When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1028: Break it with one finger

Chen Ping'an asked the kitchen knife and others to stand still and fly over there by himself.

There was still some distance between them, and Wang Fen asked coldly, "Anyone organized by Zhongtian?"

Chen Ping'an also replied casually: "That's right."

He quickly flew in front of Wang Fen and the others, as if Wang Fen and the others were not humans, but trees standing in the soil. He ignored them at all and reached out to touch the natural barrier.

After feeling it, this natural barrier is as strong as he thought, and it is difficult to blast away without the strength of the Seventy Intent.

And if they kept attacking this natural barrier like Wang Fen and the others did, it would also be able to weaken the barrier slowly and break it with the last blow.

Wang Fen looked at Chen Ping'an with a cold expression on his face.

After knowing that the other party is really a member of Zhongtian's organization, in his eyes, Chen Ping'an and the others are no longer human, but the identity points that can make him feel the desire!

But now, looking at Chen Ping'an's appearance, he is a little curious. Did this guy not realize that he has become a prey and entered the hunting range of their extremely powerful prey.

This is like a walk in the back garden of your home!

Don't even look at them?

Or is there something wrong with your brain?

Wang Fen couldn't be bothered to think about it. Chen Ping'an showed the Dao of Fire at the 60th level, the same level as them. Even if Chen Ping'an was a super genius like him, it would be useless. There are many people here and they are strong.

Wang Fen gave the others a look, motioning them to surround the people over there.

And he was not in a hurry to kill Chen Ping'an and the others, and planned to interrogate them, where is the entrance of Zhongtian's organization, or where is the large army of Zhongtian's organization.

These fifty people could not satisfy him.

He wants to kill more!

It was only when the people in the Hall of the Undead received Wang Fen's order and were about to leave for the kitchen knife crowd, Chen Ping'an, who had checked the natural barrier, turned around and looked at Wang Fen and the others.

"If you want to die, you can move."

The sound is not loud, but it gives a sense of undoubtedness.

When Wang Fen and others heard Chen Ping'an's words, they all stopped.


With Wang Fen as the first, he burst out laughing.

The other people in the Hall of the Undead also seemed to be slowly infected with this humor, and they laughed out loud.

Laughter echoed back and forth in the valley.

There is a little more joy in the quiet and indifferent valley.

Wang Fen stopped laughing and motioned the others to stop, then looked at Chen Ping'an with great interest and contempt: "You won't tell me, your Zhongtian organization has already surrounded this place, right?"

A Daoist level sixty level, with a group of crooked melons and jujubes, even threatened them, saying that they would die if they moved?

Chen Pingan said: "It can also be understood in this way."

Wang Fen shook his head. He didn't laugh this time, but felt that Chen Ping'an really had a problem with his brain.

There must be no one around here, especially there can't be a large group of people, otherwise they can't feel it.

The reason why Chen Ping'an and the others were approaching just now, but they didn't notice it for the first time, was mainly because their attention was on the natural barrier, and they didn't even think about anyone coming.

Now they feel that there is no one around, and there are treasures that have hidden ability, but as Chen Ping'an said, the people organized by Zhongtian surrounded them, how could there be hundreds of people, hundreds of people also have that kind of treasure?



"Boy, you are definitely dead today. Who made you so ignorant to appear in front of us, but I can give you an easy way to die, provided you can answer me a question." Wang Fen Treating himself as a **** in control of the lives of all living beings, he looked at Chen Ping'an aloofly and pondered.

Chen Ping'an was also curious about what the people in the Hall of the Undead wanted to know, so he said, "Speak."

Wang Fen didn't expect Chen Ping'an to cooperate so much, so he sneered: "I'm quite sensible now, that's fine, I'll make your death easier later."

"Which direction is the entrance of your Zhongtian organization?"

Wang Fen thought about it. After knowing the news, he contacted his friends. After exploring the different planes, he stayed there and tried to kill the people organized by Zhongtian!

Chen Pingan said: "It's okay for me to answer your questions, but you have to answer me first. Where is the entrance to the Hall of the Undead, and also, is there any reward for killing us?"

Chen Ping'an saw some clues from Wang Fen's expressions when he appeared here just now.

If the Death Emperor asked the people in the Hall of the Dead to fight when they saw the people in their Zhongtian organization, these people would not be like just now, as if they were looking at the money that could move.

When he didn't get an answer, he was asked a question instead, which made Wang Fen unhappy.

What's the point of asking so many questions before dying?

"Boy, now your life is in my hands, you have to answer my question properly, understand?!" Wang Fen said coldly.

Seeing that the clichés were unsuccessful, Chen Ping'an didn't stop them, so he would just ask them directly.


Just when he was about to start.

Sensing a certain direction, a person appeared.

He looked in that direction, and his eyes met a woman hiding behind a tree.

The clothes this woman was wearing were somewhat different from those in the Hall of the Dead. She was hiding behind a tree at the moment, only showing half of her face, observing the situation here.

But if Chen Ping'an had a very strong perception ability and sneered lightly with this woman, it would be very difficult for him to catch the trace of this woman, because this woman has a hidden breath and a treasure that hides everything.

As for why the woman let out a light snort, he didn't understand.

The woman over there did not expect that Chen Ping'an would even notice such a small sound, and quickly looked at her, which made her shrink her head very quickly, and hid her whole body behind the tree.

She was a member of the Taichu Sect, and her position among the 6,000 people who entered the Taichu Sect was not simple.

Her name is Chu Lian, and she ranks second in talent and strength among 6,000 people!

She has been hiding here for some time. When Chen Ping'an and the others came here, she came. The reason why she sneered a little just now was not because of Chen Ping'an's performance, but because of Chen Ping'an's performance. The natural barrier behind him seems to have changed!

The natural barrier was originally a darker yellow, but at that moment, the color became lighter!

Chen Ping'an didn't pay too much attention to the woman, because at this time he also noticed that the natural barrier behind him had changed.

It's not that the color has changed, but a collision of space avenues appears.

It seems that this natural barrier has the ability to move!


How could Chen Pingan let this barrier go away?

What was inside, he had to see what it was.

Chen Ping'an ignored Wang Fen and the others, turned around, and suddenly condensed ten **** of marble-sized Dao energy in front of his index finger.

I saw his index finger poked at the natural barrier.

The next moment, the entire barrier suddenly clicked, and from where the index finger was, huge cracks spread out.

in a blink.

The entire natural barrier disappears.

Behind Chen Ping'an, he attacked the natural barrier for a long time, and Wang Fen, who looked at Chen Ping'an as if he was looking at his prey a moment ago, was dumbfounded at this time.

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