When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1233: Can control black smoke is invincible

Chu Lian smiled bitterly, she had heard this many times.

But she also knew that everything was forgivable. After all, she wouldn't believe that such a terrifying picture would exist in this world if she didn't see it with her own eyes.

After Zixia finished speaking, the Emperor Mother of the Absolute Beginning frowned slightly and asked carefully what Chu Lian and Zhao Lili saw.

Zixia and Ziyun became a little confused when they saw the dignified appearance of the Emperor Mother in the early days.

The Emperor doesn't really believe it, does she?

When Zhao Lili and Chu Lian saw the emperor's mother at the beginning, they also carefully and detailedly stated the scenes they saw.

Especially Chu Lian, she explained the scenes when she met Chen Ping'an for the first time in great detail.

After listening, the Emperor Mother nodded and said, "You must have been confused by the illusion."

Hearing this again, Chu Lian and Zhao Lili stayed for a while.

Good guy, they thought the emperor believed it, but they didn't believe it in the end!

The Emperor Mother said: "At the beginning, I thought of a person who also has a lot of avenues, but his situation is different. Even if he has a lot of avenues, his strength is not as terrible as you said. Moreover, his avenues The level is seventy, not sixty, so the people you see should not exist."

The person who the Emperor Mother thought of in the early days was Chen Pingan, the young master of the Chen family.

The person who appeared on the side of the death emperor last time to kill and kill was Chen Ping'an who had many kinds of avenues, but even then, he couldn't do what Zhao Lili and Chu Lian said, killing so many people with one blow. beheaded.

To know that can come here, almost all geniuses.

Moreover, the avenues that Chen Ping'an revealed at that time were at the level of seventy meanings. Even if Chen Ping'an was like them, he entered here through his body, and there were not so many avenues, because this kind of body had a limitation, that is, the avenues could not exceed ten kind.

As far as her current body is concerned, even if she has comprehended more than ten kinds of avenues, she cannot instill all of them into this body now. This body is only a carrier, and the memory of the carrier is limited.

In fact, if the different planes were actually opened some time ago, and the restricted Dao level was the Seventy Intent level, Chen Ping'an would really not have the current combat power when he came here.

Because at that time, there were really not many avenues with the avenue level reaching the seventy level.

But now, his three thousand main avenues are already sixty-seven.

Right now, the Great Way of Life is not there. Even though he only uses dozens of these two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine Great Ways, he cannot compare with those who also possess dozens of Great Ways.

Chu Lian said earnestly: "Emperor, you can trust him or not. When we meet him, it's best for us to keep a low profile."

The Emperor Mother nodded, then looked in one direction and asked, "You said he flew over there?"

Chu Lian and Zhao Lili both nodded.

The Emperor Mother smiled and said: "It seems that something is different. That direction is exactly the direction we are going to go! From what you said, he must have a strange big formation in his hand. Since he is on the way, then We can just go and see what formation he has."

Chu Lian and Zhao Lili swallowed.

This means, to chase after?

"Let's go, I should be able to catch up." If it is true as Zhao Lili and the others said, Chen Ping'an leads a group of low-level people forward, then the flight speed is definitely not as fast as them, even if the other party really has a time and space of the 60th level The same goes for the avenues.

After finishing speaking, the Emperor Mother in the beginning began to fly with Chu Lian and the others, and the direction they went was exactly the direction of Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ping'an didn't know that someone was flying behind him, and even if he knew, he probably wouldn't care.

After using his strength a few times, he has more awareness of his own strength.

Now he feels that the emperor mother and the death emperor father in the beginning came to him, and they only had the share of being abused by him.

That is to say, in the future, when he raises the level of the Dao of Creation, in the Absolute Beginning Realm, it will be easy to kill the Emperor Mother of the Absolute Beginning and the Father of Death!

Of course, he is still not very clear about the power of the avenue of creation. When the clones arrive and all the avenues return to their positions, he wants to see how strong the strongest blow from the avenue of creation can be.

They flew for a while with the kitchen knife, and Chen Ping'an stopped before he reached the destination.

They have crossed an ocean and entered the inner periphery of the alien plane.

Here, he found that the level of black smoke he encountered had generally increased.

Now over a forest in front of him, there is a cloud of black smoke lingering.

This black smoke is flying back and forth, without a purpose, like a perpetual motion machine of the undead that has no emotion. Even if it is dead, it will stir the hearts of all human beings in the world.

This black smoke's avenue level has reached the sixty-nine level.

When Chen Pingan encountered black smoke, he stopped and studied it for a while, and extinguished a cloud of black smoke, but these black smoke could not kill him at all.

"If someone can control these black smoke, it will be really scary in this alien plane." Chen Ping'an muttered.

And he can be sure that the further he goes deeper, the black smoke he encounters will definitely become stronger and stronger, and even the 70-level, or even the 80-level level is possible.

"I just don't know if my Creation Avenue can kill these black smoke."

Chen Ping'an muttered for a while and then ignored the black smoke. His eyes were fixed on a natural barrier in front of him.

That's right, it wasn't the black smoke that stopped him, but a natural barrier near the black smoke.

Looking at this natural barrier, he felt that it was necessary to look at the disappearance of this natural barrier.

See if this natural barrier moves in that direction too!

If this is the case, it means that there must be many natural barriers at the end of that direction, or it is directly the mine of the source of the avenue! !

Chen Pingan stepped forward and tapped the natural barrier lightly, but did not use the strength to break it.

This natural barrier is like this. As long as it is attacked, after a period of time, it will move away without being broken by manpower.

It seems to give human beings time to attack. When the time comes, if you can't break it, then I'm sorry, and I mean to leave.

And just as Chen Pingan hit this natural barrier, he found that someone was flying behind him.

Turning around and looking, it was Chu Lian and the others who came, but this time there were more of them.

Coincidentally, the scene where Chen Ping'an hit the barrier at will, just happened to be caught by the Emperor Mother and the others.

Seeing that Chen Ping'an couldn't break the natural barrier with a single blow, Emperor Mu and Zixia of the beginning showed such expressions as expected.

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