What should I do if I look too fierce?

Chapter 232 Aokiji’s backer (33 guaranteed)

Chapter 232 Aokiji’s backer (33 guaranteed)

I haven't learned how to say some euphemistic words, so let's express our meaning in the way I'm good at. Maeda Tora looked serious and pointed to himself: I, Maeda Tora, a freshman in high school, am following the boss of Aokiji The one who has been around the longest.”

If you want to fire the boss, please fire me too. Maeda Tora looked at Nakamura Jinnosuke quietly.

Miao Fujiwara said in a relaxed tone: And me.

Well, I'm about to graduate. You can't be so cruel, right? Ueno Yang looked at Nakamura Jinnosuke with a smile.

And me. Matsusaka Daitake followed closely.

Me too. And me.

For a time, echoes came and went.

Humph, if you want me to come, I will fire you all! A bunch of little bastards, Tominaga Yuki raised the corner of his mouth coldly.

The faces of the board members present were not very good.

Nakamura Jinnosuke just said lightly: Did Aokiji ask you to come?

Of course not, the boss doesn't know anything about it yet. Maeda Tora shrugged.

You go out first, I will take your opinions into consideration. Nakamura Jinnosuke's tone was quite calm.

Looking at the motionless delinquents, one second, two seconds, until four or five seconds passed quietly, Nakamura Jinnosuke shouted angrily: Do you still have a teacher in your eyes? Principal, this is how Aokiji teaches. Yours?

Before some of the hot-tempered delinquents could speak, Ishihara Ryota seemed to think of something and nodded: I understand.

After saying that, Ishihara Ryota took the person and walked out.

Until they all walked out, the conference room became silent, and everyone's expression became extremely bad.

After a long time, there was a sudden sound of clapping.

Tominaga Yuki laughed out loud with a smile on his face: Okay, that's great. Is this our student from Wuyang?

So, Tominaga-kun plans to expel them all? Nakamura Jinnosuke stared at him with a calm expression.

No, no, no, it's up to you to decide this kind of thing. Yuki Tominaga took a step back and looked at the cold expressions of the board members around him, smiling secretly.

If you don't give them an explanation for this matter, I'm afraid it won't work.

Aokiji, I didn’t expect your little brother to be so helpful, haha, hahaha!

Tominaga Yuuki almost laughed out loud.

However, Nakamura Jinnosuke just said leisurely: Then don't expel me and end the meeting.

Nakamura Jinnosuke! A board member suddenly slammed the table and cursed angrily: What on earth do you think!? Look at what Wuyang has become now!

How about that? Expelled? Then let them hold a grudge and come to take revenge on us from time to time? Think about it, if dozens of bad boys come to Wuyang gate to cause trouble when they have nothing to do, can our school still be stable? Zhongcun After Jinnosuke finished speaking, someone in the video hummed.

I have some relationship with Jixing. We are just bad boys. Even if we cause trouble, I can make peace with it. The speaker is a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face. In the video, he is wearing a crisp suit and a valuable wristband. watch.

Nakamura Jinnosuke smiled and said: What if Aokiji is also related?

What do you mean? The Chinese character frowned.

Nakamura Jinnosuke said: This is news that has been circulating in the school for a long time, that there is a powerful force standing behind Aoki Tsukasa.

What does he have to do with it? Tominaga Yuki smiled disdainfully.

Nakamura Jinnosuke was serious about it: Then why after this incident, four or five of Kaijiu's bad students were arrested and sent to juvenile detention centers, but in our Wuyang and other schools, this did not happen. anything?

Yeah the Chinese-character face frowned.

If someone hadn't cleared the relationship between them, do you think this thing might have happened? Nakamura Jinnosuke said: Although I don't know who is standing behind him, I think the energy will never be so small. Where to go.

Yuki Tominaga also fell silent. Although he was greedy and arrogant, he was still a qualified businessman - risk measurement was something he must be able to do.

