When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1224: Father of Death is dumbfounded

The death emperor felt that the sky was like a pie, not too good. Now that Zhongtian organizes those guys, and the emperor mother in the beginning, they can enter the different planes through their bodies. They are bound to have a fierce competition, and even a death battle is possible. .

He found this kind of good thing at this moment, it is definitely God's blessing.

Think about it, did he kill few people here in the alien plane?

Not a thousand but a few hundred.

And the people he killed were almost all the top geniuses.

If these black smoke were really transformed from those who died, it would definitely not be the only one in front of him.

And the level of the black smoke in front of him is sixty-five meaning level, so is there a seventy meaning level?

If so, how many?

He didn't need much, and now the combat power of the people who followed him was at the Seventy Intent level.

If he is in this different plane, and then controls the black smoke of the ten regiments with the seventy-sense level for his own use, wouldn't it directly be ten more people than the Zhongtian Organization and the Taichu Cult?

It is equivalent to controlling twenty bodies to come in!

Originally, there were more geniuses who came here in the Hall of the Undead, and now there is still such a good thing. He feels that the Hall of the Undead can fight against one another and rub the Zhongtian Organization and the Taichu Sect on the ground!

"You can look for these black smoke on the way! As long as you feel my death road in these black smoke, try to control it!"

The Death Emperor made the following plan.

And just when he was thinking so proudly, he, like Qingshuang and the others, sensed that there was someone approaching behind him.

The ten people looked in a direction behind them.

There was still a faint smile on his face at the moment, and the invincible temperament was very obvious in him.

Just after seeing the appearance of the person from afar, the confident smile on his face instantly froze, replaced by a look of shock and sluggishness.

Chen Pingan traveled all the way, even if he encountered some hidden places that might have treasures on the way, he did not stop.

On the way, he also met some people, and these people were almost all people from the Temple of the Dead or the Supreme Beginning Sect.

In order to avoid accidents, he didn't do anything to these people, try to avoid it, so as to go to another clone as safely as possible.

After flying for a while, he saw ten people in front of him. Looking at ten people in the distance, he decisively changed his direction and tried to avoid it.


Before he had time to hide, the ten people seemed to have discovered him at this time, and they all cast their eyes on him.

After a while, he found that one of the ten people had a strange expression.

It looks like you know him!

Suddenly, a bad mood was born in his heart.

An absurd thought also popped into his mind.

"It won't be Emperor Death and the others!" Looking at these ten people, Chen Ping'an felt that their number was particularly bad for him.

The number of bodies that Murong Tian sold to the three forces was likely to be the same, that is, ten bodies.

Just now, the Emperor Mother and the others were ten people, and now there are ten people here. Is there such a possibility that these ten people are the Death Emperor and Father?

If so, he doesn't know how to describe himself.


The face is so black that it can be invisible in the dark?

Chen Ping'an swallowed his saliva and ignored it, and hurriedly flew in one direction.

He can only pray that these ten people are not the death emperor and the others, but the Hall of the Dead or the people of the Supreme Beginning, which coincides with ten people.

And if he flies in one direction, these ten people will not chase after them, then there is a high probability that these ten people are not Father Death and the others.

However, the reality still let him down.

When these ten people flew to one side quickly, the one in the lead moved. I saw that he maximized his speed, and the nine people behind him also moved, all chasing here.

Chen Pingan's whole body was numb, and he increased the speed to the extreme.

"Grandma Li's, what kind of luck is this!!" Chen Ping'an quickly communicated with another avatar with his mind to see if the avatar could rush over to save the scene.

However, he felt that it was very unlikely that another clone would rush here to save his life, because the other clone had to protect the kitchen knife and the others. When they flew over with the kitchen knife, they didn't know when.

So at the beginning, he went to find another clone, not in both directions.

Of course, another clone also received his news and immediately gave him an opinion.

That is, if it is surrounded, if the emperor of the beginning is not nearby, it will blow itself up, so that the main body will separate a new one when it feels that the clone is dead.

It's just a waste of time at most.

The clone has no choice but to try to escape with all his strength.

But the death emperor father and the others are stronger than him, and soon after, he was surrounded again just like he met the emperor mother and the others not long ago.

The Emperor of Death stared at Chen Ping'an in front of him, still with a look of disbelief.

"What's your name?!" Father Death asked Chen Ping'an, who was surrounded by them, in a deep voice.

He has lost the ability of a man now, so seeing this beautiful woman who looks exactly like Ruhua again, he can't raise any evil thoughts at all.

And it was because of this face that he encountered that kind of thing. They all said that once he was bitten by a snake for ten years, he was afraid of the rope, but once he didn't have a rope, he hated snakes for ten years.

And now, he is still confused and confused about the situation in front of him.

He has already seen the situation of the woman in front of him. Unlike Ruhua, the avenue this woman possesses is not the avenue of time and space, but the avenue of life!

Chen Ping'an looked at the death emperor and decided that the person who controlled the body was the death emperor.

"My tender father!" In the face of the death emperor's question, Chen Ping'an said aloud, and after speaking, he didn't say a word, and rioted.

Self-destruction or something, don't worry!

His eyes were on the weakest person among the ten people in front of him, and this person was the closest to him at the moment.

He suddenly attacked this person, there was a sneak attack that didn't talk about martial arts, but he couldn't control that much.

Can kill one is one!

This person didn't expect Chen Ping'an to riot at all, and when they were surrounded by ten people, he was killed by Chen Ping'an in a hurry.

This is not the worst. Chen Ping'an is like a lunatic. The man next to him reacted and attacked Chen Ping'an. When he wanted to relieve the pressure for him, Chen Ping'an didn't even attack him. Look at it, desperate to kill him!

"Ah!" Under the terrifying offensive of Chen Ping'an, this person had no ability to resist and died suddenly.

After Chen Pingan killed the man, he was seriously injured by the two behind him.

But after killing people, his mission is complete.

He looked at the death emperor who was stunned again at the moment, hehe smiled.

He didn't say anything. After laughing for a while, he blew himself up.


His whole person turned into a powder.

As if it never existed.

Looking at this scene, the death emperor was stunned again.

"Crazy! All crazy!!"

He really didn't understand what was going on.

He can be sure that this woman who looks exactly like Ruhua is dead, and she is also the kind that can't die anymore!

But what the **** is going on!

Do women with this appearance now do not cherish life so much and like to blow themselves up so much? !

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