What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 233 The Principal’s Secret (13 guaranteed)

Chapter 233 The Principal’s Secret (13 guaranteed)

I'm here. Aokiji pushed open the door of the office, but saw Nakamura Jinnosuke, who had always been calm and calm, turning around hurriedly, pressing it back and forth on his hair. It took several seconds before he turned around, pretending to be serious. Cough twice.

Why didn't you knock on the door? Nakamura Jinnosuke didn't know if Aokiji saw anything. Just now he felt wet in his wig, so he took it off and wiped it. But before he could put it on, Aokiji pushed the door open and came in. .

Aokiji looked at Nakamura Jinnosuke's appearance at this time, and he always felt that he looked familiar, but he couldn't tell exactly how familiar it was. If he had to give an example, it would be like an otaku secretly beating his hands. Ahem, it's weird anyway.

Uh, my fault. Aokiji admitted his mistake honestly. It was true that he had a lot of things on his mind when he came in, and he forgot to knock on the door first when he was distracted.

Nakamura Jinnosuke pointed to the sofa with a cold face: Sit down first.

Aoki Si sat on the sofa obediently, thinking about how they would explain and smooth things over if he accused Maeda Tora.

However, unexpectedly, Nakamura Jinnosuke just talked about it first: This is your bonus.

Huh? Aokiji looked confused as he watched Nakamura Jinnosuke put an envelope on the table.

Nakamura Jinnosuke just smiled: Don't you know? We always reward students who excel in exams.

Oh. Aokiji then remembered that he had gone through a mock exam some time ago.

I don't know what my grades are. I've been so busy these days that I forgot to care about my test scores.

First of all, I would like to congratulate you for getting the first grade in grade. Nakamura Jinnosuke's words made Aokiji widen his eyes slightly: Me? First in grade?

Aokiji originally thought that he could only get first place in the class, and his grades in the whole grade probably depended on luck. After all, although the exam was very easy for him, he thought he was still far away from the so-called 'student masters'. There is a certain gap.

Yes. Nakamura Jinnosuke took a sip of tea and said calmly: Although it is only a one-point advantage, you did get the first place in your grade.

Aokiji laughed and shook his head: This is really unexpected.

In my previous life, I was a weakling in the Chinese Aoki Division. I could only break into the top ten in my grade. I didn’t expect that I would get the first place by relying on my skills and my much smarter brain just by paddling casually in this life.

Although this mental attribute cannot turn him into the kind of genius who has no plans and is unparalleled in the world. But to be honest, the performance in learning is still quite great. Both memory and understanding ability are more than one step higher than before.

I plan to have you deliver a speech as the school representative at next year's opening ceremony. Nakamura Jinnosuke's words surprised Aokiji.

Me? Aokiji pointed at himself, his eyes widening. Although his academic performance is not bad, the so-called student representative is usually the president of the student union, or a student with excellent moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic qualities.

And he is a bad boy!

Nakamura Jinnosuke nodded seriously: It's still early, you just need to know. Let's talk about another thing now.

You said it. Aokiji nodded.

Nakamura Ninosuke cleared his throat when he heard this, with a serious expression: What happened the past few days?

Aokiji was silent for a while and briefly told the whole story.

Nakamura Jinnosuke nodded: It's pretty much the same as what I know, but...

What's wrong? Aokiji looked at Nakamura Jinnosuke's expression, which seemed a little difficult to explain, and took the initiative to ask.

Nakamura Jinnosuke then expressed his doubts: Did anyone help you after this matter? Not only did the media unanimously favor us and criticize Kaijiu, but even the police did not pursue the case. our responsibility.

Aokiji hesitated for a moment and said, This may be due to my coach's contribution. Well, hasn't he communicated with you yet?

Your coach? Nakamura Jinnosuke's eyes widened.

It turns out he hasn't said hello to you yet. Aokiji remembered that Matsuyama Iwa had said that he would have to wait another day, and he suddenly said: Actually, I am still a mixed martial arts fighter.

A mixed martial arts fighter? Nakamura Jinnosuke looked Aokiji up and down: Can you explain it to me in detail?

It's the Supernova Conference. I wonder if Mr. Principal has heard of it? After Aokiji finished speaking, he saw Nakamura Jinnosuke lost in thought.

Supernova Conference. Is it the fighting event that you often see on TV recently, which is said to be a joint venture with foreign countries and aims at foreign professional stages? I heard it seems to be very big.

Seeing that Nakamura Jinnosuke didn't know much about it, but seemed to have heard the name, Aokiji explained a little bit.

