When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1027: One head, one point

At this moment, Chen Ping'an and the others had already relied on the speed of the Avenue of Time and Space, ahead of all the members of the Zhongtian organization behind them, out of the vast expanse of the general forest.

In front of them, is the rolling valley.

One valley after another.

Just in front of them, there was a surrounding valley, and Chen Ping'an heard some symphony of soldiers that seemed to be deliberately concealed.

"Would you like to take a look?" Chen Ping'an stood on the spot and thought.

He can directly take the kitchen knife and they fly away from here and fly deeper.

But he didn't know what was going on, he always felt that there was something good in the valley ahead.

"Let's go and have a look."

Chen Ping'an looked at the kitchen knife and others, and said, "Get ready, you should see the enemy soon."

In fact, he didn't need a kitchen knife for them to prepare anything. If they encountered an enemy, they would stand by and watch how he dealt with and fought.

Duan Xinxin and others nodded, then followed Chen Pingan to explore the valley.

Deep in the valley.

There is a group of people around here at the moment.

The number reaches more than one hundred.

These people wear uniform clothes, and they are the people of the Hall of the Dead.

The group of people are now surrounding a yellow light screen like an upside-down bowl, and they take turns to attack.

A tall and handsome man stepped back and sat on a tree stump, cursing, "Damn, why is this natural barrier so hard!"

At this time, several men also attacked once, and after only half of the Dao energy in their bodies was left, they retreated and sat down beside the handsome man.

"Brother Wang Fen, this thing seems to be in good condition, how long do we have to attack?" a man complained helplessly.

The tall and handsome man was called Wang Fen, and he was one of the top 20 geniuses in the Hall of the Dead.

There are more than 100 people here, all of them from the Hall of the Undead, and everyone's Dao Intent level exceeds the fifty Intent level.

Thirty people are more than sixty Italian level.

Wang Fen said with a sullen face: "We have been attacking for three hours, and we can't give up. There must be some rare treasures in this barrier! After all, this natural barrier is so hard!"

When the other plane was opened last time, many people summed up some of the rules of treasure hunting on the other plane.

For example, the harder this natural barrier is, the more valuable the hidden treasure is.

Or some natural formations, the more difficult it is to crack, the more precious the resource treasures discovered after cracking.

"How about we find a way to find more companions to help?" At this time, another man tried to say something.

Wang Fendao: "I contacted a few friends I know. They are either searching for treasures or looking for people from the Zhongtian organization. No one wants to come here. After all, there are treasures everywhere in the alien plane, maybe they can walk around If you find a treasure, why rush over for a treasure?"

Hearing this, several other people frowned, and then another suddenly asked: "In other words, where did the people from Zhongtian's organization appear in the other plane? They won't be lucky enough to appear in the other plane. Go deep inside! I think after fiddling with the treasures in this barrier, you can try to find them! The emperor said that if you have a head of one of their organization members, you can get a bit of identity points!"

"To be honest, I'm also very excited. Let's talk about it when this natural barrier is settled! At that time, more than 100 of us will be looking for those junk things everywhere!" Wang Fen licked his tongue, and a blood-devouring light flashed in his eyes.

In order to mobilize the enthusiasm of those who attacked the Zhongtian organization, the Death Emperor announced something.

As long as they kill a member of the Zhongtian organization in the alien plane, cut off their heads, and take out the alien plane, they can get a point of identity.

This identity point is ten thousand times more precious than the stone of the avenue in their hall of the dead.

But there are many deacons in the Hall of the Undead, and even the Lord can't ask for something!

Their Undead Hall and Zhongtian organization are different.

The Hall of the Undead is controlled by the Death Emperor alone, a hall master, and the deputy hall master, the lord, the deacon and so on.

Each identity has different rights.

In particular, there is a huge gap between the lord and the deacon.

When they rule the Absolute Beginning Realm after the Hall of the Undead, these high-level identities will be even more valuable.

And one of the sixty-level super geniuses like him has gained something in the other plane, and it is not a problem to upgrade to the seventy-level.

Then there is the premise of being a lord.

But strength is not the most important condition for honoring the lord, and it is necessary to have status points.

Status points are generally obtained by completing tasks or contributing to the Hall of the Dead.

Now that this murder can be obtained, of course he has to kill it!

Moreover, after becoming a venerable master, status points are very important before reaching the ninety-five-level or above. Some people with the ninety-level will not necessarily have a lower status than those with the ninety-four level.

This is because of the status points.

It wasn't just Wang Fen who showed a desire for status points, but so did everyone else.

"Okay, keep attacking!" When Wang Fen was resting, he was busy absorbing the energy of the Dao, and the Dao energy in the alien plane was frighteningly rich, so it didn't take long for them to recover.

Several people are ready to continue their busy work.

But right now.

They all stopped and looked behind them quickly.

I saw a small group of people who crossed the mountain and appeared in their field of vision.

The people in the Hall of the Undead who were busy attacking also stopped attacking, frowning and looking behind.

It was Chen Pingan who appeared with a kitchen knife.

After Chen Ping'an crossed the valley, he saw the yellow natural barrier in the shape of an upside-down bowl.

There is something in it that he can't see or perceive for the time being, but from this natural barrier, it can be analyzed that what's inside must not be simple.

Wang Fen was stunned when more than 100 people saw the people who appeared.

There are not many people who follow Chen Ping'an, and there are more than 50 people in total.

Moreover, the Murong Palace behind Chen Ping'an, Pu Xutian Dao Supreme, and the others are not very high.

What made Wang Fen and other people in the Hall of the Undead startled was Chen Ping'an's cultivation status.

This kind of cultivation situation is too special.

More than ten or twenty Italian level, how dare you come to the other plane?

Also, they found that the clothes Chen Ping'an and the others were wearing were not from their Hall of the Dead, nor were they taught by Taichu.

"Could it be someone from Zhongtian's organization?!" After Wang Fen was startled, his eyes suddenly lit up.

As if seeing something wonderful.

The expressions of other people in the Hall of the Dead also began to change.

All of them seem to be old women who have been alone for decades, seeing the young and strong little man hooking his fingers at them.

Just kill these people, one head, one point!

Is that human?

That's fifty points!

After Chen Ping'an appeared here, he briefly glanced at the people in the nearby Hall of the Undead.

He probably had some understanding of their situation, and immediately ignored them, focusing mainly on the natural barrier.

He muttered: "Depending on the situation, I should be able to break it with one blow, but the contents inside must be pretty good."

After all, these people should have been attacking for a long time. Since the barrier has not been broken, the contents inside may be of no use to him, but it should be a good thing for people of the level of kitchen knives.

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