When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1223: Father of Death is very proud

In the beginning, the emperor and others watched Chen Ping'an gradually disappear into the sky.

After knowing that Chen Ping'an's name was Murong Ruo, Zixia and Ziyun wanted to stop Chen Ping'an and ask about Chen Ping'an's situation.

But at the very beginning, the emperor's mother said that Chen Ping'an would be released, and they had no choice but to stop investigating.

After Chen Ping'an left, Zi Yun looked at the emperor at the beginning of the year and frowned a little: "Emperor, didn't you say three moves? Why did you let her go directly?"

The Emperor Mother sighed.

"You have also heard what she said just now. Her name is Murong Ruo, and she is most likely Ru Hua's younger sister. As for why she said she didn't know Ru Hua, she either had some hidden secrets or was separated since she was a child. As for why I made a move Let her go, did you see the situation of the blow just now?"

Zixia and Ziyun looked at each other.

What happened to that blow just now?

"Master, what do you mean is that she has an equal share with you, so you don't want to continue fighting?" Zixia asked.

In her eyes, just now, the two were evenly divided, and there was no winner or loser.

This is already very scary, after all, Chen Ping'an's opponent is the one who stands at the top of the avenue of cultivation.

To be able to draw a tie with such a person, there is no need to elaborate on the strength.

After hearing this, the Emperor Mother shook her head and smiled: "If I say that blow, what if I lose?"

She also faced her own problem.

To lose is to lose.

Only by admitting that you have lost can you have greater momentum to break through to a higher realm.

If you don't even have the courage to admit that you have lost, what's the difference between still believing that you are the strongest and unable to break through?

As soon as these words were over, it was like a thunder, and it fell on the top of Zixia and the others.

They were all stunned.

"Master! How is this possible!" Zixia hurriedly exclaimed.

Not evenly divided, but won? !

Her master is the emperor of the beginning of time!

A person who has cultivated the way of life to the extreme!

Lost? !

At the beginning of the emperor's mother smiled freely: "On the road of life, I lost, if I use other avenues, it would be very simple to win her, but such a genius, his achievements in the future, I am afraid that the world will be amazed. Of course. , provided it doesn't die prematurely."

Speaking of premature death, a flower flashed in the mind of the Absolute Beginning Mother, and her heart was empty again.

Ruhua's talent is also extremely strong, and the Avenue of Time and Space is definitely the strongest in the Absolute Beginning Realm, but he is still dead!

I just hope that this Murong Ruo, who has a lot to do with Ruhua, can live well until he reaches the 100th level.

Then they were divided again.

"Okay, let's stop worrying about Ruhua. Everything has its own arrangements." At the beginning, the emperor looked at Zixia and Ziyun. Among them, they were the two sisters who never forgot Ruhua.

Zixia sighed and nodded. In her grief, she still didn't respond to the fact that she was compared to her master's way of life.

Zi Yun was in deep pain. Even if she knew that the Emperor Mother had lost a lot in the way of life at the beginning, it was difficult to get rid of it.

She has only one goal in mind now.

That is to kill the beast of the death emperor!

Chen Ping'an left the imperial mother and the others at a certain distance, and after making sure that he was safe, he continued to contact another avatar.

After confirming that the direction was correct, he continued on his way.

In front of him, ten people are staring at a mountain at this moment.

At the top of the mountain, there is a cloud of black smoke lingering, as if guarding the mountain.

The death emperor stopped with the nine people and looked at the black smoke.

Before he came in, he heard his subordinates report the situation of the black smoke. Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, he can be sure that the black smoke must be related to the people who died here when the alien plane was opened last time. .

Because he felt the breath of his death avenue in this black smoke.

"This should be one of the people I killed in the first place." Father Death looked at the black smoke hovering at the top of the mountain, and the corners of his mouth curled up.

This black smoke’s Great Dao Intent level is sixty-five Intent level, which is stronger than the threshold realm of entering here. Five Intent Levels. Those with average strength who come in here can only avoid their edge and dare not approach, but Father Death Now that you have encountered it, you must carefully study the situation of this black smoke.

He took Qingshuang and them and flew to the top of the mountain.

And as soon as they approached, the black smoke seemed to trigger the defense mechanism, immediately noticed them, and then began to attack them.

The way this black smoke attacks people is not just in the form of a sphere.

But after they sensed that someone stepped into the range they guarded, they began to change.

The spherical shape turned into a black humanoid in the blink of an eye.

This black human figure composed of black smoke could not see its appearance clearly, and the level of the avenue was still sixty-five meaning level, but after turning into a human figure, it immediately attacked the death emperor and others.

Father Death had a sneer on his face. When the black humanoid approached him and was about to launch an attack, he just waved his hand. The next moment, the black humanoid burst open with a bang.

With just one blow, the sixty-five-level black humanoid was destroyed.

The strength is so terrifying.

But after a while, the black smoke that exploded suddenly gathered together again, and it took a few breaths to re-form a black human figure.

The Dao Yi level has not changed, it is still the sixty-five level.

Looking at this scene, the death emperor felt a little miraculous.

"You can't even die?"

But after a while, the Death Emperor was once again surprised.

Because after he watched the black human figure reconstituted, he didn't move.

Moreover, the death emperor found that the breath of the death avenue that he left in the black smoke seemed to start to establish a slight connection with him.

"Hey, what does this feel like?"

Father Death closed his eyes and felt it carefully. Immediately, he began to contact that vague feeling.

Soon after, he opened his eyes suddenly and laughed.

"It's so amazing! It's just God helping me?!"

The Father of Death is happy.

Qingshuang and the others were confused by the sudden laughter of the Death Emperor.

Just when they were thinking about why the black smoke didn't continue to attack, the black figure moved again.

It's just that this time the situation is different from before.

I saw the black human figure slowly walked to the front of the death emperor, standing like a puppet, motionless.

This black humanoid is controlled by the Death Emperor!

Father Death didn't know why he could do this, but when he wanted to come, he must have killed this black smoke before his death, and it had something to do with him killing it again just now.

"If this is the case, then I killed a lot of people on the alien plane last time, and there are also a lot of top geniuses. Will there be black smoke of the seventy-level and above, and I can control it? "

Father Death diverged his thoughts, thinking of this, his eyes shone with light.

If there is such a possibility, he will control the black smoke and destroy a Zhongtian organization. !

And just when the death emperor was very happy, not far behind them, a figure was flying at the moment.

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