When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1206: she is obedient

After flicking at Li Hao and making sure that the other party was completely obedient, Chen Ping'an's mouth curled slightly and continued to walk outside.

Li Hao followed behind him. At this moment, the way she looked at Chen Ping'an became even more different.

Previously, she admired that Chen Ping'an could have such a good relationship with Emperor Hongtian. With a business, she became the leader of the Zhongtian Organization, and she also predicted the situation at the entrance of the alien plane.

Now it's full respect and some adoration.

Not long gone.

Chen Pingan and Li Hao reappeared in front of Emperor Hongtian and others.

Emperor Fuyin's eyes all fell on Li Hao.

Li Hao in his heart was not an obedient person. He was very stubborn at a young age. When Chen Ping'an took Li Hao away, he also thought that Chen Ping'an might screw up this time.

But now, seeing Li Hao obediently following behind Chen Ping'an, he couldn't help blinking, as if he wanted to wink to see if he was wrong.

Is this still the little girl with a stubborn temper like a stone in a ditch!

Emperor Hongtian and others were also surprised to discover this scene.

Not long ago, Li Hao felt like a wild horse that no one could tame.

What's going on now, turned into a deer?

Not far away, nine talented men were waiting for Li Hao's return.

Zhou Dao wanted to see what happened to Li Hao in the end.

Because since he fought with Li Hao, he has been full of curiosity and goodwill towards this woman.

There is a trace of emotion in my heart.

At this moment, Zhou Dao was a little stunned when he saw Li Hao returning behind Chen Ping'an.

This is... what happened? !

Emperor Hongtian asked with a strange expression: "Li Hao, have you decided yet?"

Li Hao smiled and said, "I think the leader of Wu is right. We do have to have a sense of teamwork, and because there are many crises in different planes, it is safer to act together."

Hearing these words, the expressions of these venerable lords became even more strange.

Emperor Fuyin came to Chen Ping'an's side and asked secretly, "Master Wu Zun, what have you done to this little girl?"

So wrong!

You know he can't help this little girl!

How long did Chen Ping'an take Li Hao away, and he already got her?

And looking at Li Hao's appearance and staring at Chen Ping'an, his attitude and the beginning had already changed drastically.

Chen Pingan smiled and said, "I just told her the truth. She is actually a smart and obedient person."

obedient? ?

Emperor Fuyin didn't know what to say.

If this little girl is obedient, then there is really a big problem!

Li Hao went to Zhou Dao's side according to what Chen Ping'an said, and she still had a smile on her face.

The Great Emperor Hongtian and others have assigned leading members to other geniuses, almost a thousand of whom are led by hand.

This time, the number of people who entered the different planes on their side is close to 10,000.

Zhou Dao looked at Li Hao next to him and couldn't help but ask, "What did you experience just now?"

Li Hao glanced at Zhou Dao, and his eyes on Zhou Dao also changed.

Not long ago, she felt that Zhou Dao, like her, was the best among the Sixty Intent level.

Only now did I realize that the two of them were frogs at the bottom of the well.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Master Wu taught me some truths about being a human being through induction."

Zhou Dao: "???"

After speaking, Li Hao smiled.

Zhou Dao was even more confused, and at the same time, a strange emotion began to condense in his heart.

After getting Li Hao, Chen Pingan began to let them enter the alien plane in an orderly manner.

The rest is up to the members themselves.

Ten geniuses began to lead a large group of people to the entrance. In just half an hour, there were only onlookers who could not enter the alien plane left in front of the entrance.

Chen Ping'an looked at the onlookers, dismissed them, and told them what to do. Even if some of the onlookers wanted to wait outside, they could only leave at this time.

After getting the idle people away, Chen Pingan called to clone them.

Emperor Hongtian and the other venerable masters were still there, and when they saw the kitchen knife and others coming out of Chen Ping'an's mansion, they were all watching them.

At first glance, the strength of these people should not be too weak, and the people with the lowest cultivation base are actually eleven or two.

Emperor Hongtian looked at Chen Ping'an and said, "Master Wu Zun, do you want them to enter the alien plane?"

Emperor Fuyin and other venerable lords stared at Chen Ping'an, waiting for Chen Ping'an to answer.

They have seen the strength of the kitchen knife, and when the kitchen knife Dao Dao Yi level reaches the sixty level, it can be said that it is more appropriate than Zhou Dao and Li Haoqiang.

However, now his Daoyi level is in his early twenties, and the Daoyi level of the others who follow the kitchen knife is lower. This kind of cultivation realm enters the already dangerous alien plane. Isn't this courting death!

No matter if you encounter the black smoke inside, or randomly encounter a person of fifty or sixty level from the death emperor's side, there is danger to your life.

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "It's okay, I'm very at ease with them."

Emperor Hongtian didn't know what to say.

But he also saw the clone at this time.

He found that the Great Intention Level on the clone had reached the Sixty Intent level, which was the strongest among these people.

Chen Ping'an looked at the kitchen knife and others, and said, "Go in, remember, be careful."

The kitchen knife and others nodded and stepped into the entrance of the alien plane.

The Great Emperor Tongyou, the Great Emperor Henggu, Yi Ge, and the others had not left yet. Looking at this scene, they all felt that there was no difference between entering a kitchen knife and sending them to death.

Moreover, this group of people obviously did not mean to any group of people, as if they wanted to explore this group of people by themselves!

And this is also the most important place for Emperor Hongtian and the others to think that it is dangerous for kitchen knives and others to enter.

After watching his daughter-in-law and others enter the alien plane, Chen Ping'an looked at Emperor Hongtian and said, "Lord Hongtian, just send some people to guard here, our business has to continue."

In order to move the alien plane here, he has almost used the stone of the avenue he saved.

There's only a little spare left.

So business must be stable.

Of course, after exploring the different planes, the resources obtained from it can also be exchanged for the stone of the avenue, or directly used for cultivation, but no matter what, the stone of the avenue is just needed.

Emperor Hongtian and the others liked the Stone of the Great Way more than Chen Ping'an. Even if Chen Ping'an told them to leave that business alone, they had to continue.

at this time.

In a certain direction in the heteroplane.

A group of people appeared one after another.

Ten thousand people appeared in a forest with no end in sight.

Zhou Dao, Li Hao and others entered the alien plane for the first time, so they did not dare to walk around after entering, and immediately observed the surroundings.

Chen Pingan appeared behind a group of Zhongtian organization members with a kitchen knife and others.

The environment of the alien plane is not much different from the Absolute Beginning Realm, that is, the energy of the Great Dao is stronger than that of the Absolute Beginning Realm.

The place where they are now is the largest forest in the alien plane. It will take some time to get out of this range.

Zhou Dao and Li Hao observed the surrounding area, and after confirming that there was no danger, they began to study the direction of exploration.

The last ten teams each chose a small direction and explored the depths of the alien plane.

After Chen Ping'an entered the alien plane, he left the big team and flew to the depths of the alien plane with a kitchen knife.

He was not afraid of danger and flew at full speed.

The sixty-level space-time avenue is extremely fast.

The last time I came to explore, I found that the deeper I went, the more advanced the resources and treasures I found, so if you have that strength, you don't need to explore slowly.

It's just right to fly directly to the place where the most treasures are, and when you reach a certain depth, let them experience the kitchen knife well.

And after flying for a distance, he brought a kitchen knife and they stopped.

Because he found that the traces of humans began to appear in front of him.

Possibly someone from Father Death's side.

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