When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1235: apologize to me

Anyone who knows Liu Shishi knows that she is an action-oriented person. When she has a goal, she will go crazy towards the goal. This is why she can become the top three among the many young geniuses taught in Taichu.

She looked at Chen Ping'an and directly stated her intention: "Fellow Daoist, it seems that you have no ability to break this natural barrier. How about I give you one million avenue stones and give us this natural barrier?"

She felt that she should not do too much, give Chen Ping'an some benefits, and let him go.

And she believes that Chen Ping'an is also a smart person. Seeing their group, she will definitely give up and dare not make mistakes.

However, what surprised her was that Chen Ping'an looked at them as if he had seen something insignificant, and said casually, "I will give you one million avenue stones, and leave now."

As he said that, he explained what an action faction was, and directly took out a million avenue stones and threw them to Liu Shishi.

Liu Shishi blinked his eyes and said with a cold face: "Fellow Daoist, there are some things that you have no strength, it is best not to force them. We let you go, it is already a good deed, if you encounter people from the Hall of the Dead, I am afraid you will not have the life to speak like this. !"

Since the persuasion did not go away, Liu Shishi could only use another method to intimidate.

And just after Liu Shishi finished saying this, the man behind her suddenly spoke up.

"Master, why are you talking nonsense with such a person? Beat him up and he will leave!"

This man is wearing a brocade robe, tall and thin, and looks quite handsome. His strength ranks second among these twenty people, and his strength can also be ranked fifth among the many geniuses taught at the beginning of time.

A proper son of heaven.

Chen Ping'an looked at the man and said indifferently: "I said that your Emperor Mother in the early days did not dare to speak like you when she saw me. Do you believe it or not? I will give you one last chance. I gave it for the sake of face, and leave now, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

The man smiled, and looking at Chen Ping'an's high-level appearance, he felt that this kid was very pretentious, and he couldn't understand where Chen Ping'an's courage came from.

He looked at Liu Shishi and said, "Master, I'll teach this kid how to be a man, and you go directly to attack the barrier."

He felt that Chen Ping'an's eloquence should be because he wanted to delay the time, maybe someone who would be called by Chen Ping'an would come.

The most important thing is to quickly take away the source of the Dao in the natural barrier.

Liu Shishi nodded, looked at the Taichu Teaching people behind him, and said, "Go, attack the barrier directly, faster."

Chen Pingan was very impatient.

Why don't these people listen to advice?

There are some things you can't grasp.

Chen Ping'an no longer gave face to the emperor in the beginning, he could not let them break this natural barrier.

In fact, Chen Ping'an knew that Emperor Mu and the others should not have gone far.

He was staring at them just now, and when they flew to the mountain and blocked his vision, he suddenly couldn't perceive their position.

Presumably they got to the mountain and used the formation technique to block his perception ability.

Maybe he was watching here secretly somewhere.

And the reason why he didn't drive away these people was because he waited for the Emperor Mother and the others to come out and take them away.

Because he didn't want to conflict with Taichu Sect either.

But what he didn't expect was that these people were so anxious.

Chen Ping'an watched these people move, ignored him, and went straight to the natural barrier. He snorted coldly, and suddenly five avenues of imprints appeared behind him.

Twenty people, he doesn't have to kill them, just give them a little color, so the five avenues are enough.

Liu Shishi flew people to the natural barrier, which was very close to the natural barrier, and didn't care about Chen Ping'an, but the man was different. An avenue imprint, directly circled.

It's like being suddenly rushed from behind by a dozen big men, taking turns to press him to doubt his life.

He wondered if something was wrong with his eyes.

What is exposed on Chen Ping'an is the five sixty-level avenues? !

Avenue of Time and Space.

dark avenue.

Devour the avenue.

Road of Fire.

The road of water.

These five avenues completely covered Chen Ping'an's body, giving people the feeling that he was impeccable.

Seeing that the man was sluggish, Chen Ping'an didn't bother to pay attention to him, and looked at Liu Shishi and the others who were flying towards the natural barrier.

But before he could leave, a voice resounding through the sky suddenly exploded not far away.


This sound directly killed everyone by surprise.

Chen Ping'an also looked a little weird by the screaming voice.

When Liu Shishi and the others who went straight to the natural barrier heard the sound, they quickly turned their eyes and looked over there.

They felt that the voice was very familiar, but also unfamiliar, because it was too heart-rending, as if someone had put many layers of hats on her, and she would know it one day.

When they saw the voice over there, they were all blinded.

Sister Chu Lian? ! !

in their sight.

At this moment, Chu Lian is crazy.

Because the flight speed is too fast, and the face is anxious, the whole person looks like a crazy woman.

In addition, the speed is too fast, and the clothes are tightened by the wind. The figure of the predecessor is very clearly outlined, and people know at a glance that the impact will be terrifying when hitting someone.

Chu Lian saw Liu Shishi and the others stopped, and the speed did not weaken, but instead broke out with a stronger speed.

She found speechlessly that in order to rush over to save the lives of these companions, she had an insight into the Great Way of Space!

Give her some time and she should be able to comprehend the Great Way of Space.

What a painful realization...

Chu Lian quickly landed on the ground and arrived in front of Chen Ping'an in the blink of an eye. Then, under the suspicious eyes of Master Liu and the others, she bowed 90 degrees directly in front of Chen Ping'an, with her hands very upright.

"Fellow Daoist! I apologize for them!!"

When Chen Pingan saw Chu Lian, he had already withdrawn the avenue behind him. Seeing Chu Lian's attitude, he was silent for a moment and nodded.

"Tell you the Emperor Mother in the beginning, if she wants to know my strength, let her come by herself, and you don't need to peek there."

Chen Pingan said indifferently.

The sound was not loud, but it poured into the ears of Liu Shishi and the others like thunder.

When they saw Chu Lian's attitude, Liu Shishi and others were already dumbfounded.

It's like seeing the person you like the most and suddenly madly outputting to a pile of shit.

The impact was simply unprecedented.

After hearing this, Chu Lian swallowed her saliva, and once again felt that Chen Ping'an was really divine, she nodded quickly, and her attitude was more respectful than when she saw the Emperor Mother in the beginning.

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