When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1263: The emperor mother of the very beginning who changed her temperament greatly

Chen Ping'an reacted the fastest, looked over there, and saw that the first person to appear was an elf, knowing that the clone was coming with his "assembly line", and the corners of his mouth couldn't help turning up.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother reacted the second, her brows furrowed, and her face was vigilant.

The same goes for Zixia and others.

Because the people who come here are not simple people who go out, but other people!

Only the kitchen knives and the others who know the elves have a normal face.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother hurriedly looked at Chen Ping'an and said, "It seems that someone has discovered this place!"

Chen Ping'an was a little funny when he saw the emperor's mother in the beginning.

He has already begun to imagine what the emperor's mother would look like at the beginning.

But he still said: "Don't be nervous, my own."

After the Emperor Mother heard it, her brows loosened.

She knew that Pu Xu went out from there not long ago, but after seeing that the person who came in there was not Pu Xu, she immediately thought that it was someone else who discovered it.

After all, the entrance over there seems to be different from the entrance here, so you can come and go at will!

Now that she heard Chen Ping'an's words and saw Chen Ping'an's calm face, she carefully watched the situation over there.

At this time, there was more than one person over there, and another person came in.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother found that the people who came in were actually very strange.

He looks very handsome, and what he comprehends is the way of life, and the level of the avenue is not high.

"It should be the same as them." The Emperor Mother glanced at the kitchen knives and the others at the beginning. The kitchen knives and their strength were also very low. The two who appeared were the same. They must be a group of people who separated from Chen Ping'an and the others not long ago.

She felt that there should be some people behind these two people.

It was exactly as she expected.

After the two, someone else came in.

The third.

the fourth.

In such a back and forth, it has been non-stop, and a group of people has appeared.

When she saw the fifth person, the Emperor Mother was a little stunned at the beginning.

Now that she saw hundreds of people there, she was immediately numb.

A thought flashed in his mind.

how so! No matter how you are the comprehension of the way of life! !

At the beginning of the emperor's mother glanced at Chen Ping'an. Just now, Chen Ping'an said that there will be a group of comprehension of the way of life here. I am afraid that there will be insufficient space, so wouldn't it be true? !

Aren't you turning her down? !

But is there really such a thing? !

In the beginning, the mother of the emperor was stupid.

She stared at the situation over there more seriously.

The strength of the more than 100 Dao of Life comprehens that appeared is not strong, only a few meanings, but no matter what, they are also the comprehension of the Dao of Life. This number has caught up with the Dao of Life comprehension they taught in the beginning. number of people!

"There won't be more!" If what Chen Ping'an said not long ago was true, then there might be more people who didn't come in!

At the beginning of the emperor's mother's throat rolled up, staring intently there.

Time passed slowly, like a long stream of water.

As time progressed, the rays of light in the pupils of the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning became more and more turbid.

She is now finally sure of one thing.

Chen Pingan didn't turn her down at all!

That is realistic! ! !

At this moment, in her field of vision, more than 3,000 people have appeared there!

These 3,000 people are still the comprehension of the way of life!

Not only the Taichu Emperor's mother was numb, but Zixia and Ziyun and other Taichu teachers were all stunned, and the pestle was like a piece of wood.

The shock of this scene to them is unprecedented and unprecedented.

Chen Ping'an walked over, and at this moment, Pu Xu's clone, Hongtian the Great and others also walked in.

He walked up to the crowd and said, "You all find a place to absorb the source of the avenue here, try to learn from them, and don't hinder others from exploiting the source of the avenue."

At this moment, the kitchen knives and the others went to the corners of the source of the avenues that were less protruding, and silently absorbed the source of the avenues.

Those places will not hinder the Emperor Mother and the others from exploiting the source of the Dao.

This is also the reason why Chen Pingan doesn't want too many people here.

If there are too many people, the land occupation will not be enough, and it will also hinder people from exploiting the source of the Dao.

So the number is just right.

When these elves saw Chen Ping'an, they nodded slightly, and when they heard the military order, they were the same as they were learning kitchen knives.

For them, this cave is also quite magical, but they don't know the specific function of the origin of these avenues.

If they knew, I'm afraid they wouldn't be so calm at the moment.

Just like Emperor Hongtian and others.

After entering here, the Great Emperor Hongtian and the other venerable masters stood there motionless.

The expression on that face was comparable to that of the Emperor Mother in the beginning.

A pair of doubts that what he sees in front of him is a fantasy.

Chen Ping'an smiled and walked in front of Emperor Hongtian and the others, and said, "My dear lords, what do you think of this place?"

Emperor Hongtian stared at Chen Ping'an, his eyes were full of shocking emotions, he swallowed and said, "This... these are all true?!"

It's not that he has no knowledge and can't see the true and false origins of these avenues, but this scene is too unbelievable.

The entire cave is composed of the origin of the Dao!

No one will believe it! ! !

Emperor Fuyin blinked and reacted, and squatted down quickly to check the origin of the avenue on the soles of his feet.

In just a short while, he was sure that all this was true!

"Sure enough, it's a magical place! The leader of Wu is honestly not deceiving me!!!" Emperor Fuyin shouted.

It was like making sure that his beloved wife, the child she was carrying this time, was finally hers.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "Everything in front of me is true, so don't be too surprised."

After hearing this, the venerable lords nodded again and again, but it can be said that they are not shocked and surprised.

Chen Ping'an continued: "Okay, everyone, get ready to get busy. How much of the source of the Dao our Zhongtian Organization has harvested this time depends on your respective efforts."

"By the way, everyone, let's go over and say hello to the Emperor Mother at the beginning."

The Great Emperor Hongtian followed the direction Chen Ping'an was looking at, and saw the Emperor Mother and the others over there.

When he saw the confused look on the mother's face in the beginning, he looked strange.

He also knew why the Emperor Mother was like this now.

Unlike them, they are because of the origin of the Dao here, and the emperor and mother of the early days are because of these people who understand the Dao of life.

Emperor Hongtian and others followed Chen Ping'an to the emperor's mother in the beginning.

The Great Emperor Hongtian cupped his hands and smiled and said, "Is it the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning? I am Hongtian."

Emperor Fuyin and others also reported their names one after another.

At the beginning of time, the mother of the emperor had already returned to her senses, and she also bowed her hands to the Great Emperor Hongtian and others, and greeted them politely.

At this moment, she is no longer the sharp-edged one she used to be. When she is the strongest, she is more domineering than a superior person. Instead, she seems to have a feeling of Xiaojiabiyu, gentle and polite.

"You can call me Taichu in the future." Taichu Emperor Mother smiled at the end.

After seeing the comprehension of the Dao of more than 3,000 lives, the Emperor Mother of the beginning felt that her cognition was subverted again, and at the same time she was more sure of how terrifying the resignation of Wu, who controlled everything, was.

Now that the Zhongtian Organization is in the hands of Wu's resignation, the status of Emperor Nahongtian and others must be higher than her.

So she has to be very polite!

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