Nakamura Jinnosuke suddenly realized: Then what is your coach's name?

Songshan Rock.

Aokiji's words immediately caused Nakamura Jinnosuke's expression to change slightly.

Songshan Rock?

Is it possible? Nakamura Jinnosuke couldn't help but ask: Do you know anything about his identity?

I only know that he seems to be quite rich. Aokiji shrugged.

So if that’s the case, then they’re almost inseparable! The Matsuyama family is the only one with money and energy in Chiba!

That was a big family with great strength in both business and political circles. Aokiji was so lucky to be able to get involved with people there. No wonder this matter was resolved so easily.

I see!

Nakamura Jinnosuke's brain was spinning rapidly, and one idea after another appeared. He pondered for a moment, and suddenly said: Aoki-san, are you confident in fighting competitions?

Ah? Aokiji hesitated for a moment and replied: I still have confidence. My goal is to win the championship. Of course, there will definitely be other strong players in the competition. I can't guarantee that I will win the championship 100%, but I think the probability is still quite high. of.

Nakamura Jinnosuke raised his lips slightly: I heard that Aoki-san also performed well in the kendo club?

There is indeed some research. Aokiji is quite confident now. Although there is still a little gap between Busujima Saeko, a talented and hard-working person, but for now, in the high school circle , Aokiji believes that his kendo strength is still worthy of mention.

Really? Are Aoki-san interested in joining the student union? Nakamura Jinzhi's introduction was shocking, and Aokiji quickly shook his head in rejection.

How can I, a bad boy, join the student union?

Of course, this is just a refusal. In fact, Aokiji is afraid of trouble.

Nakamura Jinnosuke said seriously: How can any bad boy be as versatile as you?

Uh, it seems so.

Shaking his head with a wry smile, Aokiji declined: I really don't have much time now.

Okay. Nakamura Jinnosuke nodded, as if he thought of something, he suddenly smiled and said: After a while, Aoki-san may encounter some trouble.

Trouble? Aokiji raised his eyebrows.

You will know when the time comes. Please also ask Aoki-san not to be too harsh on a girl.

Nakamura Jinnosuke's words left Aokiji completely confused.

But at this time, Nakamura Jinnosuke already knew everything he wanted to know, and he also had an idea of ​​his future plans. He smiled and said to Aokiji: Okay, then I have nothing to be curious about. I just hope Aoki-san can restrain his friends and not let them disrupt the normal order of the school.

Yes. Aokiji stood up and said goodbye to Nakamura Jinnosuke.

Before leaving, I was surprised to see that Nakamura Jinnosuke's meticulous back seemed to be slightly tilted.


Aokiji raised his eyebrows and felt soft: I didn't expect that the principal was so busy that he didn't even bother to fix his hair. It seemed that he had indeed troubled him a lot.

Out of good intentions, Aokiji used the Detection Eye skill on Nakamura Ninosuke, trying to see if Nakamura Ninosuke had any hidden physical dangers, as a kind reminder.

As a result, the information that caught his eye made Aokiji look strange.

[Test object: Nakamura Jinnosuke. 】

[Physical condition: Mild mental fatigue, slight waist muscle strain, mild rheumatoid arthritis in the left knee, severe hair loss. 】

Wait, severe hair loss?

Aokiji looked at Nakamura Jinnosuke's graying hair, which was slightly tilted, and his eyes slowly widened.

Could this be

Nakamura Jinnosuke watched Aoki Si staring at his hair getting weirder and weirder, and his expression became more and more shocked. He hurriedly wanted to turn around, turned his back to Aoki Si and used the back of his chair to cover his sight, but he didn't think about turning around. The speed was too fast, and when I turned my head, my head suddenly felt refreshing and cold.

Aoki looked at the big white wig hanging on the desk lamp with a gorgeous parabola in front of his face, and said with an awkward expression: Yes, I'm sorry.

Nakamura Jinnosuke raised his hand and touched his forehead, his expression was filled with despair.

Me, my secret is exposed.

Looking at Tsukasa Aoki, who looked embarrassed but could not help but cast his gaze at the top of his head, Nakamura Jinnosuke raised his hand tremblingly: Get out, get out!


PS: There are only three updates today. I’m adjusting my schedule. To be honest, I’m still a little sleepy recently. Maybe it’s because I worked too hard the past few days. But having said that, it’s really nice to rest for a while, and it’s always nice to rest. It’s been a long time since I’ve felt this abundant.

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