When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1126: death father

Looking at the familiar world of reincarnation, and feeling the surging killing intent flowing, Father Death couldn't help but froze, and the momentum of accusing from the moral commanding heights not long ago disappeared in an instant.

It was as if everything in front of him had returned to not long ago, when the Emperor Mother wanted to pull him to the end.

He swallowed his saliva, although he still felt that it was very likely that the Emperor Mother in the beginning had plotted against him, but he did not dare to gamble.

If there is such a possibility, the Emperor Mother really doesn't know anything. Did he blame the Emperor Mother wrongly?

In fact, he had this idea, and when he tried to comfort himself, it indicated that he was cowardly.

After weighing the pros and cons quickly, he quickly said: "Okay! I'll go!"

He quickly decided to leave this place of right and wrong first.

But he won't let it go!

Sooner or later he will have to settle this account!

If you think about it carefully, he didn't lose a lot in this matter, and there was no need to fight with Taichu immediately.

He gave Taichu 6,000 places to teach into different planes, which is nothing. The worst thing is that Taichu Emperor lost his dignity as a man for a hundred years.

But it is a hundred years, and a hundred years later, he is still a good man.

"When the matter of the different planes is over, and the Hall of the Undead develops, I will take care of you too!!" The Death Emperor turned around and quickly disappeared in place, setting a goal for the near future.

He has decided.

Stop relying on the Taichu Sect to deal with the Zhongtian Organization.

Moreover, he will also destroy the Absolute Beginning Sect!

Under the current conditions, their Undead Palace will eventually become the overlord of the alien plane, and will take all the resources into their pockets.

It didn't take long for them to use this resource to greatly increase their strength. At that time, they destroyed the Zhongtian Organization at the speed of thunder, and then turned their guns to destroy the Absolute Beginning Sect!

In the main hall, the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning looked at the death father and left angrily, as if she would not let it go, and her fists were still clenched tightly.

The killing intent in her heart did not weaken a bit.

"When this matter of the different planes is over, it will be your death period!" The Emperor Mother gritted her teeth fiercely, and she has made up her mind to destroy the Death Father!

After the alien plane is closed, she will go to the Zhongtian organization, unite with the people of the Zhongtian organization, and attack the death emperor!

Even if the Zhongtian Organization may turn its guns on them in the future, she doesn't want to let the dead emperor live on!

After all, doing this is better than dragging this beast to death!

Just now, she was angry again and wanted to fight with the Death Father.

In the end, reason prevailed, and with the sudden confession of the death emperor, she endured it.

It's just that when she thinks about it now, she still has a killing intent.

The death emperor felt that all this was her calculation, her conspiracy, that it was a coincidence that Ruhua and their deaths were too coincidental.

But she knew very well that she had no calculations!

This seemingly coincidental thing is just a coincidence, she only knows that the death emperor really forced the two sisters to death!

"Your life is also bitter..."

In the early days, the mother of the emperor felt sad for the two sisters Ruhua.

Ruhua became her subordinate, and she also felt Ruhua's loyalty, while Murong Ruo gave her the feeling of sympathy and let her find the direction of future cultivation.

The two sisters touched her deeply, but unfortunately, they met the same beast!

"Wait for me to improve a bit, even if I don't need to use the Zhongtian organization, I can kill you!"

At the beginning of the emperor mother said coldly.


The death emperor scolded and returned to the hall of the dead.

He was very upset, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do for a short time.

"The most important thing now is to dominate the alien plane first! Control all the resources in it! After mastering the alien plane, both of you have to die!"

Father Death returned to the hall, sat up cross-legged, and continued to control the body.

In the short time he came back here, he had already made plans for the future.

What he has to do now is to destroy all the people in the Zhongtian organization in the alien plane!

And to do that, it's simple.

That is to use black smoke!

As long as he can control 20 or 30 black smokes of the 60th level and above, it will be easy to destroy everyone in the Zhongtian Organization!

Under his control, the cross-legged body in the alien plane quickly opened its eyes and stood up.

Qingshuang and the others were still standing around him.

"Contact the other geniuses in my hall and ask them where there is a black smoke with a strength close to the seventy level!" The Death Emperor immediately turned his attention to Qingshuang and asked her to do things.

Hearing this, Qingshuang glanced at the black smoke controlled by the Death Father, knew what the Death Father wanted to do, and began to contact the geniuses of the Hall of the Undead who had been exploring for some time.

"Not far from us, there is a cloud of sixty-eight-level black smoke, which should be in that direction." After contacting the geniuses, Qingshuang pointed in one direction, and then continued: "And some probes into the abnormal position. The subordinates in the depths of the face replied that they have not found the black smoke of the seventy-sense level for the time being."

Father Death looked at the direction Qingshuang pointed, and said, "Go, go and have a look. As for the black smoke of the seventy-level, there should be some, and it may be there."

The place in his mouth is the destination he wants to go when he comes here, and that place is likely to have what he wants!

But he is not in a hurry to go, he can control a few clouds of black smoke before passing.

Because of that place, it should not be opened yet.

The ten people changed direction and began to fly.

In Zhongtian's organization, Chen Ping'an, who was sitting at the stone pavilion, also felt that the clone was dead, so he made an excuse to leave the stone pavilion, took some time to cultivate the Dao level, and then continued to split a Avatar.

This process took two sticks of incense.

When he let the clone enter the different plane, he thought that the clone might die halfway, so it was not a big accident to perceive that the clone was dead. After all, it is normal to walk alone and encounter danger.

He also didn't believe that his luck was so bad, and decisively continued to let the clone in.

The clone enters the alien plane again, and then contacts another clone.

And this new avatar is also smart. After entering the alien plane, he first asked the other avatar first, and asked how the avatar died just now.

After learning that he had met the Emperor of Death and where he died, he decisively changed the direction of flight.

Since the death emperor will be encountered in that direction, if you change the direction, you will definitely not be so unlucky to meet the death emperor and the others.

The clone began to move.

Along the way, the clones were unimpeded, and they didn't even encounter anyone.

At this time, there was a canyon in front of him. As long as he flew over that canyon, there was a desert in front of him, and his vision could suddenly become clear.

He didn't think too much, just flew over.

It was only when he flew over the canyon and reached the sky above the desert that he realized that ten people and two clouds of black smoke were floating in the air above the desert in the distance.

Both sides quickly noticed the other.

Chen Pingan frowned when he saw this scene.

These ten people and two clouds of black smoke gave him a bad feeling.

"It won't be Emperor Death and the others, right?" Chen Ping'an murmured, but soon, he felt that he thought too much, his luck would not be so bad, and he had changed directions.

And the other side.

The death emperor, who had just received the second cloud of black smoke, had not had time to be happy when he suddenly saw a person flying out of the canyon.

After seeing this person, the joy in his heart disappeared instantly, and the whole person was struck by lightning again.

Immediately, he scolded: "Damn it! Sure enough, he didn't die!!!"

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