When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1125: You even killed your sister

The surroundings fell into a dead silence, and there was no change for a long time.

Father Death was still mired in the quagmire of doubts about life, unable to extricate himself.

When he saw this woman who looked exactly like a flower, he thought of relying on this woman to see if he could find an opportunity to resolve the hatred with the Emperor Mother of the beginning.

It is really easy to be able to unite with the Taichu Sect to destroy a Zhongtian organization.

However, they only surrounded the woman. Before they could speak, the woman went mad. When she caught a person, she attacked to death. Now that the battle is over, a corpse is lying on the ground.

That is the weaker person among the ten of them, but this is also a person who can compete with the top geniuses by one person!

Ten people have lost one now, and such a body is worth a billion avenues!

And most importantly, he didn't find any useful information with this woman at all!

In this wave, I can't lose any more, it's a waste of time, energy, and emotions!

It even made him doubt his life!

Of course, it wasn't just Father Death who was dumbfounded at the moment, but everyone else too.

Qingshuang had seen Chen Ping'an blew himself up twice.

The last time she saw Ruhua blew herself up, she believed in her heart that the Death Emperor really took Ruhua.

Now that she saw this scene again, and this person and Ruhua looked like a template, she began to doubt.

But what could she suspect?

To know that this man is really dead!

Is there any other way to achieve such a realistic death?

When they reached this state, even a person's vitality and soul perception were extreme. When Chen Ping'an exploded, they could be sure that this person was really dead, and even his soul was blown into pieces and turned into powder. Can't die like that anymore.

If this can be revived, it completely violates the laws of nature.

That is more open than hanging!

Qingshuang looked at the death emperor with fog in his eyes, and asked, "Master, what is going on with this person? I think it must have something to do with the emperor mother in the beginning! They must have an unspeakable conspiracy!"

Qingshuang's brows began to wrinkle, and the more she thought about it, the more she felt that something was wrong.

But she also couldn't find any clues, and the entry point to break the game.

After all, this woman who looks exactly the same as Ruhua has a completely different Dao cultivation base and Ruhua, but apart from this difference, the rest are almost the same, the same appearance, and the same strange behavior.

The death emperor said coldly: "You guys are here to protect my body! I'll go talk to the emperor at the beginning of time!"

Father Death felt that there must be some conspiracy in it!

You must go and ask questions face to face!

After all, he sat cross-legged on the ground and closed his eyes.

The next moment, in the Hall of the Undead, Father Death, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, opened his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He stood up, lingering coldness all over his body, and disappeared in place.

After controlling the body and entering the alien plane, the Taichu Emperor and Zixia also returned to the Taichu religion one after another.

After all, if you stay at the entrance of the alien plane, you are also afraid of the sneak attack from the death emperor.

The father of death soon came to the Taichu religion and found the mother of Taichu.

At the beginning, after sensing the arrival of the Death Father, the Emperor Mother temporarily gave up control of the body in the alien plane, and looked at the Death Father who appeared in the hall without greeting at all.

"What's the matter?" The Emperor Mother looked at the man in front of her at the beginning, and the anger in her heart couldn't help but rise, especially after she met the Ruhua who looked exactly like Ruhua in the other plane.

If Ru Hua was still alive, she would be very happy to know that she might have a younger sister.

With a cold expression on his face, the death emperor cursed gloomily: "I don't know how you did it! But I'm sure, you must have put me together!"

The Emperor Mother was startled for a while, and for a while she did not understand what the death Emperor Father meant when he suddenly came here and said such words.

The death emperor looked at the emperor mother at the beginning of the time, and felt that the other party was probably acting, and continued coldly: "You continue to pretend! I have found the answer in the alien plane!"

In fact, he didn't find any answer at all, and now these words have elements of the words of the emperor's mother in the early days.

The Emperor Mother seemed to suddenly realize something, and her face began to turn cold.

"You mean the Ruhua thing?!"

When the death emperor saw that the emperor finally mentioned this matter, the whole person became gloomy, "Don't you want to pretend?!"

At the beginning of the emperor's mother said coldly: "What are you trying to say?! Don't be a **** beating around the bush with me!"

The death emperor smiled: "Is it still pretending? I said that I met Ruhua in the alien plane just now, do you believe it?!"

At the beginning of the emperor's mother began to get cold: "Don't tell me, you did something to her!!"

The death emperor said coldly: "I'm finally not pretending now?! Ruhua really didn't die!! Tell me!! What means did you use!!"

After the emperor's mother was questioned by the death emperor's father in the beginning, the whole person's breath surged again.

She didn't say anything angry, instead she was covered in cold air and asked in a low voice, "She, is she in your hands now?"

Killing intent condensed around her.

The death emperor said coldly: "In my hands? I also hope that I can catch her. At that time, people will get stolen goods, but I want to see how you can quibble! But guess what, what did I see? That's right. , she blew herself up again! She even killed one of my subordinates!!"

In the beginning, the mother of the emperor listened to the words of the father of death with a cold body, and when she heard the back, she closed her eyes.

From the words of Father Death, she gained two pieces of information.

First, Murong Ruo met the death emperor and his party after separating from her.

Second, if Murong should have been surrounded by Death Emperor and the others, and then killed Emperor Death's subordinates, he blew himself up and died.

From these two pieces of information, Emperor Mother Tai Chu could imagine what Murong Ruo experienced not long ago.

He was besieged by ten people, how to say that he and Ruhua didn't know each other, and the death emperor didn't believe it. In the end, the death emperor took action, and ten people bullied one person, and wanted to take Murong Ruo's torture to extract a confession.

If Murong was forced to take action, he would riot and kill, trying to break through.

But after killing one person, he found out in despair that he couldn't escape, and in order not to be insulted, he finally chose to blow himself up and die!

Just by imagining, the Emperor Mother in the beginning felt the endless despair in her place.

What kind of helplessness did you encounter to choose to die by self-destruction like your sister?

In the beginning, the Emperor Mother clenched her fists suddenly, and her fists instantly turned purple.

Ruhua died in the hands of this beast.

Now Murong Ruo, who is very likely to be Sister Ruhua, has also been brutally murdered by this beast!

And this beast didn't think about it and didn't say it, and he came here to ask for an explanation! !

"Really, I've learned a lot today. How can a person be immoral, shameless, and heartless! Only then can he do such a thing!!!" The murderous intent on the Emperor Mother in the beginning rolled up.

The death emperor looked at the change of the emperor at the beginning, and his expression was awe-inspiring, but he quickly said coldly: "I expose your conspiracy, and I am so angry?!"

At the beginning, the mother of the emperor no longer had the intention of talking nonsense with this beast, and said with monstrous killing intent: "I will give you three breaths now, after three breaths, if you are still here disgusting old lady, I swear by the sky, the world, the great road, even if I sacrifice everything, Even your life, you have to beheaded you, a beast!!!"

Speaking of the back, the Emperor Mother of the beginning shouted. At this moment, she looked like a crazy woman.

The killing intent was dyed red when she finished speaking.

And in the void of the hall, her reincarnation world suddenly appeared, with a rhythm of preparing to kill.

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