When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1204: inexplicable man

Chen Ping'an didn't have time to pay attention to Emperor Hongtian and others, and he didn't know they were surprised. Seeing that the two of them didn't speak, he continued: "So, what do you think? You can tell me if you have any scruples."

If others don't want to lead a group of people that's fine.

But if the two strongest people don't want to, then it will not work.

The man in yellow surnamed Zhou, whose full name is Zhou Dao, said with a wry smile at the moment: "I did feel a little troublesome just now, but since you have said so, I will follow your arrangement."

He glanced at the Great Emperor Yanlong at this time, and when he saw the face of the other party that made him be obedient, he was going to beat him up if he dared to say a word, so he could only compromise.

On the contrary, the woman in the white dress was a little wilder.

Her surname is Li, her full name is Li Hao.

That's right, this manly-sounding name was her full name.

Perhaps because of the name, she is clearly a woman, wearing a skirt, but also looks a little masculine.

She said bluntly: "I don't have the talent to lead troops to fight. I like to be alone. I'm sorry."

The corner of Fu Yin's mouth twitched.

What should I say, he can't do anything about this little girl.

Relatives, plus the other party's talent is good, and the character is like that, it's useless to scold or threaten.

I am afraid that I will never change this temperament in doing things forever.

Chen Ping'an didn't expect that Zhou Dao would be easier to handle, while Li Hao was even more difficult to handle. At this moment, he stopped looking at Zhou Dao and stared at Li Hao seriously: "Little girl, if you say that you are used to being alone, then I will too. Give you a chance to act on your own."

"You said." Li Hao was still very polite or respectful to Chen Ping'an, but the choice he made now may be due to his temper, or he really didn't want to lead people.

Chen Ping'an said: "If you explore the alien plane by yourself, the crisis is extremely great, especially the death emperor has more geniuses, you may die in it, unless you can prove that your strength will not be in the alien plane. If you die in the face, I will give you what you want, how about it?"

"Oh? How to prove it?" Li Hao was also extremely confident, even in the face of Zhou Dao, she was not afraid.

In fact, the two fought several times last time, and each time it was a draw, and now it should be no exception. Even if she played exceptionally, she might have won Zhou Dao.

It can be said that in the Zhongtian organization, among the people who entered the other plane, the strongest person is not an exaggeration.

Even if she has not fought against the top geniuses of the same level on the Death Emperor's side, she feels that she is not inferior, or even stronger.

Chen Pingan said: "Come with me, I will be back soon."

After finishing speaking, Chen Ping'an looked at Emperor Hongtian and other esteemed masters, and said, "Make arrangements for the others, and try to divide the members of the organization as evenly as possible."

They did this entirely to reduce casualties to these members.

The future of these members who can enter the alien plane can be said to be the future of the organization.

So protect it as much as you can.

And it is difficult for Chen Ping'an to take care of so many people, so he can only let these ten top geniuses protect the members of the organization as much as possible.

Emperor Hongtian and other honorable lords watched Chen Ping'an take Li Hao away, and they were all thinking about how he planned to make Li Hao change his mind.

Emperor Fuyin wanted to speak, but in the end he held back and let Chen Pingan take Li Hao away.

These lords began to arrange members of the organization.

Chen Ping'an didn't take Li Hao anywhere, but only brought her into a hall of the mansion.

At this moment, the place is full of people.

It was the kitchen knives and other utensils, Murong Gong Chen Yi and others, as well as Pu Xu and a few elves who had reached the 20th level of the Dao.

come here.

The Dao Yi level is almost at or close to the 20 Yi level.

The reason why Chen Ping'an could not protect the others in Zhongtian's organization was that he had to protect the kitchen knife and them.

The situation of the choppers and the others is rather special, and it is not easy to organize those people with Zhong Tian to explore the different planes.

So he planned not to let the choppers go with the members of the organization, and let the clone take them everywhere to explore.

Chen Pingan took Li Hao to the hall.

When Li Hao heard that Chen Ping'an asked her to prove her strength, he felt that he should fight someone.

Seeing Chen Ping'an taking her into the mansion, he thought that it might be possible for Chen Ping'an to fight her in person.

And looking at Chen Pingan's cultivation, she didn't worry about anything.

Chen Ping'an has not yet reached the seventy level, although he is stronger than her, he will not be crushed.

After all, she is a super genius!

She just came to the hall and saw a group of low-level people here, she didn't understand what Chen Ping'an wanted to do.

And after looking at the people here, she found that the women here are all very beautiful!

It made her a little ecstatic.

After Chen Pingan entered the hall, he looked in one direction.

There was an ordinary-looking man sitting there.

That was his clone, wearing two disguise masks.

At this moment, the avenue where the clone is displayed is the avenue of fire, which is sixty-level.

Chen Ping'an turned to look at Li Hao, and said, "I know more about the genius of the Death Emperor, and that little brother used to be a member of the Hall of the Undead, and he ranks relatively high among the geniuses of the Death Father. Because the family was destroyed by the death emperor, he hated the death emperor extremely, so he joined my camp."

"If you fight him, you will know how dangerous it is to act alone in a different plane."

Li Hao followed Chen Pingan's gaze to the sitting avatar.

The Avenue of Fire is sixty-level.

He looks very ordinary and unremarkable.

She was sure she hadn't seen each other.

"I won't force me to lead a group of people?" Li Hao asked.

In her eyes, it seemed that the members of those organizations had become a burden, and it was a very troublesome thing to lead them.

Chen Ping'an knew that Li Hao looked down on people who were weaker than himself, and this kind of mentality was unacceptable.

He also decided to teach this Zhongtian organization to be a good person in the future.

"It's too difficult to win." Chen Pingan said.

Li Hao frowned, not understanding, and suspecting that he heard it wrong.

Chen Ping'an said: "If you can survive three moves on his hands, you can do whatever you want."

Li Hao snorted coldly in his heart.

Support him with three moves?

It's hard to say whether he can take my three moves.

She didn't want to be quick, she said directly, "Come on."

The clone stood up.

Chen Pingan took out a formation to protect the surrounding environment.

The kitchen knife and the others did not speak, just stood around, watching this scene with a look on their faces that was not too big of a problem.

Li Hao and Chen Ping'an stood opposite each other and said indifferently: "I want to see how powerful the genius is on the Death Father's side. Come on, don't let me out because I'm a woman, or you will suffer."

Chen Ping'an avatar smiled and nodded: "Then be careful."

After finishing speaking, when Li Hao took it seriously, he began to get serious.

I saw several avenues of marks suddenly flashed behind him.

They are the imprint of the Avenue of Time and Space.

Mark of the Road of Fire.

Mark of the Avenue of Water.

Devouring the Mark of the Avenue.

Mark of the Dark Road.

The avenue level on his body is also fully displayed at this time.

These types of avenues are all at the sixty level.

Li Hao was calm and confident just a moment ago.

But it couldn't hold back for a moment.

At this moment, Chen Ping'an moved.

The Avenue of Time and Space only revolved once, and there was only one afterimage left in place.

He moved quickly, and a fire and water appeared in the palm of his hand.

He is covered with the energy of the Devouring Avenue and the Dark Avenue.

These two avenues have a function, that is, defense.

Therefore, at this moment, the fastest speed, the most extreme attack, and the most inexplicable defense appeared in one person.

Li Hao stood there, motionless, dumbfounded.

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