When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1260: Let me go mining

The place where he was at the moment was in a valley.

It's a bit remote here, surrounded by trees.

There's nothing special about it.

But looking around for a while, he instantly knew where he was.

Not long ago, he passed by here!

"If I remember correctly, this place should still be in the alien plane, and it's not far from the entrance of the Zhongtian Organization!"

Not long ago, he came to the alien plane, and after determining the location of the other clone, he passed by here.

I have vague memories of the environment here.

He looked at the hole behind him, jumped directly into it, said to another clone, jumped out again, and started flying in one direction.

After flying for a while, as he thought, he saw the entrance of the alien plane connecting the Zhongtian organization.

"it is as expected."

He flew to the valley, and finally jumped into the cave again.

The two reunite again.

"I didn't expect that there is a hole that leads to this place in the alien plane, and it's so close to that entrance."

Chen Ping'an's eyes lit up.

This is simply a shortcut from God!

After seeing that there are a lot of Dao sources in this cave, an idea has already popped up in his mind.

That is to get out all the sources of the avenues here!

But this place is so big, with the strength of him and the kitchen knife and others, it is difficult to do it in such a short time.

After all, the hardness of the source of the Dao is frightening. If you rely on attacks, you don't know when you will be able to knock down a piece.

Of course, Chen Ping'an didn't specifically study the hardness of the source of the Dao, so he still had to make a general assessment to determine what to do next.

In order to obtain accurate data, he decisively looked at the source of the avenue protruding from the ground next to him, and tried to attack with an attack.

After some try.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

A look of helplessness.

He still far underestimated the solidity of the origin of these avenues!

He found that if he wanted to break off a piece of Dao's origin, he actually needed the strength of Dao's sixty-seven-eighth!

And that's just a knock off!

That is to attack the source of the avenues that protrude from the ground!

If it weren't for attacking those prominent sources of the Great Dao, just digging out a piece from the rock wall, it would require an eighty-sense level of strength!

In other words, with so many people here, he can do it!

"When will this be finished?!" Chen Pingan was speechless.

I feel a little less confident about my goal of digging out the origin of the Dao here.

Because of this, there are only twenty "miners" on their side!

That's right, these 20 people are still from the Emperor Mother's side in the beginning.

On his side are Emperor Hongtian and others.

With the strength of Emperor Hongtian and others, they would definitely be able to hit a sixty-seven or sixty-eight-level attack.

"It seems that we really need to start the next step."

Since it is difficult to move out all the sources of the avenues here.

There is only one other way.

That is to use directly here!

Chen Ping'an is also a self-interested person, and the first thing he thinks of is the people on his side.

There are too many people in the Zhongtian organization. Let all the people from the Zhongtian organization come in here to absorb the origin of the Dao. The origin of the Dao here is definitely not enough!

The first thing that came to his mind was the people of the elves!

This is his assembly line!

Gotta do something for them.

And now, almost all the people who understand the Dao on his side have followed him into the different planes, and only those of the elves who have just realized the Dao of life have not come.

After making up his mind, Chen Pingan began to fly towards the entrance on the other side.

He jumped out.

In the beginning, the emperor and others were waiting for him almost eagerly.

In fact, the time they waited was not long, and it was only a stick of incense time after Chen Ping'an entered the cave.

However, this short period of time seemed to them as if centuries had passed, making them wait until their hair turned white.

Now that they finally saw Chen Ping'an come out, without exception, they all looked at Chen Ping'an with extremely urgent eyes.

The question they most want to know is whether there are many Dao origins in it!

The Emperor Mother stared at Chen Ping'an and asked, "Is there really a lot of Dao origins in it?!"

Chen Pingan nodded: "There are so many that even if you try to absorb them, you will not be able to absorb them all."

Everyone showed a shocked expression.

They had already had such fantasies in advance, but they were still shocked when they were confirmed by Chen Ping'an himself.

Chen Pingan said: "Okay, let's not waste time asking these questions. Come in with me now. You can find any answers you want."

Chen Ping'an didn't come out here to discuss anything with them.

Instead, take them in quickly, and absorb the source of the Dao without wasting any time!

He now feels that every minute and second here in the heteroplane is a treasure!

Must make good use of it!

Strive to be able to get as much as possible from the source of the Dao in the face of this abnormal position!

When the Emperor Mother and the others heard this, they nodded hurriedly.

Chen Pingan took them to the entrance without any operation, just let them jump in.

One after another jumped into the entrance like dumplings.

Everyone's posture is the same.

When everyone jumped inside, Chen Pingan followed them and jumped inside.

When he entered the cave again, he didn't care that the moment he entered the cave, he became a statue-like Emperor Mother and the others, and got busy on his own.

He had to seal the entrance.

After sealing the entrance, the cave will be theirs alone!

And the method of sealing this entrance is also simple.

The way to open this entrance is to find ways to absorb the energy of the avenue of creation here, then input the energy of the avenue of creation here, and it will be sealed with a high probability.

Sure enough, as he thought, after entering the energy of the Creation Avenue into this entrance, he wanted to jump out from here, but he couldn't.

Unless it is the source of the avenue, it can pass.

After finishing this matter, Chen Ping'an turned to look at the Emperor Mother and the others at the beginning.

They were still standing still.

Chen Pingan coughed and tried to wake them up: "Don't be stunned, you all try to mine the source of the avenue here. If you are not strong enough to mine, then find a corner for me and absorb the source of the avenue by yourself. ."

Hearing Chen Ping'an's words, everyone returned to their senses.

Their hearts were still beating so fast.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother stammered: "How... mining?"

Chen Ping'an showed them a demonstration and hit them directly with an attack.

After Chen Ping'an's demonstration, Tai Chu Emperor Mu and others all tried it out.

In the end, Chen Ping'an reluctantly discovered that with so many people here, only ten people can do it.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother's side nine, plus one Chen Yi.

There is a person who also controls the body and enters the other plane, but the strength is not even at the 68th level.

This made Chen Pingan speechless for a while.

Therefore, Chen Pingan asked these ten people to be miners. Don't absorb the source of the Dao, let's all mine.

Of course, Chen Ping'an didn't forget the people of the elf clan, so he found Pu Xu directly, separated his avatar again, and let the avatar take Pu Xu out through the opening there.

After the two went out, they returned to the Hongmeng Realm and brought all the elves who had understood the way of life.

After Pu Xu heard it, he was very positive. At the same time, he was also curious. He has been here for two or three days. How many more people will his clansmen realize the way of life?

Chen Pingan watched the two leave, and then looked at the Emperor Mother who was actively mining at the beginning, thinking in his heart.

When all the elves get here, he seems to be able to fool the Emperor Mother of the Absolute Beginning again.

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