When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1245: Our leaders are not easy

Emperor Hongtian was overwhelmed by the sudden news of Chen Ping'an's arrival.

Even Emperor Fuyin, who has not yet separated from Emperor Hongtian, can hear Emperor Hongtian and Chen Ping'an chatting on the side, like Emperor Hongtian, who has experienced being attacked from behind with a rambunctious stick a few times. .

They didn't think it was so bad, on the contrary, they thought this was the best news!

What kind of relationship still exists between the Emperor Mother and the Death Emperor at the beginning of the world, they have never been clear, the two were lovers at the time, and now it seems that the three forces are on top of each other, but they dare not rule out the Death Emperor and they use fake news to numb them. .

One day, when they Zhongtian organizes enough fire, it is possible to suddenly hear the news of the re-cooperation between the Taichu Sect and the Temple of the Dead.

This is what they have always feared.


Now suddenly I heard Chen Ping'an say this, it was like a big pie dropped from the sky and hit their heads. The pie was still green, so people couldn't react at all.

Emperor Hongtian asked quickly: "Are you sure? Are you sure the other party is not lying to us?"

Chen Ping'an glanced at the Emperor Mother at the beginning, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised: "She shouldn't lie to me, unless she wants none of the geniuses they taught at the beginning to go out of the different planes! Moreover, she has communicated with me. Well, I will target those people in the Hall of the Undead here in the different planes."

Chen Pingan said this for two main purposes.

The first is to convince Emperor Hongtian of the credibility of this cooperation through facts, and at the same time, he also gave the Emperor Mother a warning at the beginning.

Hearing these words in the ears of the emperor at the beginning of time, it seems that Chen Ping'an is saying, you can be prepared, if you dare to deceive me, then you should be careful of the people you taught here in the beginning, none of them can get out!

When the Emperor Mother heard Chen Ping'an's words, she secretly took a breath.

She believes that Chen Ping'an has the ability to do what he says.

Fortunately, she didn't have any bad intentions, and really wanted to seek cooperation.

When Chu Lian and the others heard this, they all swallowed their saliva. Now all they can do is to pray that the Emperor Mother of the First Time will never cheat on Chen Ping'an.

Otherwise, they are the ones who will die!

They can be very sure that if Chen Ping'an wants to kill them, they will be like the people in the Hall of the Dead, they will not even have time to react, and the head and body will be separated!

After Emperor Hongtian and Emperor Fuyin heard Chen Ping'an's words, it was difficult for them to calm down their emotions again for a long time.

This sounds very domineering, but, is this bragging?

Just when they thought so, a female voice suddenly sounded.

"Emperor Hongtian, you can rest assured that this emperor will not lie to you. The goal of this cooperation is to destroy the death emperor!"

Hearing the woman's voice, Emperor Hongtian and Emperor Fuyin suddenly widened their eyes.

They are very familiar with this voice, this is the voice of the emperor in the beginning!

The tone and tone were exactly the same as they had ever heard before!

In the beginning, the emperor was by Chen Ping'an's side? !

What the hell!

In other words, what Chen Ping'an said just now was heard by the Emperor Mother in the beginning!

What does it mean when you say something like that in front of others and others don't say anything? !

It shows that those words are completely believable!

This person sent by Lord Wu Zun is very likely to be truly invincible in this alien plane! !

Emperor Hongtian hurriedly smiled and said: "Then I hope our cooperation can go on perfectly! Of course, we have to deal with the situation here on the alien plane first, and we have to discuss it after we go out!"

At the beginning of the emperor's mother said: "Yes, but when the different plane ends here, it is impossible for me to let the teachers go out through the entrance of the Hall of the Undead, so I can only go out through the entrance of your organization."

The Great Emperor Hongtian said with a smile, "That's easy to do! We should meet before the end, and then we'll have a good talk."

At the beginning of the emperor's mother smiled and said: "Okay."

After finishing speaking, the two did not continue talking.

They didn't know each other very well. They had cooperated once before, but that was when they were very young. After everyone became famous, it was almost an adversarial relationship, and they never talked.

Chen Pingan continued: "Honorable Lord Hongtian, that's the way things are going here. You should listen to the arrangements of the leader of Wu, and try to lose some members of the organization and dig more stones of the avenue."

The Great Emperor Hongtian nodded again and again: "Okay, we will do everything according to what Master Wu said!"

After that, the two sides had nothing to say, and both disconnected the messenger baby.

Chen Ping'an felt that he had to contact Emperor Hongtian and the others later, so he took Li Hao's treasure of messengers and kept it himself.

After the Great Emperor Hongtian disconnected, he looked at the Great Emperor Fuyin who was on the side. After the two looked at each other for a while, they both laughed.

"If all this comes true! Then we will destroy the Temple of the Undead, just around the corner!" Emperor Hongtian laughed.

The Great Emperor Fuyin was also full of excitement, and then said sullenly: "Hey, just now you heard the words of the Emperor Mother in the beginning, it means that the person who sent us the letter has been so powerful that the Emperor Mother in the beginning has already admitted him. Powerful! Then there should be no major accident in this line of alien planes! Death Father, they are dead!"

"Yes, the two of us are united, and they will die no matter how much they do! If the black smoke just now was really controlled by the Death Father, they will also die! And they died well!" Emperor Hongtian was still thinking about what happened just now. Annoyed, the loss of more than 200 talented geniuses all at once made him more or less painful.

The Great Emperor Fuyin snorted coldly: "Sooner or later, let them double the return!"

Chen Pingan's side.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother had nothing to say, and stared at Chen Ping'an seriously.

She was still deeply immersed in the words Chen Ping'an and Hongtian the Great said not long ago.

Chen Pingan said that Wu resigned as the new leader of the Zhongtian Organization and sent in two invincible people like him!

One is already so terrifying, and now there is another, this Hall of the Undead must not die? !

Also, is the other person sent in is the young master of the Chen family? !

The Emperor Mother couldn't help but said: "Fellow Daoist, I have a question. I hope you can answer it from the perspective of our cooperative relationship."

Chen Ping'an glanced at the Emperor Mother in the early days and said, "You said, if I can answer, I will answer myself."

The Emperor Mother asked: "Do you know the young master of the Chen family back then? Or, are you? Or, the other invincible person you said just now is him?"

When Chen Ping'an heard this question, he pondered for a while, and then the corners of his mouth twitched up secretly.

"This question can be answered. The young master of the Chen family, I believe you already know that he was born again. Not long ago, he was the one who went to the Hall of the Dead to kill him."

When the Emperor Mother, Zixia and the others heard this, they all narrowed their eyes.

The thoughts in my mind are all the same.

Sure enough it was him!

Chen Ping'an continued: "However, the other person with the same strength as me is not him, and I am not him. After all, his Daoyi level is generally at the seventy level, and he can't get in. Now he is outside, dealing with Following some orders from our Master Wu."

Hearing this, the pupils of the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning were filled with thick clouds of suspicion.

Since just now, she has been hearing the name of the leader of Wu in Chen Ping'an's mouth.

However, like the death emperor, she felt that the new leader of the Zhongtian Organization, Wu, resigned, and it was most likely a puppet introduced by the young master of the Chen family!

Chen Ping'an smiled strangely when he saw the appearance of the emperor's mother in the early days: "The emperor's mother in the early days, do you think that our Lord Wu Zun is actually a puppet?"

When the Emperor Mother heard this, she was sluggish again. She couldn't understand why Chen Pingan knew what she was thinking now!

Chen Ping'an continued: "Then you are very wrong, we are in charge of Wu, it is not easy!"

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