When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1234: grab it

There is only one avenue that Chen Ping'an has shown now, and it is the avenue of time and space.

But they don't think that Chen Ping'an really has dozens of avenues.

In addition, Chen Ping'an did not break the natural barrier with one blow, as Chu Lian and the others said, so the answer is already clear.

Chen Ping'an felt the arrival of the Emperor Mother and the others in the beginning, and ignored the natural barrier. After attacking the natural barrier, he just waited for the natural barrier to disappear.

At the beginning of the emperor, the mother and others were very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they had already flown in front of Chen Ping'an and others.

They flew to the ground, separated from Chen Ping'an by a certain distance.

Chen Ping'an also felt the situation of the Emperor Mother and the others at a close distance.

He could feel the death energy in the ten people of the Emperor Mother and the others in the beginning, and he could be sure that the other party must be those bodies that Murong Tian sold.

And following Chu Lian and Zhao Lili, the answer is already obvious, these ten people must be the Emperor Mother and the others!

As soon as she landed, Zixia looked at Chen Ping'an and smiled, "Young Master, do you need help?"

She knew that it was impossible to conclude that Chen Ping'an had no other avenues just based on one scene, so she said such a sentence to try it out.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother did not speak. When she flew close to here, she let Zixia speak with full authority, and she watched Chen Ping'an and the others carefully.

Chen Ping'an said neither humble nor arrogant: "No, also, I advise you not to play the idea of ​​this natural barrier, because I don't want to do anything to you."

He declared his sovereignty in advance, and he could not touch this natural barrier to anyone. It was about him verifying the law.

And he is not sure whether he will encounter other natural barriers on the way, maybe this is the last one, it is hard to say.

As for whether the Taichu Emperor and others would try to **** him when they heard what he said, he thinks that there is a high probability not. Zhao Lili and Chu Lian have already seen the picture of him making a move, even if the Taichu Emperor and the others think it is impossible, they will not. Have a little scruples.

Even though the Emperor Mother and the others really wanted to **** the source of the Dao in this natural barrier, he wasn't afraid. There were only a dozen or so people, and he didn't take it seriously.

Even if the other party is the Emperor Mother in the beginning, under this strength, in his eyes, the other party is nothing.

Of course, after learning from the avatars who had sneaked into the Taichu Religion, he felt that he would not offend the Taichu Religion if he could not offend the Taichu Religion, and he also hoped that they would be more discerning.

Zixia frowned, a little unhappy with Chen Pingan's attitude.

But don't say it, Chen Ping'an's attitude is really like what Chu Lian and the others said, this is what they dare to say with strong strength.

I just don't know if it's installed.

At this time, Chu Lian quickly answered: "No, we are very principled and will never touch this natural barrier!"

Zixia and the others all looked at Chu Lian.

Chu Lian dared to say this.

She was really afraid that the First Emperor and the others would provoke Chen Ping'an.

If the Emperor Mother and the others died here at the beginning, it would have some impact on the strength outside, but it would also have some impact, and if they died, they would really die!

For the sake of her life, she didn't care, and said this respectfully at the risk of being punished by the Emperor Mother and the others.

Zhao Lili was also impatient, for fear that the Emperor Mother and the others would offend Chen Ping'an. Now that Chu Lian said such words at the first time, she felt that she could not just let Chu Lian bear the risk of being punished, so she also said: "Let's leave now. !"

Zixia, the Emperor Mother and the others looked at Chu Lian and frowned.

These two little girls, this is really a psychological shadow.

The Emperor Mother also spoke at this time. Following the words of Chu Lian and the two, she smiled and said, "Since you don't need to help, that's fine, we'll leave first."

Chen Ping'an nodded, looking like he didn't send it.

In the beginning, the Emperor Mother took Chu Lian and the others into the sky and flew to a mountain.

Finally stopped at the top of the mountain, and also arranged a hidden formation.

This mountain is very high, and the distance from Chen Ping'an is only two miles away. Plus there are no obstacles on the way, you can clearly see the situation there.

After leaving there, Zixia frowned and looked at Chu Lian and Zhao Lili: "I understand your feelings, but just like you did, it would make us very embarrassed to teach at the beginning."

Chu Lian and Zhao Lili lowered their heads and did not speak.

They feel that no face is better than no life.

At the beginning, the emperor stopped Zixia, who accused Chu Lian and the two, and said, "They have experienced those things before they are like that, don't blame them."

Chu Lian nodded again and again, with a pitiful appearance.

Zixia was helpless, so she stopped blaming them, but after looking at Chen Ping'an for a while, Zixia turned to look at the Emperor's mother at the beginning and asked, "Master, do you want to wait here for others to arrive?"

Zhao Lili said just now that when she heard Chu Lian's description of Chen Ping'an at first, she didn't believe that Chen Ping'an was so strong. People from the Hall of the Dead passed by and saw Chen Ping'an's action, so she was sure of Chen Ping'an's strength.

Then they will use this method now and verify it again.

At the beginning of the emperor nodded: "This range, even if he has any formation, it is difficult to affect us, and now many people are flying here, there is a natural barrier here, I believe people will go there when they see it. At that time, let's see how he responds, if he doesn't make a move and turns around and leaves, the answer is already obvious."

Zixia nodded, and then they waited here slowly.

Chu Lian and Zhao Lili took a long breath when they heard what the Emperor Mother did in the beginning.

No matter what the result is, it doesn't do them any harm.


Just after they waited for a while, they found out speechlessly that the first group of people who appeared on Chen Ping'an's side turned out to be the people they taught in the beginning!

There are twenty people in total.

And the one who led these people was the third-ranked genius in their Taichu religion!

Zixia was also stunned for a moment, then looked at Emperor Taichu and asked, "Master, what should I do now? Are you going to call them over..."

The people they want to wait for are people from the Hall of the Dead. Why is their luck so bad?

The Emperor Mother looked at Chu Lian and said, "Go ahead."

Chu Lian nodded, and then the whole person became violent, exhausted the strength of feeding, and flew at full speed.

It seems that he is afraid that if he is slow, the people over there will provoke Chen Ping'an, and then he will be wiped out by Chen Ping'an!

And over there.

More than 20 young men and women have already fallen to the ground, facing Chen Ping'an.

After Liu Shishi landed, he immediately analyzed the situation of Chen Ping'an and the kitchen knife.

After seeing that Chen Ping'an and their strengths were so strange, they were confused for a while.

She led the team to this neighborhood and saw the natural barrier standing here. She was overjoyed and flew over quickly. She didn't expect that there were already people here.

Fortunately, the strength of the people here is so weak!

And after landing, she found that Chen Ping'an and the others did not attack the natural barrier at all, and it could be seen from this that Chen Ping'an and the others knew that their strength was not enough, so they didn't bother to attack.

However, Chen Ping'an and others did not leave, so Chen Ping'an and the others must have contacted others and asked them to come over.

It is very likely that a group of people are coming here now.

"You have to hurry up and grab it!"

Liu Shishi felt that this opportunity could not be missed because of moral issues, so he came up with such an idea.

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