When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1243: Father Death is proud again

During this period of time, the Death Emperor found the location of various black smokes of higher grades by contacting the geniuses who had already entered the other plane. In just half a day, he had already controlled 200 groups of black smoke.

The Dao rank of these two hundred groups of black smoke is generally high, and he is too lazy to find the black smoke with a low level. Now a group of black smoke generally has a rank of sixty-five.

The highest level is the sixty-nine Italian level.

Seventy Italian-level black smoke has not been found.

However, he believes that if he walks around in the inner circle, he will always find one or two groups of black smoke of this level.

And controlling so much black smoke also made him a little swollen.

In addition to his strength, let alone the Zhongtian Organization, even if the Zhongtian Organization suddenly unites with the Taichu Sect, he feels that the Hall of the Undead can handle it at will.

"At my current speed, before the entrance opens, I should be able to control four or five hundred clouds of black smoke. When the time comes, I will go to that place. What did that **** of the First Emperor use to **** the origin of the avenue with me?"

The source of the avenues swallowed by that place is random, and whoever is close to it is easy to obtain, but he controls a lot of black smoke, and makes more black smoke stand in different positions. Much more.

This time, the competition to **** the origin is no longer between him and the Emperor Mother of the beginning. It has risen to the power, and those who can survive in that place and obtain the origin of the Dao must be a top genius.

It is normal for other people to enter and die without obtaining the source of the Dao.

So they all made plans. As soon as the place opens, just let those talented disciples go there. As for the other people who are not top-notch, let’s continue to explore other planes.

And they have more geniuses in the Hall of the Undead than Absolute Beginning, and now with these black smoke, the number of Dao Yuan sources obtained by the Emperor Mother of the Absolute Beginning has been severely limited.

Father Death looked at Qingshuang and said, "Are there some people who haven't been contacted yet?"

According to the last time that place was opened, it should be a day or two before the entrance to that place is opened, so they also have to start contacting the geniuses who entered the other plane and let them approach in that direction.

As soon as the entrance is opened, he can let these geniuses gather together and follow him into the place.

However, Qingshuang frowned and said: "It's a little strange, 70% of the geniuses have already contacted, and 30% of them have not responded. Among them, the top 123 top geniuses have been contacted, but a few of the top ten are still there. No audio."

Father Death also frowned.

"They won't have any accidents, right?" At this moment, a man of the ninety-nine level who controlled his body said a word.

Qingshuang said: "It shouldn't be. They almost formed a team to act together, and Zhongtian's organization was particularly conspicuous. If you see it from a distance and leave, there will be no accident, unless someone from the Taichu Sect kills them."

There are not too many dangers in the alien plane. As long as you pay attention to it, there will be no accident. Of course, the premise is that you do not go directly to some places in the inner circle, and kill some black smoke with strong avenues.

But 30% of the people have lost contact, which is a little wrong.

The death emperor said: "You can contact other geniuses. They basically know each other. There may be a way to contact those who acted with the lost genius, and see if they can contact the people around the lost genius."

If you can't get in touch with the people around the missing genius, then there's a high probability that something really happened.

Qingshuang nodded.

But the connection is not so fast, and it will take a while.

At this moment, they, who continued to fly deep into the inner circle, suddenly stopped.

They all looked in one direction.

They can't see people, but they can feel the aura over there is very strong, there are definitely two thousand people!

"It should be a team of people organized by Zhongtian, let's avoid the edge for now." Qingshuang said.

She did not intend to contact each other.

After all, there are few of them, if they are surrounded by one or two thousand people of the sixty level, there is only one dead end.


The death emperor smiled gloomily: "It's rare to meet them, so of course I have to play with them."

Qingshuang blinked, a little puzzled.

The next moment, Father Death told her the answer to how to play with the people organized by Zhongtian.

I saw the death emperor looked at the more than 200 clouds of black smoke behind him, and he didn't know what he was muttering. These black smoke instantly turned into human figures, and then they all went to the people of Zhongtian's organization like a **** of war. fly away.

The death emperor sneered: "Let's follow and hide in the vicinity secretly and watch."

Qingshuang also laughed playfully.

that's all.

More than 200 smoky people flew recklessly in the sky, while the death emperor and others were well hidden and followed on the ground.

On the other side of the hill.

The team led by Emperor Hongtian and Emperor Fuyin happened to meet.

After they controlled their bodies to enter the alien plane, they each found a team and led the team to explore together with ten geniuses. They could also protect these members well.

For their organization, these young geniuses are the cornerstone of a strong future and must be protected.

After the two met, Emperor Hongtian asked with a smile, "How did you harvest?"

The Great Emperor Fuyin said: "It's alright, I found a stone cave of the avenue, dug 200 million stones of the avenue, and found some holy medicine treasures. The best thing is that I also harvested a piece of the source of the avenue."

The Great Emperor Hongtian was surprised: "The origin of the Dao?"

The team led by the Great Emperor Hongtian also explored an avenue stone mine and harvested 300 million avenue stones, but they did not find anything better.

Emperor Fuyin was proud for a moment, and then said: "Don't be discouraged, we have already reached the inner circle, I am afraid it will be easier to find those natural barriers, but unfortunately we can't act alone, unlike those in the Hall of the Dead and the Taichu Sect, who act quickly and often The source of the Dao they found was all they missed and didn't find."

If you fly alone, you can fly faster, and you can encounter more things in a short period of time. Unlike them, they are not so cumbersome. You have to consider the formation, so you can only make the flight speed slow, so that the probability of discovering natural barriers will be smaller.

Emperor Hongtian nodded and said, "Which direction are you going to go later?"

They have to continue to explore separately, so as to maximize the efficiency of exploration.

Emperor Fuyin thought for a while and was about to point in a certain direction, but at this moment, he found that in that direction, more than 200 black smokers were flying towards them aggressively.

Seeing this scene, Emperor Fuyin stayed for a while.

Emperor Hongtian and others also sensed the situation over there. After being confused by this scene for a while, they all reacted and became vigilant.

"Defend well!!"

This scene is so bizarre!

After coming here for so long, this is the first time they have encountered such a black smoke attack!

And a group of them gathered together, and they couldn't hide if they wanted to.

More than 2,000 people can only put on a posture of waiting.

More than two hundred smoky people quickly approached Emperor Fuyin and the others.

Seeing these smoky people up close, Emperor Fuyin and Emperor Hongtian frowned tightly.

These smoky people's avenues are too high!

An average of sixty-five Italian grades!

As soon as the smoky people approached Zhongtian to organize the crowd, they started to attack like crazy.

The Great Emperor Fuyin and others were busy defending and attacking, and it was also because of the first time they encountered such a situation, some members of the organization did not respond, and there were casualties soon.

Fortunately, there are many of them, and they are scary to attack, but after a while, they find out that these smoky people are scumbags and can't be killed at all!

After being dispersed by them, these smoky men will regroup and continue to attack them!

In such a short period of time, some people on their side have literally killed more than 100 people under the life-threatening attack of these smoky people!

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