When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1261: The comprehension of the road of three thousand lives

The clone and Pu Xu left from the other end, and the others began to work in an orderly manner under the arrangement of Chen Ping'an.

Absorb the absorption of the source of the avenue, and go to the mining of the source of the avenue.

In fact, Chen Yi wanted to directly follow the chopper and the others to absorb the source of the avenue. However, his own strength was really strong enough to exploit the source of the avenue. He could only be busy with this matter.

At the beginning of the day, Emperor Mu and others were conscientious and diligent, and they did not care about other things at all, and tried their best to attack those prominent sources of the Dao.

Because they know that there is a high probability that other people in their own teaching will not be brought here by Chen Ping'an to absorb the source of the Dao, except for these people who are already here.

What they can do is to mine more Dao source and give it to those who didn't come here.

Maybe they have helped to mine a lot, and Chen Ping'an can give them more, or when he shares with them, he can share more of them.

Chen Ping'an is also busy, and his speed is much faster than the emperor's mother in the beginning.

A random attack, and a large piece was dug out.

After the clone and Pu Xu exited the cave, it didn't take much time to reach the entrance of the alien plane.

Through the entrance, they appeared in the headquarters of the Zhongtian Organization.

There are some venerable lords stationed here at the entrance.

These venerable lords frowned when they saw the two of them.

After the clones show that they are the ones in charge, they are allowed to act on their own.

The two began to split up.

Doppelganger to contact Chen Pingan.

Pu Xu returned to the Hongmeng Realm to organize all the people in the elves who had understood the way of life.

The avatar contacted Chen Ping'an at the stone pavilion through the contact of the mind, and returned to the residence.

After the clone sees the main body, it is directly integrated into the main body, and there is no need to say anything. The main body only knows everything that happens in the alien plane from memory.

Chen Ping'an laughed, and after being happy, he began to arrange the following things.

He separated his avatars again, let the avatars wait for Pu Xu and the others to appear in the residence, and then waited for him to return from the stone pavilion, and then led the elves to enter the alien plane together.

After all, so many people suddenly want to enter the other plane, without him, the people stationed will definitely not let go.

Chen Pingan returned to Shiting.

He signaled that Emperor Hongtian and others, who were sitting cross-legged to control the body inside the alien plane, were briefly out of control.

The body controlled by Emperor Hongtian and others was somewhere in the alien plane, directing all the members of the organization to dig the stone of the avenue, so there was nothing to be busy with, so they quickly opened their eyes and looked at Chen Ping'an.

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "Honorable Lord Hongtian, just leave one of you to lead the big team. The other nine people should go to our entrance now. I will arrange someone to take you to a magical place later."

Hearing this, Emperor Hongtian and others were startled.

What is this for?

Emperor Hongtian asked, "Master Wu, what are you doing?"

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "You will find out later. How far are you from the entrance now?"

Emperor Fuyin said: "It's not far, let's go back there, it won't take half an hour."

Their Zhongtian organization had not yet entered the inner perimeter, so when they all gathered, they settled on the outer perimeter, and after hearing that it was enough to just mine the ore veins of the avenue stone, they searched everywhere for the stone of the avenue. The ore vein is gone, and finally found a slightly larger avenue stone ore vein, which is just not far from their entrance.

Chen Pingan said: "Then let's go now."

When Emperor Hongtian and others saw that Chen Ping'an was hanging on their appetites, they didn't say anything.

Yet at this moment.

They cast their gazes in the same direction.

That direction is where Chen Ping'an's mansion is located.

They suddenly found out.

There were inexplicably many people's breaths there!

They can perceive that among this group of people, there must be a good number of people who are the way of life, because at such a long distance, they all perceive the breath of the way of life!

"Master Wu, why are there so many people in your mansion all of a sudden?" Emperor Hongtian asked.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "I can't say the specific circumstances of the people I cultivated."

Emperor Hongtian saw that Chen Ping'an was so mysterious again, and believed that it was related to the young master of the Chen family or the Chen family, so he did not continue to ask questions.

But other lords want to know.

Chen Ping'an knew what these people were thinking, so he changed the subject and said, "Do you guys want to see the situation over there? If you want, follow me."

Anyway, these people will know what will happen soon, so let them see enough.

Let them feel what a super legion is!

Chen Pingan took the lead and flew there.

After Emperor Hongtian and the others looked at each other in dismay, they no longer controlled the body inside the alien plane, and followed Chen Ping'an over there to see what was going on.

The venerable lords flew over there.

Their speed is also fast, and in just a while, they reached the sky at the entrance of the alien plane.

Piao Xu and the clone have gathered a group of elves in the open space in front of the entrance.

After Emperor Hongtian and others got closer, their heads were already swollen. When they really saw the battle, they felt that their heads were no longer good, as if they had been stuffed into some turbid paste.

Thoughts have become slow and inactive.

They stared at the scene below, the same as those stationed at the entrance. The shock that this scene brought to them is incomparable to anything in this life.

below them.

There are three thousand people standing in one line at the moment.

Each of them looks very handsome, and they are a little nervous at the moment, because they are also the first time to come to the Absolute Beginning Realm, and they find that there are so many powerful masters staring at them.

But they all know that they are covered by their predecessors, and nothing will happen.

Chen Ping'an looked at Emperor Hongtian and the others, and said, "This is the person I cultivated in secret. What do you think? As for how it was cultivated, don't ask, and I won't tell you if you ask."

Listening to Chen Ping'an's words, Emperor Hongtian and others twitched.

There is only one thought in mind.

The three words "good guy" are repeated endlessly.

Three thousand people who comprehend the way of life!

This scene was so shocking.

They have never been so impatient to uncover the mystery of a matter and want to know why this happened, but if Chen Ping'an didn't say it, they couldn't do anything about it.

Emperor Hongtian quickly asked: "Master Wu, I don't ask where these people come from, nor how you cultivated them, but you can tell me what you want to do when you gather them? Let them enter the other plane? This is a big mistake, we train them well, and they will definitely become a powerful army in the future!"

Almost all of the people here are below the ten-intent level of the avenue of life, and some are only at the one-intent level. Now letting them in, there is no effect, and there is a huge danger.

After all, it is unknown whether their Zhongtian organization will finally fight the death emperor and the others in the alien plane.

These people go in and die.

A person from the Hall of the Dead can destroy them.

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