When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1203: See who is the strongest

Zhongtian Organization Headquarters.

Chen Ping'an is staying with the lords such as the Great Emperor Hongtian at this moment.

They have gathered all the people of the 60th grade and below in the Zhongtian organization.

In the Zhongtian organization, there are many people of the 60th level.

There are even more people below the 60th level.

But after thinking about it again and again, Chen Ping'an and others still felt that people below the 20th level would not allow them to enter the alien plane.

Don't go in and become cannon fodder, and there will be countless casualties, so that's not good.

And Chen Ping'an can be sure that after the people he organized this time enter, there will definitely be a battle.

Not only to fight the black smoke in the alien plane, but also to fight with the people on the side of the Emperor Mother and the Father of Death.

Especially on the side of the Death Emperor.

He felt that Father Death should have made a decision now and was ready to give them a major blow.

Therefore, when organizing all the members who can enter the different planes to explore, Chen Ping'an solemnly warned everyone not to relax, maybe soon after entering, there will be a war.

Therefore, when he asked the members of the organization that went in to explore, they would all form a group and team up with each other.

Perhaps the probability of surviving this way will be higher.

Emperor Hongtian and other venerable masters came up with an idea.

That is to let some of the strongest geniuses lead some people to explore.

This idea was approved by Chen Pingan.

Therefore, Emperor Hongtian and other venerable masters began to gather the top geniuses who had reached the sixtieth level of cultivation.

The speed is very fast, just a stick of incense time.

The sky above the gate of Chen Ping'an's mansion.

At this moment, there was already a row of people who looked younger.

A group of venerable lords commented on these young people.

Chen Ping'an walked towards this group of 60-level geniuses who were selected and no one doubted their strength.

There are ten people in this group.

All are top talents.

With the strength of the sixty-level Dao, it is no problem for one person to match four or five people of the same realm.

These ten people looked a little rebellious, nine men and one woman.

Standing upright.

There is a special aura of confidence all around.

Gives a feeling of not being able to approach it at will.

At first glance, they seem to have grown from genius to adulthood, and the word talent has been with them almost all their lives.

But at this moment, when they saw Chen Ping'an approaching, they all shouted "I have seen the leader of Wu".

Chen Ping'an's exposed Dao strength is more than 60 Italian level, which is stronger than them.

However, Chen Ping'an is strong in other aspects, especially in interpersonal relationships, and this time the entrance to the alien plane is incomparable to them.

No matter how talented they are, they dare not make mistakes at this moment.

And they also happened to be people in the power of the lord such as the Great Emperor Hongtian.

If you dare not listen to Chen Ping'an's words, or make trouble in front of Chen Ping'an, you might be beaten up when you go back!

Chen Ping'an nodded with a smile, and said, "Everyone, you are the top ten people in the sixty-level cultivation base, so I will give you a task to lead a group of people into different planes, organize them to explore, or Take the responsibility of a general in battle."

Chen Ping'an did some psychological construction for these people, and at the same time was observing the situation of these people.

After Chen Ping'an finished speaking, he found that most people were quite normal.

On the contrary, there was a man in Tsing Yi, and the only woman in a white dress, who looked a little unhappy.

Chen Pingan said: "You, and you, come with me."

The man in green clothes and the woman in white dress were stunned when they saw Chen Ping'an's name and wanted to chat with them privately.

After the two looked at each other, they could only follow Chen Pingan to fly towards the Great Emperor Hongtian.

Chen Ping'an stopped in front of Emperor Hongtian and other Venerable Masters, turned to look at the two people who were following, and asked, "Why, do you have any concerns or thoughts? I think you two seem to be troublesome."

When Emperor Fuyin and Emperor Yanlong heard Chen Ping'an's words, they both frowned and looked at the two in front of Chen Ping'an.

That man in yellow was a genius in the Yanlong Great Emperor's family.

The woman in the white skirt is a genius in the power of Emperor Fuyin, and has a great relationship with Emperor Fuyin, she is the daughter of Emperor Fuyin's sister.

The woman in the white dress should call Emperor Fuyin the uncle.

The two did not know how to answer Chen Ping'an for a while.

Yes, they are troublesome.

They entered the different planes for the purpose of exploring and acquiring treasures, so as to improve themselves.

Now it is said that they have to lead a large number of people, and they may have to fight, which makes them feel troublesome.

With their strength, they will not be in danger if they wander freely.

Seeing that the two of them didn't speak, Chen Ping'an said seriously, "I looked at the ten of you. Among the ten of you, the two of you are the strongest. If you can't take the lead and obey the arrangements, what do you think the others will do? "

Chen Pingan had to instill in them the concept of teamwork.

He could see that these two were the strongest among the ten.

But the two apparently disliked leading the members of the organization to explore trouble.

You must know that the current alien plane is no longer what it was when it appeared last time. Not to mention the danger brought by black smoke, it may become a battlefield.

If the two explore and adventure alone, the chances of death are also high.

Who knows the strongest black smoke inside, what level is it?

It's better to have someone by your side to help.

Emperor Hongtian and other venerable lords watched from the side, but when they heard Chen Ping'an say that the two were the strongest among the ten, they couldn't help looking at each other.

They were surprised by Chen Ping's ability to see people.

That's right.

These two are the strongest among the ten super geniuses.

But if it was placed a year ago, they, who were the top powerhouses in the Absolute Beginning Realm, would not have seen this.

The reason is very simple, because these two have been too low-key.

Even the Great Emperor Fuyin and the Great Emperor Yanlong did not know that these two people in their own power were actually the strongest two in the sixty-level cultivation stage.

And the reason why they know this result is because of a genius exchange battle.

Only their lords know about this exchange battle.

It was also held by them.

In that exchange battle, the two stood out and became the strongest dark horse.

Both Emperor Fuyin and Emperor Yanlong were surprised for a long time.

And today, the reason why they found these ten people so quickly was to directly call the top ten in that exchange battle.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an could see at a glance that the two were the strongest among the ten, and they couldn't help but wonder if Chen Ping'an was also watching the battle at that time.

At that time, Chen Pingan had not yet joined the organization.

And they didn't find Chen Pingan there either.

Or, through what channel did Chen Pingan know about it?

But even so, it can be seen how strong Chen Ping'an has done to their organization.

But it would be terrifying if Chen Ping'an hadn't seen that exchange battle, and could only see that the two were the strongest with his eyesight.

What kind of eyesight does it take to do this?

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