."

At the beginning of the emperor's mother's eyes brightened, she put forward her own ideas.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said: "I have to wait a while to see this, because I am afraid that there will be too many comprehens of the way of life here, and there will not be enough space. If there is still space, it can accommodate a hundred people. There's nothing more than a hundred people."

When the Emperor Mother heard this, she was stunned for a moment.

What does this mean?


Afraid that there will be too many comprehens of the way of life here, and there will not be enough space? ? ?

How much space is there!

Isn't it easy to accommodate one or two thousand people?

Moreover, Chen Ping'an was talking about those who comprehend the Dao of Life. I am afraid that there are not 500 people who comprehend the Dao of Life in the entire Absolute Beginning Realm.

Just when the Emperor Mother deeply suspected that Chen Ping'an was declining, there was a sudden movement at the opening on the other side.

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