When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1244: You just dig for me, and leave the rest to me

The Great Emperor Fuyin looked anxiously at the Great Emperor Hongtian, and said solemnly: "I can't spend it with them! Retreat while fighting!"

They have now killed more than 100 people, which is already a huge loss, and it would be good if they could kill these smoky men, but after dispersing these smoky men, they will continue to gather together and attack frantically.

If this goes on, the situation on their side will get worse.

Emperor Hongtian nodded, and the members of the organization retreated while defending and attacking.

After fighting for a while, they also learned about the attack methods and conditions of these black smokers, and after getting familiar with them, there will be no more casualties.

Every time these smoky people launch a new round of attacks, they can quickly disperse these smoky people.

They fought and retreated and walked a long way.

Fortunately, these smoky people finally stopped for no apparent reason, instead of continuing to pursue, they flew in one direction.

Both Emperor Hongtian and Emperor Fuyin let out a long breath.

But soon, their faces darkened.

I counted the number of people and found that in this sudden accident, a total of 200 people died here!

The two cursed.

"What the **** is going on! How do I feel that these smoky people are organized and aggressive? They seem to be controlled?!" Emperor Fuyin's face was so gloomy that he seemed to be dripping water.

Hongtian clenched his fists and said, "I actually felt the breath of the Death Father's Avenue of Death from those smoky people just now!"

He has fought against the Death Emperor before, so he is very familiar with the Death Road of the Death Emperor.

Emperor Fuyin lost his mind for a moment before he said with a livid face: "What do you mean, the death emperor controlled those smoky people to attack us just now?!"

Emperor Hongtian nodded: "It's very likely! Damn it, if this is the case, then our trip will be troublesome!"

The Death Emperor can control the black smoke, and now the two hundred black smoke people are like this. If they control more, can the members of their organization still survive and leave the alien plane? !

He couldn't imagine it!

"It shouldn't be! Don't think so much, maybe it's just one of the many dangers in the alien plane!" Emperor Fuyin comforted.

It's just that he wasn't quite sure of the possibility.

Emperor Hongtian said: "No matter what, you have to contact other people quickly, maybe they will encounter this situation soon after Zhangtian! Take precautions, it will not be as tragic as us!"

Emperor Fuyin nodded and began to contact them one by one.

And on the side of the Father of Death.

He had already controlled two hundred smoky men back to his side.

"The number is still a little less. If these black smoke can reach four or five hundred groups, hum, they will be destroyed in minutes." The death emperor was very proud at this moment, and the expression on his face explained what it means to be blind in the world.

And he finally told the Black Smoky Man not to continue attacking, because he felt that it was a waste of time to continue attacking, and it was enough to kill more than 200 members of the Zhongtian Organization.

"Let's go, continue to control more black smoke!" Death Emperor said resolutely.

Qingshuang looked at the death emperor from the side, and felt the invincible temperament in the death emperor again, and once again had a good impression of this man.

"Good master!" Qingshuang said with a smile.

Father Death suddenly asked again: "By the way, have you contacted those people?"

Qingshuang's face darkened at this time, and she shook her head: "I can't get in touch, and there is a high probability of being killed."

Father Death frowned again, but soon he snorted coldly: "For whatever reason, we are already the unshakable victor in this trip!"


over the grassland.

The breeze blew gusts after gusts, and the tall grass-tip leaves spread like waves to the distance.

Chen Ping'an and others have been waiting here for some time.

But still did not wait for the so-called entrance to appear.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother looked at Chen Ping'an: "Why don't we go to other places to explore first? When the alien plane appeared last time, the entrance here appeared, probably three or four days after the appearance of the alien plane entrance, if this time also Same, there's still a day or two left."

They can leave one or two people here to guard, and when they find the entrance here, they can contact them again, and they will just come over.

Chen Ping'an just wanted to nod his head, but at this moment, Li Hao approached Chen Ping'an with a frown, and told Chen Ping'an that he had just received the news of Emperor Hongtian and them.

After Chen Ping'an heard the situation over there, his face became serious.

The team was attacked by 200 groups of black smokers, and more than 200 people died?

Moreover, those smoky people are most likely controlled by the Death Emperor?

Hearing this news, Chen Ping'an frowned slightly.

He had already studied the situation of smoky people.

This kind of thing is very magical, even he can't completely eliminate it.

Those smoky people can be reunited after killing them, which is comparable to hanging on a wall.

If the Death Emperor can really control these black smoke, then things will be difficult!

Of course, it is difficult to do it, and it is not that there is no solution.

If these smoky people are really controlled by humans, then if the people who control them are killed, these smoky people will be no threat.

But the premise is that you can find someone who is in control.

Chen Ping'an informed the Emperor Mother of the early days of this information. Now that the Emperor Mother of the early days is already on a united front with them, it is also necessary to let the other party know about this kind of thing.

After listening to the Taichu Emperor's mother, she stayed for a while, and then the whole person became dignified.

"If this is the case, I'm afraid your Zhongtian organization will be in trouble. Of course, the premise is that the beast kills the people of your Zhongtian organization, but he doesn't come here. And if he comes here, then this matter is not counted. what happened."

At the beginning of the emperor mother said.

Chen Ping'an knew what the Emperor Mother said in the beginning.

If Father Death comes here, he can indeed destroy the other party directly, and the members of the organization will not be in any danger.

They were afraid of the death emperor and the others who caught the people of Zhongtian's organization and launched a sneak attack.

Chen Pingan thought for a while and finally made a decision.

He took Li Hao's baby messenger to contact Emperor Hongtian and began to try to connect.


The connection is complete.

Chen Ping'an said: "Lord Hongtian, I'll send you an order on behalf of those in charge. From now on, everyone should stop exploring separately. Ten teams will gather and explore together. Also, don't think about other directions in the direction of exploration. It can help to comprehend the treasures of the avenue, you purposely look for the stone mines of the avenue, and you can mine the stones of the avenue!"

Since Zhongtian organizes ten teams to be separated and may be attacked by smoky people, then gather together to explore, without a large number of smoky people, they will definitely not suffer any casualties.

And the Hall of the Undead will definitely not choose to go to war in the initial stage of this alien plane, so this approach is the safest.

However, if you do this, you will lose a lot of opportunities to explore treasures.

But now in Chen Ping'an's view, there is nothing more valuable than the source of the Dao in the treasures in the different planes!

Now he is guarding outside a mine that is suspected to contain a large amount of Dao Yuanyuan, waiting for the entrance to appear. As long as he can harvest a large amount of Daoyuan source, it is acceptable to lose some other treasures.

And after having a lot of Dao origins, what will be the most missing thing below?

That's right, it's the stone of the road!

Dao comprehension has improved, and the rest is madly absorbing Dao energy!

Therefore, pay attention to digging for the stone of the avenue, and you will definitely not go wrong!

When Emperor Hongtian heard Chen Ping'an's words, he froze for a while.

Then he asked, "Are you one of the two invincible beings sent into the alien plane from the mouth of the head of Wu?"

When he controlled his body to enter the alien plane, Chen Ping'an told him that he had sent two beings who were invincible in the sixty-level mind to the alien plane, and let them play freely.

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "That's right."

The Emperor Mother, who was listening to these words, was dumbfounded.

One of the two? ! ! !

Which sentence is the point?

The word "two"! ! !

After finishing speaking, Chen Pingan did not forget to mention the Emperor Mother at the beginning, and said: "There is one more thing, not long ago, I just discussed the matter of cooperation against the Emperor Father of Death with the Emperor Mother."

As soon as these words came out, there was no sound from Chuanxinbao, as if Emperor Hongtian had been slammed from behind.

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