His goal is to remove Nakamura Jinnosuke from his position as school director. Aokiji is just an excuse he uses. Even if he doesn't start from Aokiji, he still has many ways to save the country. If the cost of getting Aokiji is too high, Tominaga Yuki needs to think carefully.

There are many people on the board of directors who think this way.

So I suggest that the meeting should be postponed. Nakamura Jinnosuke felt really tired - these people in front of him were really too interested, and it didn't make sense to show off the existing benefits, and even he was not sure about it. The 'Aoki Si backer' came, but they immediately changed their minds.

Then let's wait and see. First, we will see the subsequent impact on our school. Second, I will find someone to investigate who was behind this incident, and what does this have to do with Aoki Tsukasa. After the Chinese-faced board member finished speaking, he directly pressed the exit button of the video.

The other board members basically did the same. After saying a few words, they turned off the video.

Watching the projector gradually turn into darkness, Nakamura Jinnosuke slowly looked around: Then let's do this for now.

Tominaga Yuki stood up and walked to Nakamura Jinnosuke expressionlessly: It doesn't matter, I still have patience. When school starts next year, Aokiji's affairs will inevitably affect the enrollment of new students. When the enrollment rate drops significantly, you still It’s hard to escape the blame.”

I don't think that will be the case. Nakamura Jinnosuke looked confident.

Hmph. Tominaga Yuki walked out of the conference room with a sullen face.

Nakamura Jinnosuke secretly breathed a sigh of relief and returned to his office. He took off the meticulous gray back wig on his head, wiped the sweat on his forehead, touched the sparse hair on his head, and put the wig back on again. Putting it on, he sighed.

Nakamura Jinnosuke thought for a moment, then called Matsushita and asked him to ask Aoki Tsukasa to come find him.

And what is Aokiji doing at this time?


In the classroom, Aokiji looked at Tora Maeda with a cold face and asked, Why did you do this without asking me?

I want to help the boss! Maeda Tora said with disapproval: Can he really fire all of us together? If he dares, isn't he afraid of our revenge?

Why are you so naive? Aokiji stared at him, wanting to grab his ears and reason with him: Even if they don't fire you, they can't cure you? They asked you to fail the exam for no reason, and your diploma was delayed for no reason. ,what should you do?

And if they are more cruel, wait and tolerate it, wait until you have almost forgotten about this matter, and suddenly find another reason to drop you out of school, what should you do?

I didn't think so much. Maeda Tora smiled awkwardly and scratched his head: Anyway, it's hard for them to fire the boss directly now, and I didn't fail. The law does not blame the public, and the law does not blame the public.


Aokiji silently slapped his bald head: If something like this happens again in the future, you must say hello to me first. Do you understand? With your head, how can you not blame others?

Maeda Tiger chuckled: Okay, okay.

This has aroused enough hatred for me, right?

Aokiji smiled bitterly, not knowing how Nakamura Jinnosuke would handle this matter.

Okay, Maeda Tora didn't do it on purpose. He had good intentions. Teruhashi Shinmei smiled and stayed next to Aokiji. Logically speaking, her self-esteem would never allow her to be so shameless. She looks like a goddess, but when she thinks that Aokiji will leave the school temporarily tomorrow and may not even be able to come to watch the school festival, she feels uncomfortable.

She had worked so hard to get Tsukasa Aoki to breathe out for her at the school festival!

When Teruhashi Shinmei thought of this, she couldn't help but clasp her hands silently: God, please help your daughter, so that Sijun must come to school to watch my performance on the day of the school festival!

If Si was not here, who would I perform for?

Seeing Teruhashi Shinmei suddenly clasping her hands together as she spoke, with a sincere look on her face, Aokiji always felt an ominous premonition.

Aoki-kun? The principal invites you to go to the office. Matsushita suddenly opened the class door.

Aokiji glanced at Teruhashi Koimi and nodded immediately: Okay.

It’s better to stay away from her first——

PS: There are still only three updates today. The coding efficiency has been extremely low these days. I have revised and rewritten what I wrote but still don’t like it.

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