When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1202: broken defense

Father Death, who was silent for a while, shouted loudly.


"Damn it all!!"

Broken defense.

He broke the defense.

After cultivating for so many years, he has never encountered such a thing that made him hate so deeply, and even wished he would kill someone to vent his anger now.

Obviously, at the beginning, only his side had the entrance to the other plane, and he monopolized the development and exploration rights of the other plane.

Later, Murong Ruhua committed suicide. At the beginning, Emperor Mu fought desperately and forced him to agree to pay compensation, not to mention the fact that he still told him that there was also an entrance to an alien plane in the Zhongtian organization? !

The reason why the dead emperor promised to compensate the emperor at the beginning.

One is that he is really afraid that the mad woman of the Taichu Emperor's mother will fight with him. During the battle, the Taichu Emperor's mother is really crazy. He has never seen the other party so crazy. He even doubts whether the Taichu Emperor's mother likes Murong Ruhua. .

The second is to see that there is only an entrance to an alien plane on his side in the Absolute Beginning Realm. With the advantage of monopoly to explore the Different Plane, he can be sure that as long as he is still alive, it will not be long before he can rule the Absolute Beginning Realm alone. !

At that time, the Zhongtian Organization will be considered a ball in the future, and when the exploration of the different planes is completed, all geniuses will become masters who can help, and it will be easy to destroy the Zhongtian Organization.

It was also because he saw that kind of hope that he confessed in front of the emperor at the beginning, and even did not hesitate to make himself unable to touch women for more than a hundred years.

But now the accident suddenly gave him a blow.

Can you break the defense?

Qingshuang didn't dare to say a word, and after reporting this, she lowered her head.

She dared not touch the bad head of the Death Emperor.

She already felt that Father Death had lost something.

At this moment, there is no man's breath on the death emperor.

If she angered the death emperor, and the other party couldn't vent his anger into her, he might do it!

Even if he was too hot for a while, he was too ruthless. What should I do if I killed her?

There is a saying that companions are like companions to tigers, she can still be a little more cowardly.

However, no matter how she made herself appear transparent, she was still stared at by the Death Father.

On a normal day, the death emperor must have used other methods to vent at this moment. Now he can't do it, so he can only grit his teeth and say: "What a fool to do now! Send orders to the top geniuses who have entered the other plane, and soon The people organized by Hou Zhongtian will enter the alien plane, and they will all let me kill! See one and kill one!!!"

The Father of Death decided.

Take a big gamble!

Originally, the geniuses on their side of the Hall of the Undead were more and stronger than the Zhongtian organization.

Now, since the people from the Zhongtian Organization can also enter, then given the prosperity of the business of the Zhongtian Organization, if they do nothing in the Hall of the Dead, the Zhongtian Organization will eventually overtake and suppress it.

Then why don't you take a gamble and declare war, and let the geniuses at the 60th level and below who have entered the other planes kill the people who are organized by Zhongtian!

They will definitely lose a lot in this battle, but they will definitely win in the end.

He still has confidence in the geniuses of his Hall of the Dead.

Not to mention the loss of a large number of geniuses by the Zhongtian organization, they will also miss out on a lot of treasure resources from other planes. For them, the Hall of the Undead is considered a delaying strategy!

Qingshuang didn't dare to say a word, she nodded quickly, and began to instruct others to do it.

When the sixty-level geniuses of their own forces entered the different planes, they gave them some interlinked messenger treasures.

Now send a person in, use the messenger to contact those people, and issue an order.

Father Death gritted his teeth and said with killing intent: "You all wait for me! One day, I will make you all my dogs!!!"

In the mind of the dead emperor, the mother of the early emperor appeared. At this moment, in his heart, he no longer regarded the mother of the early emperor as a woman.

He decided that once he had the ability to subdue the Emperor Mother of the beginning, he would definitely let the mad woman, the Emperor Mother of the beginning, experience what it means to "wear the heart with ten thousand sticks"!

At the beginning of the emperor's side.

In the early days, the emperor's mother was more seriously injured than the dead emperor's father, and her face was very pale.

At this moment, Zixia, with an ugly face, reported the news from the fine work placed on the Zhongtian Organization's side.

"Cough, cough." After hearing the news of the entrance of the hetero-plane from the Zhongtian Organization, the Emperor Mother of the beginning coughed over her mouth.

When she spread it out, she saw a cloud of blood on her palm.

Zixia frowned and said with concern, "Master, are you alright?"

Only now did she know that her master had fought against the Death Emperor not long ago.

The Emperor Mother shook her head and said: "It's fine! I can't imagine that the Zhongtian Organization is so lucky! If only the beast has an entrance to the other plane, even if I don't help the beast attack the Zhongtian Organization, the Zhongtian Organization will be suppressed by the beast in the future. bullied, or even killed."

Now that there is an entrance to another plane in the Zhongtian organization, her relationship with the death emperor has deteriorated again because of the death of a flower. Interest, let the death emperor pay something.

All of this is simply beneficial to the Zhongtian organization!

The Zhongtian organization can be said to be very lucky!

You know, even if there is an entrance to the other plane in the Zhongtian organization, if she has to help the death emperor to suppress the Zhongtian organization, the Zhongtian organization is doomed.

Zixia said solemnly: "Master! Actually, have you ever thought that we will join forces with the Zhongtian Organization, except for that beast?!"

In the past, Zixia didn't dare to say this.

Because she was afraid that her master still had thoughts or old feelings for the dead emperor.

But after experiencing the death like a flower, and fighting her master to the death and the death father, she can be 100% sure that her master can't wait for the death father to die!

At the beginning of the emperor's mother fell into silence.

Finally she shook her head.

Zixia couldn't understand, she frowned and asked, "Why? Master, do you still have thoughts about that beast?!"

Seeing that her apprentice was emotional and asked such stupid things, the Emperor Mother of the First Time was not angry, but sighed: "You think too much."

In the beginning, the Emperor Mother actually understood her apprentice's mood.

After all, she also went crazy once not long ago.

Zixia calmed down, and then asked, "Master, are you worried that after Zhongtian's organization has destroyed that beast, you will turn the spear and target us?"

The First Emperor nodded this time: "That's right."

Zixia said: "But we helped them kill that beast, they always know how we stand in line."

The last time the Emperor Mother did not help the Death Emperor to destroy the Zhongtian Organization, she also had the same scruples, fearing that the balance would be disrupted, and then she would become the next victim.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother looked into the distance: "Zixia, never try to test people's hearts. I have experienced too many things in my life. As a woman, I can achieve such achievements because I remember one sentence."

"That's not asking for others, just asking for yourself!"

"Because in this cruel world, there can be no one who sincerely helps you without asking for anything in return."

Zixia became quiet.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother said: "Now there is an entrance to the Zhongtian organization, it should be soon, a war will be played on the other plane, you can find a way to let the fine work in, contact our geniuses, let them protect themselves, can If you don't join the war, don't join the war, and look for opportunities!"

Zixia nodded and ordered to go on.

On the Zhongtian organization's side, Chen Ping'an and other venerable masters have already organized people and began to let people enter the alien plane.

Chen Ping'an split up again.

The strength limit of the alien plane is the sixty level, so his clone has close to three thousand sixty level mainstream avenues.

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